
Updates on the Xbox Business

Hear from Phil Spencer, Sarah Bond and Matt Booty as they share updates on the Xbox business

RaidenBlack162d ago

As per Verge:
" Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell me the first two titles will be Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment, followed by Sea of Thieves and Grounded. "

Cacabunga162d ago

He says only 4 games will come and doesn’t mean other games are coming cause they are NOT..
Few seconds later he says xbox focus is to bring all games to other platforms and other players LOL

MrBaskerville162d ago

They always say that they will bring their games to as many people as possible, which means PC and Xbox in Spencer lingo.

LG_Fox_Brazil162d ago

"They always say that they will bring their games to as many people as possible, which means PC and Xbox"

And yet, here we are with four headed to Nintendo and Sony platforms. If those games make them some bucks, and they will, then you can bet that all the rest will arrive on PS5 and Switch (those that are possible).

fr0sty162d ago

They opened by saying "only 4 games", then spent the rest of the podcast justifying why bringing more games to other platforms is a good thing... which, as I called out 2 days ago, the 4 games is just them desensitizing their player base to the idea of them going full on multiplatform, and as more games get announced, they are going to start releasing them on other consoles as well. It'll probably start with a "first on Xbox", but before long they'll want to keep chasing that extra money from the better selling consoles, and they'll start releasing them day and date across all platforms.

They also made no commitment that GamePass day 1 releases will remain that way...

And as I called out 2 days ago, their talk of next gen was vague at best, leaving them an off-ramp should they decide to not make a new system.

343_Guilty_Spark162d ago

Looks like small games. Games over a year old, no Indy no Starfield.

Lightning77162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

He said 4 games are making it over. In fact LS games going forward will most likely be Multiplat. He never said all games are coming over. You missed the part where he said Hellblade, SF and Indy are staying. Games like those are staying.

Nice make believe but you are a fanboy so naturally you would spread misinformation and spread nonesense.

Good-Smurf162d ago

Sounds like he slow boiling the green frog but he's the one already on the verge of panicking instead.
Weird that it was clearly pre-recorded and treated as a video not a livestream podcast like they teased earlier.

crazyCoconuts162d ago

yup more double talk. not a strategy change, followed by a strategy change.
Guess we'll have to wait to see in practice what happens

fr0sty162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

He said 4 games are currently announced to be coming, and then spent the next half hour explaining to you why more announcements in the future is a good thing for the Xbox ecosystem... but you didn't want to hear that, so all you heard was "4 games". As mentioned above, this is slow boiling the frog so it doesn't jump ship. They want to keep the players they have on Xbox currently, while desensitizing you all to the idea of your exclusives no longer being exclusive. Before long more existing games will be announced just so you can dismiss them as "who cares, those are old games", and then when you see new games announced, you'll get a "first on Xbox"... and within a year or two, you'll be seeing all games announced to launch multiplatform day one.

They're breaking the truth to you slowly... and you not realizing that is just what they want, so you don't jump ship.

TheTony316162d ago

Phil said he doesn't rule out other games going to PS5/Nintendo in the future. You really think they'll stop at just 4 games? This is just the beginning.

shinoff2183162d ago

I don't think people realize how much physiology goes into marketing. Yes 4 games now then slowly but surely more and more then oops we accidently made this aaa game for ps5 we might as well release it right. It's mind games to ease into it.

Kiryu1992162d ago

Inagine if Phil said all games are coming to PS5. Internet would have a meltdown by announcing only 4 games they are easing the blowback. He said something along the lines of these games are more than a year old so their avenues for generating more revenue have slowed while other platforms allow them to sell them as full price and make a lot of revenue

We all should read between the lines. Phil himself said moving forward there will be less and less exclusives on any platform

The cost of Spider-Man 2 was “300 million” and GTA reportedly will cost over a billion so as the cost of making games go up these corporations aren’t charity they want to make as much money as possible

Extermin8or3_162d ago

in his interview he literally says if these sell well they will be coming accross

343_Guilty_Spark162d ago

Yeah all small games. Congratulations you played yourself!

StormSnooper161d ago

I wonder if he will remain lord and savior Spencer to Xbox fanbase after this.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
Christopher162d ago

It feels like they're doing similar to PlayStation, just more than PC. We'll get a trickle of new games each year, not the whole portfolio.

