
RPGfan : Actraiser Virtual Console Review

Patrick Gann writes "One of Quintet's earliest creations has, somehow, remained their most well-known, despite the greater depth and experience offered by later titles (i.e. the Soul Blazer trilogy). But there's something special about this genre-blender that captivated gamers worldwide. Is it the concept of a dethroned God as protagonist, having to fight his way back to top spot against demonic powers while winning back the hearts of the people? Is it the welcome reprieve from lengthy Sim-style gaming to do some mindless skull-bashing in the platformer mode? Maybe the visual qualities, or the awesome soundtrack that could go toe-to-toe with Castlevania any day of the week? Of course, it's a combination of all these things. Take any one away, and ActRaiser wouldn't be as special. This was certainly proven by ActRaiser 2, which cut the Sim element and suffered terribly for it."


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Knightofelemia962d ago

Still love the Power Rangers games but most of these underrated games cost an arm and a leg to buy unless you kept them around when they released.

Neonridr962d ago

yeah I had to resort to an everdrive cart for my Analogue Super NT because some game prices are just ridiculous.

Jiub962d ago

And it's only going to get worse as the games get rarer.

ZeekQuattro962d ago

Sparkster. Like Rocket Knight Adventures on the Sega Genesis neither game seems to be brought up much. I played both game a whole lot growing up.

SimpleSlave962d ago

Wow, would you look at that? A game list with some actual forgotten gems. Color me impressed.

Good stuff. 👍

NecrumOddBoy962d ago

I cannot praise EVO The Search for Eden enough. This game deserves a remake as it’s one of the wildest platformer JRPGs ever made. The concept of spending XP on evolving and devolving on the fly to navigate the world was really interesting. Evolution in games is rarely tackled creatively but EVO nailed it.

SimpleSlave962d ago

This was one of my favorite games during the 16-Bit era. Me and my cousin rented it not knowing what it was and ended up finishing it. Still, to this day, one of the most unique games I've ever played. Very addictive too.

This game is truly tops. 👍

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Jiub1145d ago

Actraiser was a weird concept but it worked out well


30 Years Later: 'ActRaiser Lets You Play a Gleeful Warrior God

Released only a few months after the Super NES itself, the game quickly showed off the promise of Nintendo’s powerful new system,.

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Terry_B1379d ago

Still unique, one of its kind. I am still waiting for a good spiritual successor or a sequel.

Knushwood Butt1379d ago

Yup. Great game and great music. I remember I had the Japanese version before I started studying Japanese so I had to figure out the god segments with pure trial and error as I couldn't read a single character. Good memories!

AriesBear1379d ago

Awesome game. How it gets added to switch online