
Spencer announces conference for next week

Xbox boss Phil Spencer "We've been planning a business update event for next week, where we look forward to sharing more details with you about our vision for the future of Xbox. Stay tuned."

The_Klank172d ago

I wonder what this could be about?

crazyCoconuts172d ago

Google for all the Xbox rumors going on the last few weeks. It's related to that

Eonjay172d ago

I don't understand what the complaints are about from Xbox fans. They were the ones asking for the acquisition. This is the result. No one is going to spend almost $100 Billion to keep them from making as much money as possible. I think they really believed that shareholders wanted to donate $100 Billion to play console wars.

darthv72172d ago

Thats the thing with rumors though. Easy to proclaim but hard to deny because people will still think they are lying no matter what. i think they should just play it cool like they are doing now. all this talk about this game or that game sure is getting lots of people in a twist... they need to just cool their tits.

Eonjay172d ago


People will think they are lying no matter what because they are proven liars. Thats not the point. A lot of Xbox fans are upset about the silence or their perception that Xbox is not being upfront with its plans. I think if they had just come out months ago and said, we are going multiplatform, people would have their feelings, but they would at least know Xbox was being straightforward. Thats whats missing here. The rumors are only rumors because Xbox hasn't been clear with their plan.

crazyCoconuts172d ago

So, @Darth, Phil said "We've been planning a business update event for next week"
And you're proposing that they are going to say "Here's our business update. No changes, you guys were all wrong"
Update kinda implies something is changing, doesn't it?

darthv72172d ago

No crazy... i just said that rumors are tough to address even if trying to deny them because people will believe what they want regardless.

fr0sty172d ago

Pay close attention to what they are calling it... "Business Update Event", this isn't a pre-scheduled event, it isn't aimed at revealing new games, it isn't even aimed at gamers... it's an update on the business end of Xbox, aimed at their shareholders, who likely are not happy about how slowly Xbox is expected to recover the nearly 100 billion they spent acquiring these publishers. So, they are updating these shareholders on the future business plans of Xbox, so them going third party sounds more likely than not.

Microsoft is pulling a Sega... but with a much bigger game developer portfolio.

wesnytsfs172d ago

@Eonjay, I know I do not care. This is what Sony will eventually do as well. Stupid to force gamers to play on a console they do not want to play on. I know I hate the PS controller layout Im sure their are just as many who feel that way about the xbox controller layout.

Cacabunga172d ago

I cannot stand seeing or hearing this guy

crazyCoconuts172d ago

"This is what Sony will eventually do as well."
No frickin way. You're kidding yourself. The fewer Xboxes there are the cheaper it is for them to secure an exclusive. That's why losing the console war compounds on itself the further behind you are. It's like compounding interest.

Eonjay172d ago

Jury is still out on that but I feel like PlayStation is such a large part of Sony that they will resist as long as they can.

S2Killinit171d ago

It’s a lying appointment.

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

Those are some crazy rumours, but based on their current behaviour, those are some believable moves for Xbox.

I friggin hate the Xbox controller layout, I bought the 8bitdo ultimate controller because of the rave reviews, and the fact that Win11 messed up Bluetooth badly, so a lot of stuff like my 8bitdo Pro 2 won't connect (It's a struggle to connect my AVR or bluetooth speaker). PS controllers have always been more comfortable for me, but I'm pretty sure Xbox controllers are pretty popular though, so someone will probably make a 3rd party controller for PS.

You could always go PC, most games from Sony end up there too anyway, as well as almost all the Xbox games, or maybe get a Switch.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
RaidenBlack172d ago

Now, Sea of thieves and Hi-fi I can understand
heck even Starfield
but Halo on PS? That sounds soooo .. weird?
Halo defined Xbox and now its leaking into the very rival platform, for which Xbox owes its existence?
< I'd say port everything from Starfield to Senua II but keep some legacy IPs like Halo, Gears, Fable & Forza exclusive to the Xbox. >

VenomUK172d ago

Hopefully Phil Spencer announces that Microsoft is making an officially licensed PS5 controller with haptics etc , but using the Xbox controller chassis! Then you get the best of both worlds! 🎮

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

I get the feeling we won't see any new games, maybe more about upcoming games that were already announced at best.