VenomUK162d ago

That podcast didn’t do Xbox any favours,

VenomUK162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Sarah Bond: “There’s some exciting stuff coming out in hardware that we’re going to share this holiday. We’re also invested in the next-generation roadmap.”

‘Share’ doesn’t mean release, it means reveal. The XSX Pro will be revealed and released Christmas 2025.
The ‘we’re also invested’ refers to something different which is next-gen Xbox.

I don’t think Microsoft should release an Xbox Pro, it did it with the Xbox One X and it boasted that it had the most powerful hardware but then the gap between its launch and the XSX release was too small and I believe hurt the console’s sales. This is what happened with Sega’s 32x which hurt the Sega Saturn.

Christopher162d ago

***I don’t think Microsoft should release an Xbox Pro***

I don't think midgen updates are useful at all anymore and only make more issues than they solve.

badz149162d ago


Not useful at all? The introduction of performance modes for the XboneX and PS4Pro was a huge revelation for console gaming in general and it carries over to this gen which has been awesome.

Christopher162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

***Not useful at all? The introduction of performance modes for the XboneX and PS4Pro was a huge revelation for console gaming***

Literally weren't huge revelations. Quickly went out with next generation and this generation can't even maximize on their capabilities, let alone release games that don't need plentiful number of patches to fix their issues. We're in an age of more and more game crashing in AAA games, not less. And the advancement of technology is a fraction of the past generation and the next generation will be similar. We're really only chasing framerates at 4k here now. Technology isn't evolving enough and publishers don't want their developers pushing too hard because it's just not worth the extra work.

MontyeKristo161d ago

@Christopher - I believe midgen updates are just a cashgrab and to allow new owners to jump in for cheaper.

Current owners sell their basic system for cheaper to newcomers and then put that money towards the 'pro.' Getting more players in and selling more consoles.

FinalFantasyFanatic161d ago

They've already fragmented their installation base with the Series S and Series X, let's not make it worse with a Series Pro or something, the Series S was such a bad idea.

Notellin161d ago

@badz149 Yes the mid generation upgrades were completely useless and never used optimally.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
RaidenBlack162d ago

Sarah Bond teases the next generation Xbox will be the “largest technical leap ever”
Mentions new hardware options in the Series X|S line coming out this fall, potentially a handheld console.

“There’s some exciting stuff coming out in hardware that we’re going to share this holiday. We’re also invested in the next-generation roadmap. What we’re really focused on there is delivering the largest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation.”

GamingSinceForever162d ago

And so will PC and PlayStation. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Scissorman162d ago

The box is open now. This is just the beginning. I'm going to treat every Xbox Games Showcase as a third-party showcase for PlayStation and Switch going forward. =P

Hofstaderman162d ago

That new series hardware is likely adorably digital.

Lightning77162d ago

But N4G told me that aren't making another console. Even though I been saying they are for like the 1000th time. Just another day where half the ppl are always wrong here. Especially when you know they wrong you just let them hope and believe.

fr0sty162d ago

This isn't a commitment to make a new console, it's a commitment to a road map... key words. They left an off-ramp there, just as I predicted 2 days ago.

Christopher162d ago

***But N4G told me that aren't making another console.***

You're fighting windmills here.

Lightning77162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

@Frosty right I guess that means it's not happening right?

Again you're always wrong about every single thing anyway we know how this goes. See you in 2026 or 2027 with new Xbox lol.

Profchaos162d ago

Isn't it always about delivering the largest technical leap?
They thought the same with the Xbox one.

It's not like they are going to announce oh yeah it's a bit better which will likely be the reality as huge generational jumps like SNES to n64 or PS2 to 360 are long gone we will get incremental hardware boosts and new rendering techniques supported from here on out

dumahim162d ago

"The most/biggest/largest thing ever!" Xbox has been using that trope for over a decade.

FinalFantasyFanatic161d ago

I have to question, has APU technology progressed enough to deliver a worthwhile leap? Anyway, throwing more hardware at people doesn't solve Microsoft's issues.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
Profchaos162d ago

Part of me was hoping for sunset overdrive as PlayStation own insomniac who own the IP yet Microsoft own the publishing rights to the 1st game.

So the only way it will ever happen is via a collaboration like that.

I know sunset didn't sell great but it was probably my fave exclusive Xbox one game. Also the game was kind of a victim of wrong place wrong time it came to Xbox while they were still the shooty bang bang platform and wasn't marketed very good at all no one knew what it even was then it dropped on games with gold early in its lifecycle basically ending any chance of sales

MontyeKristo161d ago

Sunset was fantastic and a helluva fun game to play.

