
Grounded and Pentiment are Microsoft’s first Xbox-exclusive games for Nintendo Switch

The Verge writes: "Grounded and Pentiment are the first previously Xbox-exclusive games to arrive on Nintendo Switch. Obsidian’s 2D narrative adventure roleplaying game Pentiment will launch on Switch tomorrow, followed by Grounded, the survival co-op that’s a combination of Honey, I Shrunk the Kids and A Bug’s Life, on April 16th."

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Cacabunga156d ago

Still not reason enough for me to play them.. these games tell me nothing they look uninteresting..

Jin_Sakai156d ago

I played Grounded in Series X when I had one and love it. I’d definitely play it again should it release in PS5.

darthv72156d ago

...and this is why game pass is a thing. Games that look 'uninteresting' can turn out to be rather good. Especially since you dont have to pay anything extra to play them. I played Pentiment and it surprised me with how good it is. You need to try and broaden yourself, even if you think you might not like something... it just might surprise you.

StormSnooper155d ago

That’s literally how I use PSPlus.

156d ago Replies(5)
Aloymetal156d ago

Lol but on a more serious note, Phil and Co. could bring their whole catalog of games to PS5 and Switch tomorrow and most wouldn't bat an eye, that won't make any difference since anyone interested in all those meh MS games could've easily gotten a cheap series S and played them long ago. It's not about having them on all platforms but the quality of those games is what matters.

156d ago
Obscure_Observer156d ago

"Lol but on a more serious note, Phil and Co. could bring their whole catalog of games to PS5 and Switch tomorrow and most wouldn't bat an eye"

You mean, like Minecraft and COD?

Andrew336156d ago

Shocking stance by someone with the username Aloy.

156d ago
Skuletor156d ago


Minecaft and COD aren't the brags you think they are, both were already established IP's long before Microsoft acquired them.

Jin_Sakai156d ago

“It's not about having them on all platforms but the quality of those games is what matters.“

Hi-Fi Rush - Overwhelmingly Positive (97% of 19,994) ALL TIME
Grounded - Very Positive (89% of 53,144) ALL TIME
Pentiment - Very Positive (94% of 4,985) ALL TIME

Hi-Fi Rush - 87 Metascore
Grounded - 82 Metascore
Pentiment - 86 Metascore

These are great games. Grounded has had over 20 million players.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 156d ago
Neonridr156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

Hi-Fi Rush would be a perfect game to release on the Switch too.

RaidenBlack156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

And Sunset Overdrive would be perfect for PS4/PS5 too

darthv72156d ago

...only if they could up it to 60fps. I recently downloaded it to my steam deck and play it at 60 and that makes it sooooo much better.


are this games coming to the PS5 as well ?
Looking forward to Hi fi rush Hopefully that games comes to the PS5.

Neonridr156d ago

it's possible, though no official announcements yet.

BehindTheRows156d ago

Yes, Spencer confirmed four games for PS5 and Switch.

ThinkThink156d ago

He confirmed 4 games to "other platforms". We all just assumed he meant both ps and switch.

Neonridr156d ago

he never confirmed which games would be coming to which platforms though.

156d ago
Einhander1972156d ago

Anyone who believes Microsoft is setting themselves up for disappointment.

BehindTheRows156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

Thank you to the Captain Obvious'(s). I never clarified which games. I said 4 games to PlayStation AND Switch. Not four games to each.

I responded to "Looking forward to Hi fi rush Hopefully that games comes to the PS5". HiFi Rush was just confirmed for March 18 on PS5, for example. Reading comprehension is obviously a learned skill.

Neonridr156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

@Behind - your reply to the original question (are these games coming to PS5) made it seem like you were answering his question by saying yes. You have to understand that your reply could be taken so many different ways here, citing reading comprehension when you yourself weren't clear is hilarious.

BehindTheRows156d ago (Edited 156d ago )


A simple inquiry would have netted you the correct answer, but because you chased a gotcha and failed, I'm hilarious. That .....makes no sense.

In any case, you misinterpreted. Fair enough, but don't put it on me when you could have asked or ignored the post.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 156d ago
Obscure_Observer156d ago

"are this games coming to the PS5 as well ?"