IRetrouk171d ago

@raiden, sonic on ps or nintendo sounded weird too once🤷🏻‍♂️
If they are gonna do it they may as well just go whole hog, sell your games on rival platforms, offer gamepass on your own console and pc, should be good to go.

RaidenBlack171d ago

yea well, MS's still in the console business unlike the SEGA 2001 exit.
I am not talking the hypothetical Xbox exit, which is yet to happen or may not happen.
So for the meantime i.e in near future, IMHO, MS can port every of their recent exclusives to PS except their revered flagship IPs. (Halo, Gears)
Of course if MS actually exits the console hardware market in about ~5 years, they will no doubt port those to PS as well, but before that, I guess they'll keep some and port the rest.

bloop171d ago

There's rumours doing the rounds on twitter now that Gears could be one of the franchises coming to PS5. Hard to believe MS would release Gears, Halo or Forza on PS but who knows the way things are going. Could be all bullshit but we'll all find out next week either way.

1Victor171d ago

@Raiden: “but Halo on PS? That sounds soooo .. weird?
Halo defined Xbox and now it’s leaking into the very rival platform, for which Xbox owes its existence?”
I can tell you it’s was disturbing playing a Sonic the Hedgehog on PlayStation and Nintendo but after a few games reality g starts to settle and the console hardcore players begin to accept it and live with it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Obscure_Observer172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

"I wonder what this could be about?"

Well, FINALLY, Phil Spencer himself will gives us a definitive answer whether/if Xbox will go full third party, partially third party AND/IF Xbox will leave the console market for good leaving Xbox gamers behind.

The way he said "Stay Tuned." gives me hope. :)

crazyCoconuts172d ago

Was it... Like... "Stay Tuned!:⁠-⁠):⁠-⁠):⁠-⁠)"
or more like "stay tuned. :⁠-⁠\:⁠-⁠|:⁠-⁠("
Seriously though, clarity is long overdue.

darthv72172d ago

just by virtue of having games like minecraft and now CoD they are already a partial third party. i can see them making some of their other live service games more available to others. Grounded, sea of thieves, those could do well on ps and switch. Combining player counts to up their engagement. live service games should not be walled off... they need to be as open and available to a wider audience as possible.

Eonjay172d ago

Xbox isn't going anywhere. If thats what you were worried about you can take a sigh of relief now. If fact going third party will only ensure they stick around. I think its the box people are worried about and I get that because some sort of competition is needed, but because like 95% of GP subs are on Xbox, the idea that Xbox is going away is not even realistic.

LabRat172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Oh man Obscure... If the rumors had a SHRED of falseness to them, he'd deny it via X (formerly Twitter) and he'd say more to come next week, but the rumors are "false". This is true, and the PR message will be VERY vague like "Xbox loves all gamers, we want to include as many people as possible in our games, we are thrilled to announce X, Y and Z will be going to playstation and nintendo and all future games will be case by case!" (Hence all future games will be that route).

BoneMagnus172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

I can’t help but laugh at the fact that whatever darthv72 says - on any topic -he gets at least 66% disagrees on average.

Hofstaderman172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Dude why wait a week? The man is obviously aware of the rumours and the internet going into a meltdown. Perhaps the PR team is formulating a very carefully worded script for him. Its very clear Phil has been reigned in by a very irate CFO. They want their return on investment by any means. Not saying XBOX is leaving the console market but XBOX centric media and their sources are leaking that all the XBOX tentpole games are going to be released on other consoles due to metrics.

fr0sty171d ago

Why wait a week?

1. It's easy... have a bunch of people leak the news via "rumors".
2. Announce you're going to talk about it in a week, without denying it... sending the community into full on meltdown.
3. After everyone has had some time to digest the shock from it all, and people start to calm down, then deliver the news.

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they left the hardware space, they just can't get people to buy Xboxes, and Gamepass is already available on other devices like PC. I think we're more likely to see them announce a slew of games for PS/Nintendo consoles.