MrSec84161d ago


Phil stated it outright, they want Xbox games everywhere, so as and when porting resources allow they will put every game on other devices, which means PlayStation, Nintendo, Apple and Android, if those platforms have hardware that can handle versions of their games.

They'll start with Grounded, Sea of Thieves, Hi-Fi Rush and Pentiment, then we'll see the next phase coming, the next lot is anyone's guess.
I suspect at some point they'll want a version of Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive and potentially Ryse Son of Rome, in order to make it feasible to get sequels of those titles.

More platforms, means more potential for return and that could make new games for older franchises a viable option.

Phil's definitely not just talking about other games only coming back to Xbox and PC, that makes no sense @MrBaskerVille, they're opening up completely, the context of this link and the internal memo from Phil says it all.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 161d ago

well we know the two of the games Hi fi rush and sea of thieves are wonder what the other two are?

darthv72162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

im good with them branching out on some of their older titles they feel could benefit from expanded player base. It's like Phil said initially... case by case basis.

Hi-Fi Rush, Grounded, Sea of Thieves, and Pentiment seem like a good first batch.

Outside_ofthe_Box162d ago

“I do have a fundamental belief that over the next five or ten years exclusive games, games that are exclusive to one piece of hardware, are going to be a smaller and smaller part of the game industry,”

162d ago
fr0sty162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Sony agrees that PC is a good platform to target more aggressively, but Xbox doesn't sell enough to bother losing exclusives to... unlike Microsoft, who admittedly has to go multiplatform just to be able to keep funding new games, because Xbox's install base is too small to sell to exclusively, Sony is not in that position, they actually do have an advantage to gain by keeping their games console exclusive.

fr0sty162d ago

Case by case, but they spent 30 minutes making the case for bringing as many games as they can to other platforms.

darthv72162d ago

in a perfect world... everything is available to everyone... All it takes is someone to extend the first olive branch. Is Sony going to allow MS to be the second coming or were they trying to head off this news yesterday with their own admission that maybe going to the center (or more center) is the best path forward.

MS has always been open to the idea of branching out. They are a software company first and foremost. They always saw the hardware division as a tertiary investment. I really dont care what games they offer up because they have been doing it with several IP already. Viva pinata, Ori, Minecraft and now even more that they got through other acquitions. If they decide to keep certain ones closer to their chest... fine with me as I still buy their hardware just as i buy the others.

People need to stop being so loyal to a box/company and be loyal to their own wants and desires. If that means buying a platform they wouldnt normally buy because they want to play a certain game... so be it. At least be honest with yourself that you have an interest in the games, not so much the platform or company behind it.

Some are so blinded by loyalty that they deny themselves the opportunity to enjoy this hobby.

Lightning77162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Where did they say everything is coming over? Show the link where he said that?

I want proof. I dont want excuses I want links. So Save the gibberish.

The3faces162d ago

I guess you weren't paying attention during the FTC ABK trial when Jim Ryan said PlayStation gamers don't buy enough first party games to sustain Sony, which is why he didn't want MS buying COD

RaidenBlack162d ago

Was expecting Ryse, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3 & Sunset Overdrive to come to PS

darthv72162d ago

All of those would have to be up to their respective developers to port. MS only did the publishing. SSOD seems like a no brainer though given the situation. Im all for it if it leads to finally getting the sequel they pitched long ago.

FinalFantasyFanatic161d ago

I was hoping for Halo 5 personally, or Gears, Halo 5 is the only Halo game locked to Xbox at the present time.

RaidenBlack161d ago

well Halo 5 needs to come to PC first ...

Hofstaderman162d ago

Four games but will not name them? We believe you Phil.... Two seconds later states that exclusives are a dying thing. Read between the lines...everything is going multiplatform from them going forward. Play on every and any screen.

162d ago Replies(6)
aconnellan162d ago

Phil: not everything is going multiplat

Hofstaderman: read between the lines, means everything is going multiplat

dumahim162d ago

That's how you spend 20+ minutes talking and actually say almost nothing.

