
Stellar Blade Will Feature 3 Graphics Modes

Sony Interactive Entertainment and Shift Up's upcoming action adventure game, Stellar Blade, features 3 graphics modes for players to choose.

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Elda216d ago

Resolution mode for me. I want to see this world & everything in it vividly....sharp & clear.

blackblades216d ago (Edited 216d ago )

Imagine playing an action game with 30fps. That azz in 4k made this guy lose his mind.

andy85215d ago

I play a monitor so I'll never pick the fidelity mode as the differentce between '4K' and lower is negligible. Always higher frame rate. Tbh even if I was on large TV I'd still do it

Elda215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

No guy here. I don't care about 60fps or an azz on a fiction computer character. I care more about artistic graphics & visuals along with gameplay. To each their own.

Cacabunga215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Graphics mode here as well to begin with.. if game gets messy I’ll change to performance

DafunkyRebel215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

its not just resolution my guy, there are also environmental changes like missing grass or less rocks and more jagged lines on polygons. I notice this in for example FFXVI where a lot of the environment was altered to be less detailed in 60fps and on 30fps they look more detailed

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 215d ago
I_am_Batman215d ago

Sharp & clear, until you start moving the camera that is.

But to each their own. At this point I'm just happy that options are a thing. It seems to me that our brains must fundamentally be wired differently if you're seeing more of the world in 30 fps mode compared to 60.

Elda215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Enjoy your 60fps while I enjoy sharp & crisp visuals along with gameplay at 30fps. To each their own.

I_am_Batman215d ago

@Elda: For sure. Let's hope the game turns out great.

DarXyde215d ago

I mean good for you, to each their own.

Whenever an option presents itself, I'm 60+fps, all the way.

darthv72215d ago

i use the portal now more than my actual tv... so i choose performance mode where available.

The_Hooligan215d ago

I am actually getting my portal in the mail today. Woohoo! How has your experience been? Do you play SP games only or have you tried to play some MP games?

Sonic1881215d ago (Edited 215d ago )

Balance mode maybe the way to go for me. It will still deliver a balance between image quality and performance, likely running in 40-60 fps

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Jin_Sakai216d ago

Performance mode for me because I want the most responsive controls.

RNTody216d ago

I've found my favourite option to be 40fps fidelity like Insomniac had in Spider-Man 2. With a good TV you get the best experience. If balanced mode is like that in Stellar Blade I'll go for it, otherwise Performance all the way.

Barlos216d ago

Gimme that 60fps performance mode

KwietStorm_BLM216d ago

120fps barely even gets mentioned anymore.

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Stellar Blade Review - Gaming Respawn

Stellar Blade is an action-adventure game for PS5 set in a post-apocalyptic Earth where humanity fights against creatures called Naytiba.

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Stellar Blade PC Version In Development, Dev Expects It To Be More Successful Than Console

The PC version of Stellar Blade is in development, and developer Shift Up expects it to be more successful than the console version.

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TheNamelessOne33d ago

But, but, but ... the PC people only pirate their games /s

shinoff218333d ago

I don't think anyone ever said all pc people pirate their games. A good amount do, but steam wouldn't be as successful as it is without people buying.

19d ago
Vits33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

PC is mostly about piracy.
Physical media accounts for more than half of the total revenue.
+25 million potential customers aren’t enough to justify the cost of porting.
The Switch is mainly bought by parents for their kids.
Releasing games later on a platform doesn’t impact their sales.

And many other terrible opinions that you only see here.

Jingsing33d ago

Given the current state of world economics and PC hardware costs it is pretty reasonable to assume PC piracy has only become larger. Piracy on PC is just as easy as buying but without letting go of your money.

Babadook733d ago (Edited 33d ago )

PC in general is a smaller market than PS5 when comparing on a game by game basis. When it's the other way around it's newsworthy. Maybe this game will be above average for its PC sales but I kind of doubt it.

phoenixwing33d ago

some pc people do in fact pirate their games, it's probably the reason why they waited to do a port. i own a gaming pc but i'm not going to act like piracy isn't an issue for pc gaming. I will probably buy this when it comes to pc tho

FinalFantasyFanatic32d ago

I really hope no one actually has that hot take, considering Steam has more or less eliminated the majority of PC pirating.

19d ago
19d ago
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Christopher33d ago

Successful as in selling more or successful as in a better experience? If only the author could actually record the Q&A and provide a direct quote rather than second-hand paraphrasing.

19d ago
19d ago Replies(1)
IAMRealHooman33d ago

well skin mods.....wonder how many hours till nude mod

ApocalypseShadow33d ago (Edited 33d ago )

Won't even be hours. More like minutes. Lol.

First thing I thought as well which was success at making skin and clothing mods.

19d ago
19d ago

I’m still playing through the PS5 version which already runs and looks great. I just got to the Great desert so it’s a slow burn for me.

Tacoboto33d ago

When I played through it back at launch, the Great Desert was the only area that had performance issues (Balanced Mode).

It seemed to be related to maybe a memory leak in that region; it only happened there with unstable framerate at times, and performance would be solid again after closing and relaunching the game.

10/10 game otherwise, loved everything about it and I'll be Day One for whatever they have next.


I haven’t noticed any performance issues in the Great Dessert yet so maybe it’s been patched. Excellent game I’m loving it. I’ve had it since launch just haven’t gotten around to playing it.

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Top 10 Stellar Blade Nano Suits for Eve's Killer Looks

Jennifer from NoobFeed writes - As you gear up to take down the formidable Natyibas, why not do it in an ensemble that is as deadly as your blade? From sleek, futuristic designs to bold, eye-catching gear, these top ten outfits will have you slaying in style, proving that in Stellar Blade, fashion truly is the ultimate weapon.

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purple10134d ago

No Kill Bill suit? Opportunity missed

Seth_hun33d ago

Its No.4 on the list. Ok, its not exactly that, but it was the inspiration

YourMommySpoils34d ago

Everyone's got different tastes, but the suits this editor chose are the least ones I would use. It's even clickbait of a link, cause the suit in the image link isn't part of the list.