
Sounds Like The PS5 Pro Is Releasing At The Worst Possible Time

Screen Rant writes, "It looks like fans won't have to wait too long for a PS5 Pro, but the reported release window doesn't seem optimal for a number of reasons."

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Jin_Sakai156d ago

It’s releasing right around GTA6 time. They’re banking on that over first party releases I suppose.

porkChop155d ago

That's actually not a smart bet, historically. Pretty much every Rockstar game gets delayed, at least once. Releasing a new console with no new first party titles and hedging your bets on a 3rd party that will in all likelihood be delayed? That's some kind of strategy, I guess.

Extermin8or3_155d ago

why are we assuming no new first party titles? All they have said is they have no releases in major EXISTING franchises before March 2025. That doesn't mean no new first party titles. Half of sony's first party have been working on new IP for a few years now.

seanpitt23155d ago

I think they will announce it for April/may 2025 and will be inevitably pushed back to September 2025 I can't see it being pushed further to 2026 as they announced it when the game is nearly complete

Kiryu1992155d ago


That’s what I don’t understand also. They just keep saying no first party games and that’s not what Sony said at all. They can launch few new IP’s and most likely will

They already have had 3 console exclusives that have been received really well by fans and critics

shinoff2183155d ago

Idk about this one. We've waited over 10 years. I feel they've been putting in the work so this doesn't happen. I'm sure it's been more but off the top I can only remember 4 being delayed from spring to fall or something. Like I said theres probably more but I can't recall

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 155d ago
Jin_Sakai155d ago

“GTA comes out next year“

Yes but PS5 Pro will have time to sell and get into people’s hands before GTA6 releases in 2025. Assuming it doesn’t get delayed.

Redgrave155d ago

Imagine sony somehow bags a gta6 bundle for the pro

Game, set, match

GamerRN155d ago

Yeah I honestly think the timing for this is perfect! If the next X isn't out yet, they will have the best version of GTA6 which will sell TONS of units.... Great timing...

crazyCoconuts155d ago

If a pro really is coming out soon, maybe that explains why the studios have been so quiet... Because they've been working on Pro versions of all the already released games? I get that higher res and frame rate don't take a lot of effort, but that's not going to wow people watching a trailer over YouTube. Maybe they're like adding more detail or something

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Vits156d ago

Probably the weakest generation so far. Cool features, good enough hardware, very few games. And a PS5 Pro will not help with that.

KyRo155d ago

This generation so far has been massively underwhelming and is widely accepted as that so far by alot of people. I've had both consoles from launch and I'm still waiting for games to look as good as Rachet and Clank and The Matrix demo.

The lack of true next generation exclusives and a whole heap of remakes, still makes it feel like the generation has barely started several years in.

DarXyde155d ago

Generation isn't over and I prefer to show a bit of grace in that regard, but I also feel this has been the worst generation since taking up the hobby. So far, anyway. It's possible a wave of games comes after GTAVI, but I'm not overly hopeful.

Rynxie155d ago

They're not taking advantage of the hardware, whether it's graphically or how much they can add or do. If you look at the PS3, it was all about massive online multiplayer and beautiful graphics. Besides battlefield 2042 (which doesn't work for me, no matter what I do), we're stuck with 6vs6 multiplayer. Even the game modes in fps games feel lackluster. Besides VR and Sophie (both of which that came later) gt7 felt lackluster to me. Another example would be helldivers 2. Besides being a starship troopers: extermination rip-off, It's a four player co-op. Yet, on pc, starship troopers is a 16 player co-op. And, keep in mind, the developers working on starship troopers are a very small studio and don't have the backing of Sony or another big name publisher.

outsider1624155d ago

I don't understand either. I remember Mark Cery saying something along the lines that with the ssd, graphical power etc etc that development of games will also be quicker.

EvertonFC155d ago

Several years in ? We're in the 4th but I get some of your points.