343_Guilty_Spark162d ago

But Indy and Starfield aren't coming to PS5 like you said.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 162d ago
-Foxtrot162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

A few games to start then it’ll be more and more and more

It’s like a domino effect

Indiana Jones and Starfield will come eventually, then Elder Scrolla VI. It’s just he doesn’t want to say because too much at once will send people into a meltdown.

fr0sty162d ago

Exactly, these 4 are just to get people used to the idea of Xbox no longer having exclusives, they wouldn't have spent the next 30 minutes saying "we want our games on as many screens as possible" if that wasn't the case.

darthv72162d ago

I never understood why so many put so much weight on the exclusives aspect. Ive been in this hobby since 77... I have played countless games across the widest range of hardware. I always play the third party titles most and will play them on whichever platform plays them the best. sometimes it was Genesis, others it was SNES just like some games played better on Saturn vs PS1 or Xbox vs Gamecube vs PS2.

I have no loyalties to anyone but myself. i play all the systems, but i dont hold exclusives in some high regard like others do... that just seems unhealthy.

Obscure_Observer162d ago

You´ll never gonna get it!!!

Give it up!

Redgrave162d ago

I'll hold you to this statement. If you are wrong and Starfield comes to PS5 at some future point, even if it's a few years off; I trust you'll be ready to make amends for your vigilance.

-Foxtrot162d ago


You said people wouldn’t get this so…

162d ago
Hofstaderman162d ago

You exactly where you were since last week. Nothing of note came out of this other than a confirmation that games are coming out for Playstation. And a very heavy hint that future games may not be exclusive.
At least Diablo is coming to Gamepass, yay.

Flawlessmic162d ago

Yea cause it makes total sense for the plan to release just 4 games on playstation and then never look at it again lol

Whether people like to admit it or not the gates have been opened now, Ms by choice are choosing to release some of there 1st party games on ps.

It would be utter foolishness to think this is where it starts and ends but hey whatever makes u feel better.

1Victor162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

@obscured: “ You´ll never gonna get it!!!

Give it up!”
🤣That’s what sega fanboy said to the Nintendo fanboys in the school backyard and look what happens.
Fail to learn from history and it’ll repeat itself, in your case you’re suffering from dejavú so badly that you’re walking backwards to move forward 🤣
So it’s confirmed that halo the master chief collection is coming to PlayStation along with the Gears of War collection as they both meet the criteria of older than a year and low engagement 🤨

notachance162d ago

Yeah just like what you said a few days ago which was no xbox games would come to playstation..

StormSnooper161d ago

We don’t even want Xbox trash, but Xbox wants us to have them. lol

RedDevils161d ago

Are you screaming under your parents basement? LMFAO

anast161d ago

I'll be thinking about you Observer when all those games get released on the PS5.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
Lightning77162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Oh my lord the mental gymnastics with you ppl. Those games aren't coming to PS5. They've committed to those types of games to be only for Xbox gamers. Clearly since the next Xbox is in the works and they need those titles to sell consoles.

At best he basically said never say never as things and the market continues to shift and if they don't make growth in the next decade or so. Hell that translates to a Sony and Nintendo also, who's knows what will happen.

In the meantime those types of games aren't coming over. No offense but it sounds you all just coping at the moment. Just hoping and wishing right now.

@grave Phil said himself SF a isn't going to PS5... I swear it's like I'm talking to kids or something.

Y'all need to listen.

Flawlessmic162d ago

I'll repeat my statement.

Yea cause it makes total sense for the plan to be release just 4 games on playstation and then never look at it again ever lol

Whether people like to admit it or not the gates have been opened now, Ms by choice are choosing to release some of there 1st party games on ps.

It would be utter foolishness to think this is where it starts and ends but hey whatever makes u feel better.

Expect more titles to come, people might have wait a few yrs for the games as it will never be day and date but expect more to come.

How u walked out of that thinking it stops at those 4 games is beyond me.

Door is open now.

162d ago
-Foxtrot162d ago


Ah don't worry about it, it's what he does when he's mad and p***** off

Goes straight for the insults and gives you a condescending attitude.

I mean he says I'm trying to cope yet made a p***** sounding reply which is literally him coping...so

Obscure_Observer162d ago


"I'll repeat my statement."

Your "statement" means sh!t!

You´re free to live in lala land for the eternity like all delusional bozos that were expecting Xbox to leave the console market to become a third party publisher for Playstation.

Sarah just confirmed that a new and *POWERFUL* next gen Xbox console is in development so to release big flagship games on competition´s consoles to damage and devalue the Xbox brand and its console itself, only makes sense in the mind of people such as you.