I've actually heard more rumours this week of Xbox games going to other consoles, but that could just be the internet snowball effect or something.

Doesn't matter what he says any more, whether it's true or not, he'll get buried in disagrees regardless.

Father__Merrin171d ago

I think it makes sense that partial third party

shinoff2183171d ago

I feel it'll be partial. They did say game by game basis.

I am annoyed at all these xbox guys pointing to sony raising prices like the ps3. Ps3 was 600 at launch cause of bluray, with that said so

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Jin_Sakai172d ago

They’re going multiplatform. We knew it was coming just a matter of when.

Eonjay172d ago

As someone pointed out, this alone will make them the biggest publisher in the world. So its a win win. Xbox isn't going anywhere and PlayStation is getting the content it would have got if not for the merger.

darthv72172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Technically... they already are. People want to know will they be even more third party now or not.

fr0sty172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

@eon Them being so hesitant to sign contracts for chips for a new Xbox, and Phil saying they may have to reconsider their strategy of remaining in the console business by 2027 are in stark contrast with your "Xbox isn't going anywhere" comments.

darthv72172d ago

@fr0sty... I thought it was posted not long ago that MS were looking into ARM tech for their next platform. The lack of a deal with AMD could certainly be a sign of that different direction.

crazyCoconuts172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

It's win win if you're comfortable with Xbox continuing to sink in the sales charts. If they continue to sink, they won't make more hardware.
I'm not sure I'd use GP subs as rationale for Xbox hardware sticking around. Heard much about GamePass lately? You think you'll get CoD for the same GP price? Now that GP growth has leveled off, I bet the love affair at MS is over

fr0sty171d ago (Edited 171d ago )


Them going with ARM would be a huge mistake, as it would put them at a big disadvantage for third party games... They would be running on a completely different architecture from the PCs many of these games are developed on, and from PlayStation... So developers would have to port every single game to a completely different architecture, which would take time and money to do, and it would cost them games as a result, in addition to performance issues due to developers not wanting to put in the time needed to optimize their games for an entirely different architecture. Think about what happened with PS3 and Cell.

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

I'm more inclined to think they'd go to Nvidia first like Nintendo supposedly has, but we'll see.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Kiryu1992172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

In my opinion, they will announce that they will be bringing games to other platforms maybe not day one. Also, this does not affect Xbox fanbase at all because they can still play the games on game pass.

If people on other consoles want to play, they have to pay full price or wait for a seal, unless game pass can be brought to other platforms

Just like when PlayStation brought their games to PC early on, they had some PlayStation fans mad but now no one cares it’s just part of business

Microsoft spent almost $100 billion on acquisitions and they need to make this money back or at least they want to make this money back. To Xbox fanboys it may sound good to stay at 3rd but MS wants Xbox division to be really profitable and self sustaining not needing parent company to keep funding them

fr0sty172d ago

Gamepass doesn't have to come to other platforms, they can license their games to appear on PS+ Premium, for instance, and still make money on them that way.

PhillyDonJawn172d ago

But they are profitable in fact they profit better than PS do. So being in 3rd hasn't hurt their bottom line they're still rolling in cash.

Kiryu1992172d ago

In my humble opinion

Do you have any data that backs up this claim that Xbox is more profitable than PlayStation? It doesn’t sell more games, it doesn’t sell more hardware

Xbox used its parent company funds to buy publishers. And I stand by my point:

It hurts no one if more gamers get to play the games. Why does it matter or affect an Xbox gamer if their game could be played by others. Same goes for PlayStation. That’s why PC gets best of Butt worlds while console gamers (not all but some) are arguing over who has a better plastic box

We should all enjoy our hobby and play together

mkis007171d ago

Id go a step further and say this meshes with their digital only plans for their box. Xbox is the ghost in the machine not the machine itself.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 171d ago
Lightning77172d ago

Them going 3rd party. What else? I say why wait and let us know they're going full 3rd party now.

Plague-Doctor27172d ago

Probably want to wait for the fervor to die down a bit before announcing anything. And also buying time for their PR team to make sure the message comes out as best as it can

SyntheticForm172d ago

If I had to guess I'd say it's going to be pure damage control dealing with all the third party talk.

