
Physint - Hideo Kojima returns to the action-espionage genre | PlayStation

Hideo Kojima returns to the action-espionage genre with PHYSINT, a new project coming to PlayStation.

PaleMoonDeath238d ago

I can't understate how joyful this made me watching this live..

Nyxus238d ago

Spiritual successor to Metal Gear!

RaidenBlack238d ago

" Physint, or Physical Intelligence, refers to the ability of systems, particularly artificial ones like robots or machines, to understand and interact with the physical world. It involves integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems to perceive and manipulate objects and environments effectively. Physint enables machines to adapt to changing conditions, make autonomous decisions, and perform tasks in complex real-world settings. "

thorstein238d ago

And there are some connections to MI6 and espionage from between the World Wars.

Ninver238d ago

Sounds like you know your stuff.

Bathyj238d ago

Kojima is going to be the one that causea AI to go sentient and cause terminators

artgamer237d ago

Soo... you're saying there's gonna be sleek, Cyborg ninjas.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 237d ago
notachance238d ago

I’m disappointed he didn’t call it wooden screw

porkChop238d ago

So apparently it isn't entering full production until after Death Stranding 2 is released. So basically 12-24 months until KojiPro really starts working on it. Why even announce it then? It's clearly a next gen game.

Regardless, I hope it's great and I'm happy to see Kojima returning to what he does best.

EvertonFC238d ago

It'll be PS6, the way Herman said "we will fully support you with the latest innovations"

Kiryu1992238d ago

This will launch day one on PS6

porkChop238d ago

Maybe it will but why announce it now? These publishers keep announcing games years in advance, sometimes before development has even started. What's the point? Just focus on the games coming out over the next year.

EvertonFC238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

They will not launch a new kojima movie/game on launch with small ps6 gamer numbers, they'll wait until the end of the 1st year when numbers will be at about 15m consoles sold.

seanpitt23237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

Ps6 will come out late 2027 might even be late 2028

This game will be in full production in 2026 after DS2 2025 how on earth do you think this game will be a ps6 launch it will take minimum of 3 to 4 years to make so we are looking at a 2029 to 2030 release at the earliest

fr0sty237d ago

Keep in mind that DS2 launching and DS2 going gold are not the same thing... DS2 will likely go gold around the end of this year and enter into final testing, and it'll be around then that Physint will start pre-production, with full production launching next year.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 237d ago
Ps5conehead238d ago

Because crybabies on here get whiny when Sony keeps quiet

EvertonFC238d ago

I see the cry babies have disagreed 🤣😂

ThePacemaker238d ago

Pork it is a self explanatory. They announced this partnership this early so that Sony can assure PS gamers that Kojima is still on board with Sony. I guess this is the first PS6 game ever announced.

porkChop238d ago

What? Everyone knows he's still on board with Sony seeing as they're releasing DS2 in 2025.

ibrake4naps238d ago

Let the next gen speculations begin.....and not end till their arrival in like 2028...

Michiel1989238d ago

pretty sure the way they presented it was because of the MS acquisitions recently. It's amazing that he's gonna go back to the espionage genre, but it doesn't really do much for me since production won't even start for a good while.

Extermin8or3_238d ago

It's in preproduction then, full development phase typically lasts about 2-3 years so 2027-2028.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 237d ago
italiangamer238d ago

First PlayStation 6 title 🦍

EvertonFC238d ago

Agreed, "we will fully support you with the latest innovations"

Year 1 PS6 title.

I_am_Batman237d ago

If even that. Kojima is competing with his past work on this one. If we assume PS6 might launch late 2028, that's not that much time to build a new IP to try and top his entire legacy. Especially considering that full production might not start until late 2025 for all we know.

purple101237d ago

the way the drone flew out the warehouse hangar at the end, revealing it was filmed at Sony FILM studios, is very telling, their letting him direct - for real.

TriniOutsider238d ago

Sony is gonna end up getting this man to make a lot of their games.

cloganart237d ago (Edited 237d ago )

DS2 and OD sound more intriguing, this is already something that's been done in the gaming genre so many times, esp. by him.

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Kojima explains why he decided to make a new action-espionage game

During the latest episode of HideoTube, Kojima talked a bit about Physint and the other projects he's currently working on.

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thorstein229d ago

That is a fantastic interview. Physint is a love letter to the fans. What a legend.

YourMommySpoils229d ago

I'm guessing OD will also be coming to PlayStation, as the trailer states for all players lol

RhinoGamer88228d ago

Love to know how much he works on a game. 10% effort --- 90% credit

F0XH0UND922228d ago

Ever see the credits of a Kojima game? The guy is a machine and does so much for his projects.

Trilithon228d ago

hes a decision maker. people don't always agree. but at least he has made a decision. imagine how many execs wanting the main characters outfit to have flowers cause their daughter likes flowers. this the power of being independent. only the real fans breathing down his neck

WelkinCole228d ago

I really really miss MSG. For me its not a PS gen if there is no MSG. So this news is a God send for me.

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Hideo Kojima’s Physint smells like PS6 gold, but not PS5

Hideo Kojima continues to fry our brains with his new game Physint, the “culmination” of all his work before it, and it feels destined for the PS6.

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Bathyj237d ago

It will be cross gen or a PS5 swansong with a PS6 Remaster.

At least we all agree there will be a PS6

goldwyncq237d ago

Production starts after DS2 is out next year so there’s no way this is releasing during the PS5 era. At best, it’ll be a cross-gen game like MGSV was.

Hofstaderman237d ago

Doesnt matter, I will be purchasing a PS6.

MIDGETonSTILTS17237d ago

Maybe the game manages to launch with 2 years of preproduction leading up to DS2 in 2025, and then MAYBE releases in 2028 as the ps5 swan song, after 3 years of development.

Or, maybe the ps5 justifies AAA support for a full ten years, and leaves a healthy window for Kojima. I know that’s well above how long a console gen typically lasts, but it took awhile before we saw games like Spider-Man 2 that legitimately looked like they needed a hardware upgrade.

The ps5 might be strong enough for devs for a lot longer, considering the cost of Spider-Man 2…. If VR takes off, then I’d understand the typical need for stronger hardware every 7 years, but those headsets aren’t flying off the shelves yet.

The ps5 might be enough for the life like graphics Kojima is aiming for.

Brazz237d ago

Maybe crossgen tutle? 2029-2030?

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