
Where's Our Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Review?

IGN : Suicide Squad’s “early access” period will start to go live around the world late Monday night on consoles (and 10am PT Tuesday on Steam), which means that’s when it’s officially out, practically speaking. Unfortunately, we won’t have a review of Rocksteady’s new game-as-a-service looter shooter for you right away, as codes have not been sent ahead of time – in fact, Warner Bros. Games informed IGN that it has declined to send us codes at all.

LG_Fox_Brazil241d ago

"In fact, Warner Bros. Games informed IGN that it has declined to send us codes at all"

Just another piece in this horrible puzzle that is still taking shape, but that everybody already knows how it will look

Eonjay240d ago

While I agree with you, I want to say that personally, I don't think that IGN or any other publication is entitled to free codes. That being said, clearly Rocksteady is not confident in their product and it shows.

robtion240d ago

Yep it is sad to see Rocksteady, after making the amazing Arkham trilogy, being reduced to making an always online Gaas game.

Nobody wants these games. When will publishers understand this? You can't even play the game without PS Plus. If you have internet issues (I just had 3 weeks with no internet after lightning hit our phone and power line) you can't even play the game.

Inverno241d ago

There's a strong feeling of indifference at this point, as there's been so many games that have come out in such a poor state. There's definitely so much bad in the industry right now, that I couldn't care less. I stay away from 99% of games released, cause it's the only other option. IGN isn't the most trusted, but withholding review copies is a huge red flag.

EvertonFC240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Gaming market isn't sustainable anyway with about 100 games a year being released.
Who's going to buy and play all them games ?
I bet realistically gamers only have about 10 games a year on there radar.
90% of games turn out janky, not optimised due to poor coding and design choices.
Lets be honest even us hardcore gamers ONLY play 2 AAA exclusives, handful of Indies plus a few 3rd party games every year.
There must be so many games not selling 10k even?

Demetrius241d ago

It's a failure at release alot of us knew this, I remember being excited when it was revealed cause it couoda turned out dope but nah rocksteady was forced to make a pile of only online trash and misuse of good characters lmao hopefully down the line we get a dedicated batman sequel but not from these bozos that forced rocksteady like this

Flawlessmic241d ago

with holding review copies from smaller outlets that you know have certain biases is one thing.

with holding a review copy from ign though, the biggest gaming outlet out there, i cant say i can remember the last time this happened.
they were better off giving ign a copy to fool fans into thinking they had even a shred of confidence in the game, with holding it from IGN is massive confirmation the game is a turd and they know it.

badboyz09241d ago

"In fact, Warner Bros. Games informed IGN that it has declined to send us codes at all"

You tell em WB🤣

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Concord and the Other Biggest Flops of This Generation

Some of the biggest success stories in the history of gaming have happened during this generation of gaming. At the same time, some of the biggest flops in the history of gaming have also happened during this generation of gaming. To this end, a few games particularly stick out as, unfortunately, disastrous flops for those who made the games, sold the games, and ultimately, for many that played the games.

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19d ago Replies(2)
ChasterMies19d ago

What a strange, short list. There have been many more games that arrived DOA, were never released, didn’t make their budget back, etc. Why cherry pick these games? Is this list based on the size of internet hate boners?

EternalTitan19d ago

These flops have a similarity that you may not be allowed to point out.

19d ago Replies(2)
127maXimus19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

Skull and Bones gets my vote, at this point just completely remake AC Black Flag. If the Concord developers had made the game free to play, and toned down the in your face messaging via the mods and design choices, this game could have been serviceable eventually. I never understand why pandering to 5% of your audience and giving the finger to the other 95% seems like a good idea to these people. They never seem to learn. Disney has lost 1/3rd of its value and they keep doubling down on political messaging. I don’t get it.

BlackTar18719d ago

Some of these companies are paid huge amounts of money to do this stuff. They get truck loads of money to give “the message”
By blackrock and vanguards and multiple other venture capitalists even though it’s been proven over and over they fail.

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Rocksteady Reportedly Lays Off Staff Following Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Flop

Rocksteady Studios has reportedly laid off several staff members as a result of the disastrous release of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League.

phoenixwing24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

Blame the ppl wo greenlit the gaas idea for a genre not the workers. So like the ceo or the managers.

Cacabunga23d ago

Or Warner.. they fund projects.
Next time make Batman game with multiplayer like Origins if you really want to implement online. Nothing will replace a solid story driven game

TheProfessional23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

That's all true but whoever did the story, character designs and gameplay also didn't do a good job either. Even if they were forced to make suicide squad and it had to be games as a service they could've done better characters at least.