Sharky231172d ago

MS shareholders have seen how PlayStation owners buy games. They spent way too much money on publishers to keep those games exclusive. Sure if GamePass subs would have picked up and console sales went up. We wouldn’t be hearing these rumors about 3rd party. To me it’s a no brainer straight 3rd party and they will be #1 is games and making a lot of money for share holders.

Chevalier171d ago

Missing targets 2 years straight and now coming up 3rd straight year of missing targets and now high cost of this purchases makes Gamepass unsustainable.

Without Playstation and Nintendo sales they're leaving too much on the table. 25 million potential Xbox customers who don't buy games. Release games on the Switch and Playstation and 25 million goes up to 170 million potential customers.

Tzuno171d ago

All the mfkers that work on D4 will be fired :)))

shinoff2183171d ago


So I came across this on xboxera, it's from a user with the name anecronomicon(hope I spelled it right). I personally think he's spot on

"BTW it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what happened: MS acquired two publishers & a total of 22,000 developers which the Xbox hardware install base is not large enough to accommodate for. It’s a sudden & unsustainable growth for a platform with roughly 30 million or so hardware owners & Gamepass subscribers.

That’s what happened. I mean after the initial ‘surprise’ at the news, it’s fairly obvious the Activision acquisition put too much sudden pressure & strain on the hardware division to sell enough consoles & achieve high enough the Gamepass subscription numbers to make the entire venture profitable.

Third placed Xbox basically cannot sustain 22,000 developers & all their output by itself. The business grew too fast beyond the scope of their hardware & services reach. Now console users are going to be in a worse position because we’re back to square one with Bethesda & Activision (which were always multiplatform anyway), it looks like Xbox Game Studios content is going multiplat as well (gross) & the hardware will take a nosedive because there’s going to be no point buying it when all their games are available elsewhere."

Basically saying with all Xbox just bought their small base cant sustain all this.

Ms isn't gonna foot the bill for another 10 to 15 trying to build that base, they've been doing it. Gamepass certainly isn't helping. Yall were so happy about those day one games, in the end it helped in all this in a negative way. Alot of ps users were trying to tell yall

1Victor171d ago

“I wonder what this could be about?”
( insert here joke about retirement/going multi platform)

I don’t know what it is but should be fun.

TheEroica171d ago

Xbox is about to make a truck load of money being a publisher with that many studios.

Master of Unlocking169d ago (Edited 169d ago )

Well, in that memo Phil Spencer doesn't flatout dismiss those rumors, so I'd say they're gonna publish a few Xbox games on the PlayStation 5, but not as many as originally planned before the outcry. That will come later, in a much more discrete manner.
I do not believe for one second he's gonna say that's it with Xbox, we're done, no more hardware and we're going the Sega route, so calm down my Xbox friends.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 169d ago
MrDead172d ago

MS buys Bethesda, bans them from releasing games on their most profitable console platform takes them through two rounds of dev firings just so a handful of extremely rich people get richer and now it looks like they could be allowing Bethesda to put it's games back on PS. No new games just a movement of wealth, industry consolidation and firings, MS is a disease.

Mikeyy172d ago

Don't forget Microsoft bought Activision just to fire Bobby Kotic and save all the female developers from his sexual wrath. Oh wait, Spencer and Kotic are BFFs and Kotic got a $400 million dollar retirement payout and sailed of happily into the sunset. LMFAO. also, Microsoft layed off 2000 employees from them, How many were victims of the harassment? Convenient way to get rid of future troubles.

171d ago
theindiearmy172d ago

I've been saying all along with the Activision acquisition that their plan was to use COD as leverage to get Game Pass on Playstation. I still think that is the long game here and it starts with putting other titles on Playstation to make Game Pass more lucrative when it does launch. Wouldn't be surprised if they get Game Pass cloud streaming on Nintendo's console as well.

fr0sty172d ago

They don't need to put GamePass on PlayStation, they can still make a fortune licensing their games to PS+ Premium.