Barlos155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Completely agree. For me the best thing about this generation of hardware is the DualSense. For me it's one of the best controllers ever made. But yeah in terms of true next gen releases, it's been a big downer for the most part. We just can't shake off the last gen.

Psychonaut85155d ago

Yeah on point with the Ratchet & Clank thing. Not just graphically but in terms of taking advantage of the SSD. I’d hoped to see more creative uses of the fast loading by now instead of it just being a quality of life improvement.

shinoff2183155d ago

3, 4 years. Is that several. I guess I could be but stuff is coming.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 155d ago
Jin_Sakai155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

“Probably the weakest generation so far. Cool features, good enough hardware, very few games. And a PS5 Pro will not help with that.“

PS5 Pro also makes other games perform and look better not just new games. It’s just and option and nothing more. But I agree that this generation has been weak and underwhelming as far as games go.

shinoff2183155d ago

How long did it take for ps3 to actually get some heavy hitters.

SonyStyled155d ago

@shinoff It took half a year. Tools of Destruction came out summer 2007, first ‘heavy hitter’ only on PS3. MGS4 the next year, GoW3 and KZ2 in 2009.

I’m excluding IPs that began on PS3

Neonridr155d ago

we've only begun to scratch the surface of the PS5 though. Considering 75% of their "exclusive" games also released on the PS4, it wasn't really a strong indicator of what we'd see for some of the big hitters being built from the ground up on PS5.

Personally I feel a Pro is rushed here, but Sony wants to make money, so I don't blame em.

Vits155d ago

The problem is that scratching the surface is taking way too long. By November, the PS5 will be four years old, using the previous gen as a ruler that means it's already halfway through its life until the PS6 comes out. So unless Sony plans to do what they did with the PS4 and bring over most PS6 exclusives to the PS5, they have just over 3 years to ensure the PS5 has a good lineup of exclusives and games.

And there's nothing on the horizon to suggest that's happening. If anything, the release plans for mid-2024 and beyond seem very thin.

Neonridr155d ago

@Vits - Covid obvsiouly screwed everything up as it slowed down everything. Development of games was hampered, console manufacturing was slowed, some people only finally got a PS5 last year for example. So I get the timeline, but everything feels like it was pushed from the beginning, so trying to stick to a standard console cycle given the initial hurdles seems silly.

neomahi155d ago

Agreed, and I'm a HUGE PlayStation fan. I loved the PS3 while everyone else played on their breaking Xbox 360 consoles, I never senty PS3 in to fix it, but I have no clue why I need a PS5

PhillyDonJawn155d ago

Right, the jump just wasn't big enough to and it got off to a slow start. I'd rather Sony drop ps6 in 2026 @$600-700 with a big power jump. Ps5 is powerful enough to play game at a lower setting like what Series S is to Series X. while ps6 would give us a true next gen jump.

fr0sty155d ago

I wouldn't expect gen10 until late 27 or 28.

ChasterMies155d ago

You couldn’t be more wrong about there being “very few games”. My backlog is only increasing because of the number of new games that I don’t have time to play.

shinoff2183155d ago

That's what I'm saying. Wtf are people not playing. THeres so much sh. The ps3 was much worse in terms of games unless your into online shooters, and shooters. Variety dropped off alot during this Gen. Indies have brought back variety in a huge way.

isarai155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Seriously, not to say it hasn't been fun, but it never really seemed to hit that wow factor every other generation has had despite being a far bigger leap in capabilities than last gen was. Especially when it comes to 1st party. Almost everything just feels like a remaster of a ps4 game and I KNOW they can be so much more as a few games have shown, but no one is really going for it.

frostypants155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Most gen defining games come out towards the last couple of years of each cycle. We aren't there yet.

shinoff2183155d ago

What are you playing dog. There's so much variety out there and dope games. This crushes the ps3 Gen imo. Ps3 was same ol samey type games. That's when people stopped taking chances o. Something different so we got loaded with shooters. The lack of jrpgs was whack, jrpgs dropped off the map compared to other gens. I'm having a blast the last 4 years or so. Hell yakuza got popular so we're getting more.