Christopher23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

The gameplay itself wasn't smart. It's a shooter when half of them don't even use ranged weapons and only one uses guns.

CobraKai23d ago

WB/RS definitely tried to pigeonhole DC characters into a GAAS shooter and it didn’t work. Couple that with horrendous Joker and MR. Freeze designs, and you have a recipe for failure.

TheProfessional23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

They also completely removed all of the combat Rocksteady was good at. If this was a mulitplayer version of Arkham it could've been great. But I guess it still would've been suicide squad.

OldDuffer23d ago

I bet the people who made the decisions 'up high' are not affected by lay offs at all.
Shame to see.

coolbeans23d ago

Worse than that, those few probably had nice yearly bonuses as this portfolio item likely promised great ROI.

anast23d ago

They get bonuses after lay offs.

TheProfessional23d ago (Edited 23d ago )

Whoever the project leads are on this also did a bad job with what they were given.

FinalFantasyFanatic22d ago

Higher ups really need to be held accountable for these screwups, it's amazing that everyone below them pays for their mistakes, while they get rewarded for their crappy choices.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 22d ago
Yi-Long23d ago

Instead of firing the devs who were forced to turn their games into GaaS garbage, how about firing the arrogant, greedy suits who dismissed all the warnings from gamers who shouted at them that we’re not interested in GaaS … !?

Anyway, those devs will find new projects to work on, big or small, while those suits will remain seated in their thrones and will continue to make dumb decisions which will run their company i to the ground.

ZoboomafooFan23d ago

Oh the Ms. Freeze content didn't save it? Shocker.

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Warner Bros. Game Revenue Drops 41% Due to Weak Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League killed Warner Bros. Discovery's game revenue, but the company continues to "strongly believe" in games.

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CrimsonWing6950d ago

Guess that Mrs. freeze didn’t work out for ya, huh?

P_Bomb50d ago

I see they’ve brought back one of the Justice League members too.

Cacabunga49d ago

Imagine they made a new Batman non gaas..
10-15 millions sold by now and a strong community..

They instead decided to hurt their brand and break the very strong bond they had with their fans..

badz14949d ago


15mil? There has been no Batman game that has reached that figure. I think only Arkham City exceeded 10mil

Cacabunga49d ago


The hunger for solid SP games is unprecedented these days due to lack in quality and quantity..

solideagle49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

it did its job, froze the revenue, profits and sales :p /s

Hofstaderman49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Beat me to it. It put their plans on ice.

Phoenix7648d ago

Guys...... that's just cold, ya know 😏

Rikimaru-0050d ago

lol, another company will follow right behind these guys. the game never did look in the first place

Knightofelemia50d ago

Should have gone down a different route then making a loot and shoot

Relientk7749d ago

Sounds like people want great single player games like Hogwarts Legacy and not GaaS garbage like Suicide Squad.

Take notes Warner Bros. I know that's really hard for you.

JEECE49d ago


Lol they learned the opposite lesson. They think they aren't focused enough on live service. From their point of view, Hogwarts Legacy would have sold just as well as a live service game, and then Suicide Squad's flop wouldn't have killed their revenue so much this year because they still would have had ongoing revenue from the live service Hogwarts game.

That's one of the limitations of voting with your wallet-execs who are clueless as to how gamers actually think, or who at best understand them on about a ten-year delay, will always learn the wrong lesson from those votes.

mike32UK49d ago

In that particular instance they are probably right, but the one and only reason being it's harry potter. You definitely can't apply that logic to every single game

S2Killinit49d ago

Warner Bros is simply a shitty developer.

raWfodog49d ago

WB is the game’s publisher. Rocksteady is the developer.

S2Killinit49d ago

I know but WB is just a crap dev/publisher in my opinion.

SonyStyled49d ago

WB is a publisher, not a developer. Are you confused between a publisher and a developer? Publishers print what the developer creates. A developer doesn’t publish the game, with the exception of occasional indy games where the developer self publishes due to not finding a publisher. One develops, the other prints and distributes

Green-Smurf49d ago

you obviously dont know the difference because if you did then you would know that they publish Mortal Kombat which is making gobs of money

S2Killinit49d ago

I know I know you are very smart and I’m dumb.

JEECE49d ago

I hope you are reading all the "hur dur hur WB is a publisher not a dev, yer so stoopid" responses as if they are in the SpongeBob chicken meme.

S2Killinit49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Lol 😂 yeah

Im not sure why everyone who comes across it wants to make sure to let me know that they know the difference and I don't apparently. 😆

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