
Persona 3: Reload (PC) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Paul Broussard: "There is a lot to like, and even love about Persona 3, but it’s all buried underneath an incredible amount of tediousness - a very slow start to the story, an insipid amount of busywork and bland grinding in Tartarus, and a fairly unengaging overworld - so it’s tough to say I found myself enjoying it as a first timer. Perhaps it’s unfair to judge an older title by more modern standards, and I’m sure for people who enjoyed the original game, there’s no reason to dislike what’s here. If you're someone who doesn't mind a lot of busy work and a slow start in exchange for an interesting story (particularly the ending), then feel free to ignore everything written previously. However, it’s tough for me personally to view this as anything other than an average experience."

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H9145d ago

"Perhaps it’s unfair to judge an older title by more modern standards"

Oh yes because mission and story structure nowadays is not just repetitive quests and Hollywood bait cutscenes and dialogue

Machina145d ago

Almost certain he's referring to Persona 4 & 5 there (since he discusses them elsewhere in the review).

GoodGuy09145d ago

I agree it's way too slow and tedious compared to 4 and 5. You can really tell that this was the first game within the trio of 3-5 and made on the ps2, Atlus did a pretty good job though with the visuals and much of the improvements it has and mostly sticking faithful to the original... don't think the game is a 5/10 though lol.

SegaSaturn669144d ago

Persona 3 Tartarus is one of my favourite dungeon designs ever. Just an endless climb, no stupid switch puzzles or fetching nonsense. Just surviving with limited resources. Genius.

DrDoomer144d ago

This is what happens when you don't have a professional reviewer to give an objective analysis, and you just get a random schmo to post his personal opinion.

Brazz144d ago

You just described VGChartz reviwers in general. The bias and subjectivity there is gigantic, in especial for some Nintendo titles.

coolbeans144d ago

-"a professional reviewer to give an objective analysis"

What exactly is demanded to reach this threshold? Because 9 times out of 10 it seems like conforming more to everyone else, regardless of one's own unique complaints, is the motivating factor to be considered "objective."

DrDoomer144d ago

His unique complaints basically amount to - "y'all might like it, but I found it boring, so I give it a mediocre/10"

coolbeans144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

You understand he detailed *why* he found it boring both in the review and the description above, right? Again, I just don't get what counts as earning an "objective" analysis by your rationale.

DrDoomer142d ago

Yeah, he said he found parts of the game tedious, which is a synonym for boring.

An objective analysis is being able to recognize that some people will find it tedious, while others will love every second of it, and then basing your score on that overall knowledge. Stepping over your own ego and biases and giving credit where it's due. Rating the game as an overall experience, rather than taking a part of it that you personally weren't into and then basing your entire conclusion around that. And then slapping a score on it that is so far out of whack with both the industry and consumer consensus, that you're either some brilliant outlier who is smarter than everybody else, or you're a goofball who is flat out wrong. It's obviously the latter.

Hope this stops you from asking any more stupid questions. Have a good day.

coolbeans141d ago

-"An objective analysis is being able to recognize that some people will find it tedious, while others will love every second of it, and then basing your score on that overall knowledge."

But all of that is seemingly achieved just within the description posted above! lol

-"Rating the game as an overall experience, rather than taking a part of it that you personally weren't into and then basing your entire conclusion around that. And then slapping a score on it that is so far out of whack with both the industry and consumer consensus..."

But, as far as I'm aware, these features here aren't just "a part" of the larger whole but rather take up a sizable portion of the overall experience. Is it unfair to be heavily critical to an interminable slog *if* that takes up ~1/3 of your overall time with the game? All of this just seems to stem back to a score than the written rationale behind it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 141d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic144d ago (Edited 144d ago )

That score is brutal for a game of this calibre, its biggest issue is the pacing, that has always been a common complaint compared to its successors, I also hear the remake is easier than the other versions of P3, which is a downer, but it's essentially the same game. I also don't mind if you complain about missing content like the P3P Fem MC, and the FES content (supposedly a upcoming DLC).

Other than that, it's a pretty great game and it's successors just build upon it, you need to bump that score up another 2 points at least to have this review taken seriously (the game is above average, easily). And if you look at the original P3 release, it was a revolutionary game for it's time, I still can't think of any game like this franchise.

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