
[Exclusive] Phantom Blade Zero 30-Min Demo Will Be Invite-Only

According to the Game Producer of Phantom Blade Zero, the game's upcoming demo will be "open to a certain group of people invited from [the developer's] social media."

blackblades221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Boooo they made it sound like a demo for all last time they spoke on it and now its invite only. Sounds like they have no faith in it then.

107d ago
RaidenBlack221d ago

but why? why limit such a way?
Phantom Blade Zero is easily one of my most anticipated games ... its a sleeper and people should take more notice
but why limit such a way?


Preview: Phantom Blade Zero – This is going to be so good - GamingBoulevard

GamingBoulevard wrote a preview about Phantom Blade Zero explaining why this is going to be so good.

Read Full Story >>
Dirty_Lemons28d ago

Excited for this. Stella Blade will most likely be the sleeper hit for me this year, obviously there are a few games that have my attention coming out in the next few months but I'm keeping eye out for this as it could be fun.

jznrpg28d ago

Stellar Blade was great! I’m glad other Asian countries are starting to make games. There’s a lot of untapped ideas that we can see in the future. As long as the games are good I don’t care who makes them. This looks like it will be the next big Chinese game. I really hope they release it on disc at launch though

sushimama28d ago

I can't wait for this game. I haven't watched anything from it other than the reveal trailer.


Phantom Blade Zero - Gamescom Demo Gameplay Footage

Phantom Blade Zero has brought its 2024 gameplay demo to Gamescom!

Rikimaru-0032d ago

I'm so ready to buy this game, come give us a release date.

Einhander197231d ago

This game is looking great, the animations are amazing.

Abnor_Mal31d ago

The only game I’ve been excited to play recently.

MehmetAlperTR31d ago

It's on easiest settings and enemies are nerfed and player maxed out. Devs confirmed that. And the game will be very hard.. Not like in this video.

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I Don't Blame Phantom Blade Zero For Neglecting Xbox, I Blame Microsoft

Considering how Microsoft's slowly moving away from the Xbox platform as the centerpiece, there will be many more "no one cares about it."

36d ago
36d ago Replies(1)
thecodingart36d ago

No one does care about it - and shouldn’t

36d ago
36d ago Replies(2)
S2Killinit36d ago

Well, I don’t think people care why developers are leaving xbox, whether it is or isn’t MS’s fault is something for MS to figure out.

GamerRN35d ago

I feel like these articles are just trying to further self prophesize Microsoft's exit

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gold_drake36d ago (Edited 36d ago )

i mean, if theres no presence in asia, then i dont blame them.

36d ago Replies(5)
36d ago Replies(3)
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