Like I say before, Phil might throw you a bone every now and then with some smaller or GaaS games and that´s all that you´ll get!


Einhander1972162d ago

One step closer to playing Blade on my PS5 Pro.

StormSnooper161d ago

Nobody asked for MS to bring their games, MS is asking that they release their games on PlayStation. Partly because MS desperate to generate interest in their games. Let’s face it, Xbox is not in a good position.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
Lightning77162d ago

@Flaw I already said in another post it won't just be those games. Going forward LS and AA will make there way over to PS and Nintendo officially. While the "system sellers" will stay on Xbox and PC.

Phil said he doesn't know how these games will do on other platforms. It's more of an experiment to see how it'll do. If it does well he'll indeed more games will move over. Again I have to re-iterate, he still believes in AAA games as only on Xbox and PC unless something changes in the future of the buissness. But LS and AA will make their way over probably even day and date eventually.

162d ago
Flawlessmic162d ago

For reference I don't think xbox should be giving Sony shit all, and I'm glad they are staying in the console because Sony alone in the console market is bad for all of us.

But yea signs and symptoms guys, the tea leaves of where this is heading is pretty clear. They heard the rumblings and all they had to say was none of our big AAA releases will never come to playstation to clear that specific very large issue up and they didn't.

They stuck to very very present.

Either way, xsx is the last xbox I'll own pc,ps5 and nintendo is the way to go if you want to play everything. Might eventually be just pc and nintendo tbh.

Signs and symptoms guys

Lightning77162d ago (Edited 162d ago )

Scot really? It's called common sense think for a sec. Why would he release those AAA on series X or X2. He needs to sell systems for the X2 and try and make the Series X somewhat relevant this gen right? Why would he jeopardize that putting this games on PS?

For 100th time in the past hour he said nothing's off the table for those types of games. But.... Listen ok... But in the mean time those games will remain on Xbox and PC. That's literally what this whole thing is.

Maybe down the line SF could hit PS, if our buissness calls for it, nothing's off the table, that's it. That's what they're saying in short.

It's called bad faith takes and terrible comprehension. Or purposefully looking at this wrong for something that's obvious. You just gotta use a little bit of brain power. Plus ppl all over twitter are echoing what everyone is saying here. The funny thing is there all the fanboy nature yeah surprise, surprise fanboys spinning and making there own news.

dumahim162d ago

"Why would he release those AAA on series X or X2. He needs to sell systems for the X2 and try and make the Series X somewhat relevant this gen right? Why would he jeopardize that putting this games on PS?"

Because he talked about what makes sense for the business. Business sense says release some older stuff on the other consoles and get more sales. It's the same thing Sony is doing by releasing older stuff on PC. The priority for Sony is PlayStation, but once they've gotten most of the buyers they're going to get, put it out on PC and take in more. Since Xbox games are already on PC, the only room for the to expand to is PS and Switch. I'm not going to proclaim Starfield and Indy will ever wind up on PS, but this will just be the start to them bringing more stuff to other consoles.

Lightning77162d ago

Is that so Fox? Coping? Tell me how I'm coping and how I'm wrong then? Be my guest. Since you think you're so brilliant. You're absolutely right you have to be condescending on n4g. Or else ppl will walk all over you. Condescending while being right is a deadly combo as you've notice.

Go ahead and tell me how I'm wrong. Or remain quiet a because you can't tell me me how I'm wrong. This is a discussion right?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 161d ago
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VersusDMC5d ago

Xbox NOT live for this game as it's not on xbox.

SNK doesn't have the MT framework isn't compatible excuse that capcom had with MvC Collection so i guess developers just don't want to release old school compilations on Xbox because they don't sell.

Eonjay4d ago

It never was about MT framework. This is easy to figure out because the Xbox One titles using it didn't magically become unplayable.


I remember I had Capcom vs. SNK 2: Mark of the Millennium 2001 for GameCube imported. I had my GC modded to play imports. Ah, good times.

VersusDMC5d ago

Well this kinda guarantees the Capcom vs SNK collection is coming out. Pretty sure if Capcom allowed this to come out it also goes the other way.

RedDevils4d ago

Lol I got my on PS2 without import though.

ZeekQuattro4d ago

I wish Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars would make a return while Capcom is at it.

garos824d ago

i dont see it on UK ps store