Plague-Doctor27172d ago

The guy who initially leaked all this is now saying COD isnt even coming to GamePass either

mkis007171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

How would that work though in practice? Ive been trying to figure out the logistics. Ms pays devs to have their games in the catalog, but with every new system (playstation, nintendo) they introduce the payment expands by at least double right? All those sales lost potentially to subscribers. Then you have the platform holders fee.

Barlos171d ago

GP isn't coming to playstation PlayStation. Ever. Why would Sony allow a service that competes with its own PS Plus?

theindiearmy171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

Because they like money and selling systems. Even subscription services have a fee that goes to Sony. Money they wouldn't otherwise be getting.
If MS started bringing their exclusives to Playstation via Game Pass, that would be an additional system seller for Sony.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Lightning77172d ago

What are you a broken record? They're goin multiplat so you can stop whining every 2 seconds about it.

MrDead172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Why? Thousands of people lost their jobs just so MS could consolidate the industry and make a few extremely wealthy people even more rich. We now have three publishers no longer competing with each other MS, Activision and Bethesda, everything MS has done has been of no benefit to the industry.

...oh yeah let's also not forget that they can pull the plug anytime and ban those publishers from releasing games on any system they want.again.

S2Killinit171d ago

They are not going multiplatform. This is just an appointment to lie.

mkis007171d ago

This could even be a reaction to the public outcry over their layoffs. Get that extra "huge" revenue source and keep those people paid next time.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 171d ago
Terry_B172d ago

Inb4 a clarification that all these rumors are wrong and Xbox won't go multiplatform. Its a marketing stunt..nothing else.

crazyCoconuts172d ago

Dude that would be an interesting twist lol
That's playing with fire though... I think that's too ballsy for MS PR. At least some of these rumors are true, question is how far are they going?

Mikeyy172d ago

PR stunt? Bro they are getting very bad PR right now, from their hardcore supporters. This is a mistake if that's the case. He could have easily denied it all, but he didn't, that means something is true, How much? We'll see next week.

His message is an admission that something is up.

darthv72172d ago

Even trying to deny something is often times seen as the opposite. You would still have people saying they are lying and everything is true.

crazyCoconuts172d ago

@darth not if it's wholesale not true. "Xbox is not porting our exclusive titles to PlayStation" would have shut down the majority of this churning. Minimally there's a "yes, but" here.

Terry_B172d ago

Nay. Instead its happy face Phil saying that Xbox titles are exclusive and stay exclusive and that Xbox is the best blabla.

Something like that.

fr0sty172d ago (Edited 172d ago )

Keep in mind Phil referred to this as a "Business Update Event", not a "new game showcase" or a "future of Xbox" event... They are updating their entire business model, this event is for their shareholders (who are likely pissed that they are not making money off of this 100 billion dollar investment as they expected), not us gamers.

neomahi171d ago

Right. If it wasn't true, he'd have flat out said it's rumor. Next week, Xbox is going to make a big deal of it, and it's in their best interest to do so

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
Profchaos172d ago

Or as Reggie said "it's not the same game it's not the same content"

neomahi171d ago (Edited 171d ago )

No, I beg to differ. Spencer knows he needs to do this. He's seeing now just how profitable this will be, hes seeing PS fans will give his brand the attention he wants to make his games possible for Game of the Year which means sales. They may not stop selling the Xbox Series consoles, but it takes the stress and pressure of the Series S consoles so, Xbox will finish out this console generation but next gen, they're going consoleless but they'll go multiplatform. Imagine Phil Spencer allowing Bluepoint to remaster the original Gears of War trilogy for PlayStation, not even just 4 & 5, Gears of War isn't making money anymore, but releasing the series on PlayStation, what Epic originally wanted to do with the Xbox cow milked dry, now he can go after the PlayStation crowd and make a ton of money. It's gonna happen, but Xbox won't have a next Gen console, they'll support the Xbox Series consoles to finish this gen out

Extermin8or3_171d ago

You don't organise a pres conference for that.

shinoff2183171d ago

Marketing stunt. Over on xboxera there's people saying they've canceled their gamepass. Some say they are selling their Xbox. If it is a marketing stunt it's very ass backwards.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 171d ago
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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