Phil Spencer said "consoles", so yes, I believe those are definitely coming to PS5 too maybe even the PS4, since Grounded is also available on Xbox One.

It will be interesting to see how those games will perform on Sony´s consoles.

BehindTheRows156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

Crazy that we agree on this, while others rushed to: "He nEvEr sAiD wHiCh pLaTfOrMs" XD

In any event, agreed. Will be interesting to see how these things perform!

SonyStyled156d ago

It will definitely be interesting with only 4 games. Strange they would only port these 4 games as a one time thing. Nothing else coming to Nintendo and PlayStation after this. That’s what Phil said

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 156d ago
Einhander1972156d ago

It's unfortunate that Nintendo is allowing this, the only way the pressure campaign could work is if Nintendo would stand up against Microsoft and see them as the rivals they are. Letting themselves be used as pawns, Microsoft will turn on them in time.

Nyxus156d ago

It's just more games for their platform. Nintendo loses nothing from this.

Einhander1972156d ago

That's a very short term view.

fr0sty156d ago

Microsoft has everything to lose here, gamers have fewer reasons to buy an Xbox now... whereas PS5 and Switch still have their exclusives and have no reason to give them up to competing platforms, so both are in a position of power over Microsoft. Microsoft are the pawns here in their own game of chess, not the other way around.

156d ago
Obscure_Observer156d ago


Most Playstation gamers don´t care about your crusade, dude.

If that was the case, Minecraft and COD wouldn´t be among Playstation´s most popular games.

I got the feeling that you´re setting yourself up to disappointment (again) if you´re expecting those games to flop on Playstation.

Time will tell though.

BehindTheRows156d ago

Yeah, they shouldn't flop. I think HiFi in particular will be a seller on the platform.

Einhander1972156d ago

Actually, my track record on long term predictions is incredibly good.

Let me explain the basic principal here.

Microsoft is not doing this to benefit Nintendo, they are doing it to benefit themselves.

Obscure_Observer156d ago

"Microsoft is not doing this to benefit Nintendo, they are doing it to benefit themselves."

Of course they´re. They´re a business after all.

156d ago
Lightning77156d ago

Yall need to get some sun and touch some grass everyone once in awhile holy crap.

It's not that serious nor is it ever that serious.

Andrew336156d ago

Agreed. Some of the shit these people say/believe is insane.

lellkay155d ago

@Einhander1972 What a strange strange take.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 155d ago
ModsDoBetter156d ago

Highly regarded games but the only game I miss from when I had my Xbox was Sea of Thieves. Really looking forward to that coming to PS.

BehindTheRows156d ago

Sea of Thieves is a lot of fun! One of those get a bunch of friends together games!

ModsDoBetter156d ago (Edited 156d ago )


Got it at launch and was a bit disappointed BUT came back towards the end of year one and absolutely loved it.

BehindTheRows156d ago

Yeah, I was one who initially skipped it, but a weekend with some friends changed all of that!

Show all comments (66)

Josh Sawyer Reflects on Design Evolution: From Icewind Dale to Pentiment

Josh Sawyer is a name that has been familiar to RPG fans for decades. He's worked on Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity, and most recently Pentiment. How did he get into game development, how has his design philosophy changed over the years, and why did he decide to do Pentiment a little differently?

thorstein58d ago (Edited 58d ago )

Those are some great games. Icewind Dale I & II are underrated.

If Larian made Icewind Dale III, I'd lose my mind.

What a fantastic, thorough interview.


Grounded PS5 Review - Buggy, In a Good Way | COGconnected

Grounded is a survival and crafting game about kids that find themselves in a miniature backyard world, originally on PC/Xbox and now on PS5

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anast88d ago

Never read an article that begins with "fan boys", it's a waste of time.


Grounded comes to PS5 and Switch - but performance is a problem

DF investigates Grounded on PS5 and Switch - how does the game compare to the original Xbox release? And how does cross-play work?

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gold_drake94d ago (Edited 94d ago )

360 to 720 p

what did they do lol even on the ps5 its horrendous looking

Palitera89d ago

Long story short: shouldn't be bought on PS5. Screw these guys.