Idk I just don't see the no games argument. Sure 1st party games I'll give you that. Sony usually rolls about 10 years a gen. We've been hearing aaa games are starting to take 5 6 years. It's our own fault to an extent. If a game comes out and it's not top notch graphics, etc people bitch and moan, and cry. Personally story and gameplay are much more important

Ironmike155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

It absolutely dose not crush ps3 quite a few remakes ps4 upgrades on most of the big name games this gem hasn't being g great the games are fantastic but there isn't one what has totally blow me way

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 155d ago
crazyCoconuts156d ago

If it's really coming this holiday and Xbox doesn't have anything to answer, it'll be the final nail in the coffin. Won't look like bad timing for Sony.

Kaii155d ago

Why bother unless they've changed the rumored cpu?
Cause if it's the same as PS5 it'll still run GTA at 30fps lmao
This comment hit it for me, "One comment says it's a 1.6x jump on paper, whereas the PS4 Pro was more like a 2.2x"

KwietStorm_BLM155d ago

Did they factor in the jump from PS4 to PS5? Also the CPU won't be the issue for GTA. The GPU would. And if it has the rumored AI upscaling tech, the frame rate won't be a problem because it's not raw horsepower.

Eonjay155d ago

That statement doesn't make sense. PS5 equivalent CPUs on PC can high frammerates in many circumstances. There are several games running 120 FPS on base PS5. If the spec comes true this would be the highest clocked RDNA 2 CPU release. Ever. It will be just fine. 60 FPS GTA 6 is a certainty on the PRO. Book it.

Mulando155d ago

The jumps get smaller. The visual difference even smaller.
I would prefer a really smaller PS5. That should be possible as AMD already offers mobile APUs with much horsepower. So a smaller PS5 should also be possible. The current is just to big.

Extermin8or3_155d ago

literally released last year, where you been?

Extermin8or3_155d ago

ths ps5 cpu isn't a bottleneck in the way a ps4 cpu was, so no that isn't the case.

ChasterMies155d ago

What does the CPU have to do with GTA V frame rates?

Last gen was the first time we saw a mid-cycle upgrade and the bump in power was in the GPU and not the CPU. Compatibility needs to be 100%.

"One comment says it's a 1.6x jump on paper, whereas the PS4 Pro was more like a 2.2x" Don’t waste your time with rumors. But if true, not unexpected. We are working at 4k resolutions now and that means higher frame rates are that much harder to achieve.

Overall I don’t recommend a mid-cycle upgrade. By the time the PS6 launches, you won’t get much value out of a PS5 Pro. Save your pennies.

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andy85155d ago (Edited 155d ago )

Halfway through the gen about? Seems fine to me. And the quote "releasing one year after the Slim will run into pricing and marketing problems"....did they forget that the PS4 Pro released only 2 months after the PS4 Slim? Blatantly obviously there will be a price cut next year. I mean it's already just dropped from £479 to £409 or less in the UK at the moment.

purple101155d ago

I feel they are capitalising on the fact it’s half term break in the UK. Smart move

But yeh I’m deffo getting a pro. PlayStations have provided me with hours of fun and are practically the biggest bargain out there if you divide cost by hours played
You’re actually getting a good deal.

I’m not even that hard core!!
Mostly just play gran turismo 7 and cod-
Even I think it’s great value!

Deffo getting a pro for gta6! No doubt

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Netflix's BioShock Film Still In Development But With A Reduced Budget

Console Creatures writes, "The BioShock film at Netflix is still happening but with a reduced budget."

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Jin_Sakai1d 1h ago

Might as well just cancel it.

porkChop1d ago

It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake1d ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne1d ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

Knightofelemia23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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