
Xbox Series X|S vs Xbox One Sales Comparison - December 2023

December 2023 is the 38th month the Xbox Series X|S has been available for. In the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the Xbox One when compared to the aligned launch of the Xbox Series X|S by 0.90 million units.

In the last 12 months, the Xbox One has outsold the Xbox Series X|S by 2.15 million units. The Xbox Series X|S is currently behind the Xbox One by 2.19 million units.

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Hofstaderman139d ago (Edited 139d ago )

XBOX One outsold both series consoles. My God.

Bathyj139d ago

Stands to reason
Every Xbox console gets worse than the one before it and Microsoft get worse at gaming.

Tacoboto139d ago

Xbox 360 basically tripled the sales over the original Xbox and spent most of the generation ahead of the PS3.

But that's where they squandered their opportunity - Kinect, the $500 launch price, the non-gamer features; they completely did an about-face 180 after having a pretty damn good lineup with the 360.

Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Halo at its prime, diverse titles at a consistent rate from late 2005 through 2011/2012. Sony with the PS4 ate up every lesson that MS decided to throw out the window when they pivoted to Kinect and TV

MrNinosan139d ago

X360 did sell better than first Xbox, but the main reason being ahead of PS3 was due the 1 year headstart and because of us who bought 3-4 consoles due to really bad quality. I got RROD on every single X360 I bought.
In Sweden, and most parts of Europe, MS didn't swap them out for free as I've been told they did in US.

Bathyj139d ago

Taco you are on the money there that Xbox 360 turned to crap with the introduction of Kinect. It was basically date and date when Kinect was announced Xbox Focus changed and they forgot about the games for the regular console and it's been the same ever since.

that, and when you factory in Rrod is why I still think the first Xbox was the best, 360 second best, Xbox One I never touched because it was terrible, and the series X is just another example where Microsoft has no direction in gaming other than to buy everything.

crazyCoconuts139d ago

That's why all the rumors swirling around about Xbox feel like there might be some truth in them.
How could an MS exec look at the performance decline generation over generation and say - "let's invest in another generation of this!"
Some kind of big change has got to be in the air...

Aloymetal139d ago

That's one hell of a record...
But don't you worry because soon we'll get several articles saying: ''How xbone selling more than the series is a good thing for the brand and the industry''...

139d ago
MrNinosan139d ago

Xbox doesn't have more profit that Playstatiom. Microsoft however does.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 139d ago
anast139d ago

Might as well buy a Steam Deck at this point if you hate Sony.

randomvoice139d ago

I wonder what people will say about the XSX/XSS once the gen is done and they've sold less units than the Xbox One. People call the Xbox One a disaster. So they'll probably call this catastrophe or something.

Travesty138d ago (Edited 138d ago )

They don’t really care about consoles sales at this point.. they know if they posted them like they use to it will only make it worse..
They are still high off the fact that they bought two big publishers and advertising 200 million people play their games.. it’s funny to me…
I don’t know what next gen holds for them. Just a streaming device or something.. it won’t be too much longer before then I supppose..


Capcom's Old Game Engine Seemingly To Blame For Certain Releases Skipping Xbox

“Capcom has no pipeline for porting older MT Framework titles to Xbox's modern ERA system, which makes it more expensive to deliver the same titles than it would porting them to PlayStation 4, Switch, or PC.”

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Valkyrye12h ago

Phase 1 Denial
Phase 2 Excuse making
Phase 3 Indifference

12h agoReplies(2)
darthv728h ago

did MS just stop supporting MT framework all together? I get that its not supported for Series (same with PS5) but the PS4 and XBO supported it. So, its just odd that there is a PS4 version (which would subsequently run on PS5 via BC) but not an XBO to do the same.

Unless there was some update applied to both XBO/Series that no longer make it compatible and only existing titles are it. I'm getting it for Switch anyways so I'm good. I have the other collections on there and I like to keep things together.

ZlorkunLovesFishing7h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Xbox one moved from XDK to GDK (same SDK used for Xbox series). PS4 didn’t change.

MT was an XDK engine. Capcom would need to port it.

But fanboys will try to convince you it’s just because capcom doesn’t want to release games on xbox despite their next big game coming to gamepass day 1…

Elda4m ago(Edited 0m ago)

Capcom's game that's coming to Gamepass next month is not a "Big' game, one of the very reasons it's releasing on Gamepass day one. It's a new ip, an i.p. that Capcom doesn't know if it's going to sell well another reason why it's on Gamepass. Capcom's next "Big" game is Monster Hunter Wild & that's not coming to Gamepass.


OMG - The PUBG x NewJeans crossover event launches on console

The global K-pop sensation NewJeans are definitely not Super Shy as they’re front and centre for the latest themed event in PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS.

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