
New Alan Wake 2 update finally adds what PS5 and Xbox players need

Remedy Entertainment has finally added chapter select to Alan Wake 2 to make hunting PS5 trophies and Xbox achievements much easier.

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Tacoboto177d ago

At this point it may just be better if they do a Complete Edition after all these updates and upcoming dlc.

But with Epic as the publisher... I cast doubt on even that

REDGUM176d ago

Please don't tease 😫. I'm so hanging to play this but I just don't buy digital, especially not here in Australia where everything is inflated.

Stuart5756176d ago

Same here, almost bought it in the sale it was 20% off, but no. Need that physical. When will they learn? At half price that digital is mine, but I would pay full RRP for physical, publishers, please read the comments.

rakentaja176d ago

In the next 10-20 years, the physical will disappear. Better prepare, don't resist. The discless PS5 is proof of what's to come. Even Sony knows this. This isn't just a "cheaper" PS5...but the beginning of a transition.

shinoff2183176d ago

Don't lump Playstation with xbox, Sony shown their committed to physical releases time and time again. They were also the first to work with smaller publisher releasing print runs as lows as 1k.

Nice try raken

tbagmonster176d ago

you are delusional if you think physical is going to last much longer, they dont care what you think

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 176d ago
toxic-inferno176d ago

We can only hope. I am very excited to Play AW2, as I love the Alan Wake / Control universe. But I just can't bring myself to buy the digital version. So until they come to their senses and offer a physical copy, I won't be purchasing it.

Even if it's an £80 premium deluxe edition, I'd rather that than buy digital.

1UP-Words176d ago

Sadly not! Hopefully they take the same approach as Larian with Baldur's Gate though. I'd love a full physical edition with extras thrown in.

G1L176d ago

Yes please :). Waited for baldurs gate 3 and am waiting for this one 😁

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 176d ago
andy85177d ago

Clicked on this thinking it was physical -_- their loss

CrimsonWing69176d ago

You'll never play this then? If that's the case I feel like you'll also be losing out.

andy85176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

I will play it, when it's on PS Plus or deep discount. Physical game futures need supporting and messages still to keep being sent. If they die we're at the mercy of the PS store prices

jznrpg176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

I play a lot of games every year.

I don’t mind waiting for bargain bin flash sale for Alan Wake 2 if they don’t release a physical copy even if it takes a couple years or more. I always have another game I want to play.

shinoff2183176d ago

I bought octopath traveler 2 for 25 off Amazon last week not 59.99 on psn.

CrimsonWing69176d ago

@jznrpg and @shinoff

I’m not sure you understand what I was saying here. I’m glad you all found games on sale… not sure the relevance to that pertaining to this discussion, but good for you.

What I was saying is to miss out on a game that is ONLY digital because you want it physical would be a loss to you. Alan Wake 2 is an exceptional game. I’d honestly hate missing out on the experience. Digital games have sales, too believe it or not.

What you’re telling me is you’ll buy it digitally on sale. Great! I’m saying missing out on a game because it’s ONLY digital is a loss for someone interested in the game but refusing to buy it because there’s no physical.

Hopefully, that makes more sense…

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 176d ago
Futureshark176d ago

Now can replay 'that' level again, awesome!

RedDeadLB176d ago

Fixed the crashes on Xbox Series S?

Dirtnapstor176d ago (Edited 176d ago )

Excellent game!
I'm hoping they patch the bug that will not let me pick up my last charm (in the rangers station) needed for the Rustic Charm trophy... it is indicated on the map, but is not sitting on the bed as guides indicate. Frustrating.
Any thoughts?
I'll have the Plat once that pops.

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Alan Wake 2’s Night Spring DLC is an epic Max Payne remakes precursor

Alan Wake 2’s new Night Springs DLC is an excellent reminder of how great the Max Payne remakes are likely going to be on PS5 and Xbox.

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Alan Wake 2: Night Springs DLC Review | redabble.

Just when you thought you had escaped the tenebrous fever dream of Bright Falls and its haunted woods, the new “Night Springs” downloadable expansion for Alan Wake 2 pulls you back...

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1nsomniac43d ago

WOW! What an incredible amount of words to say so little.

A bizarre, verbal onslaught "review" that tries so hard to be eloquently whimsical in its writing to cover the fact it doesn't really contain any content. Other than the self explanatory and rehashing what we already know...

Someone's either trying really hard to impress someone at the office or this was written by AI.. Tone it down a bit, It'll give people less of a headache.


Alan Wake II: Night Springs DLC Review - IGN

Alan Wake II: Night Springs veers from ultra violence to tense survival horror, before settling into the multiversal madness of the series at its best.

Petebloodyonion44d ago

The NightSpring DLC was evidently crafted for enthusiasts of Remedy games, with each episode drawing from a distinct Remedy experience. The "Number 1 Fan" story allows you to play as Rose, designed to mirror the over-the-top action of AW American Nightmare. It earns extra points for featuring Mr. Scratch and concluding in a manner reminiscent of AW American Nightmare, notably with a nod to Alice's dress from the game.

In Episode 2, the narrative continues with Jesse's quest to locate her brother, aided by Polaris. The Hiss have transformed into the 'Coffee people,'

Episode 3 represents Remedy's finest effort to link Quantum Break to the AW universe without explicitly naming Quantum Break. The actor notes that the sequel they are filming should include FMV sequences similar to the first game, and Sam Lake describes how he is destined to become a superhero. Sean Ashmore's narration is a direct nod to Quantum Break, akin to Jesse's inclusion in this episode