
Classic Rare games have been added to Nintendo Switch Online

Announced during a Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase on Wednesday, the games are RC Pro-AM (NES), Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll (NES), Killer Instinct (SNES), Battletoads in Battlemaniacs (SNES), and Blast Corps (N64).

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OtterX156d ago

I would have liked the original NES Battletoads too, but at least there's hope that it will come! This is nice that Rare has opened up more of their classics to NSO, so there's hope of Diddy Kong Racing and Conker's Bad Fur day in the future now too!

NotoriousWhiz156d ago

Since I already have rare replay, I'm more interested in seeing Diddy Kong Racing and Donkey Kong 64.

OtterX155d ago

Holy crap, I was just reading up on the history of RC Pro Am, and I had no idea that Rare had been working on an RC Pro Am 64...... which actually became Diddy Kong Racing during development! Very interesting....


Neonridr156d ago

this is awesome, Blast Corps is an underrated gem and I can't wait to play it again.

OtterX156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

These additions were definitely the highlight of the Direct for me! I know, "you can play these on Roms, blah blah blah..", but I like to have these within my Nintendo ecosytem (I buy most Retro things there too) I like the official Retro controllers, and I also have a really amazing quality Joy-con alternative by Nyxi, like this: https://img-va.myshopline.c...

darthv72156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

I have their gamecube style one... its awesome to play metroid prime remastered with.

OtterX156d ago

@darthv72 awesome! I want to get one of those, they look really nice! I learned about Nyxi from the YouTube channel SwitchUp (one of my favorite Switch reviewers), and he said it was his most recommended controller. I bought it last Fall.

purple101156d ago

protect this man, he has gamed, a lot

darthv72156d ago

RC Pro AM... that was my jam. Curious as to why the SNES version of KI though and not the N64 Gold edition. Ehh... it will prob come later.

OtterX156d ago

Yea I played the N64 one bc I bought the N64 at launch, and that was one of my first game purchases. I'm sure it will come to NSO.

Hereandthere156d ago

RC PRO AM ONLINE! I don't have a switch, but i want one now

OtterX156d ago (Edited 156d ago )

You know, I loved that game when I was a kid, but didn't remember it being a Rareware title. That's cool! I've been playing this afternoon and loving the nostalgic fix.

It's also worth picking up Blizzard's Retro collection too for Rock'n'Roll Racing, which seemed very inspired by RC Pro Am. That collection is neat bc they give you the option to play the real classic rock music recordings or go full retro in the settings.

Shane Kim156d ago

Where they rightfully belong.


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OtterX22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Pretty lousy lineup, considering how long we've waited since the last NES update.

Do we really need Golf when we already had NES Open Tournament Golf, which is almost identical in graphics and gameplay?

OtterX22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Very interesting tidbit I read in the Youtube comments. I've yet to fact check it, but if true, I guess Golf's inclusion is pretty awesome in honor of Iwata's life.

Here's the tidbit:

"Golf was originally hidden in the Switch's system and you could access it by holding the joy-cons and performing the gesture Satoru Iwata used to make in directs. NES Golf was one of his favorite games, and Nintendo added it in as an easter-egg to honor his life.

Nintendo unfortunately patched this secret out. This was because in Japan, it was tradition to place a recently deceased’s person’s favorite things in a special box that is not allowed to open. The hidden game was essentially a digital version of this ritual, and it’s clear that Nintendo wanted Iwata’s life to be honored in a special way by giving the switch a secret game that only they knew about."

jznrpg22d ago

I played a lot of Golf when I was a young kid


Switch Online + Expansion Pack Survey Asks Users To Share Their Experience

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