
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth interview: Cody Christian talks Cloud Strife

The actor who brings Cloud Strife to life in FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH reveals what it's like to become the iconic hero.

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We Will Never See A Remake Like Final Fantasy 7 Again

Square Enix says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth fell below expectations, but it's a special game regardless

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TheNamelessOne4h ago

Still just wanted the original game with much improved visuals lol.

Einhander19723h ago

I love these two games, and no disrespect for the original which I played on my PS1 and several times since then, I would much rather play the remakes. The game play is just so much fun and the characters just have so much more life and personality plus it has the modern sensibilities that are hard to give up.

It's a shame that they haven't found the success SE wanted, and while people of course want to blame PlayStation I feel like Final Fantasy just doesn't have the effect it used to. Younger people have zero attachment to the series and have zero nostalgia.

And I still think that PlayStation will be the best selling platform by a long shot, FF16 on steam even at $50 isn't selling nearly as well as it did on PS5 where it sold 3.5 million in its first week. Looking at the numbers on Steam if the game has sold 1 million so far I'd be surprised.

andy853h ago(Edited 3h ago)

It was everything I wanted from it to be honest. And part 3 will expand on that with airship travel. Hope Switch 2 is powerful enough for it, because that's where the sales are in Japan. It deserves success with the love that went into it.

Scissorman3h ago

I think over time, this endeavor will be worth the investment. Part 3 will release, along with the inevitable bundling of all three games on other consoles. I do think it's a mistake to not offer DLC this time around like with Intergrade, that would have been a nice additional revenue stream for SE.

enkiduxiv2h ago

The remake project is so frustrating. For everything they get right, they get something wrong, at least in opinion. I am ultimately glad I stuck with and played both games, but I can totally understand fans who bailed after all the horrible changes they have made to the original story. Still hope we see the combat director for remake give us his own take on the franchise in the future. Also really hope Nomura and Kitase retire after this project is over. They are way past their prime.

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Take-Two bosses get $25m performance-based bonus, despite sacking 550 people

Zelnick and Slatoff have received a $25m bonus for their management fund after sacking 550 people from Take Two Interactive.

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thorstein1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Can't wait to hear how the corporate bootlickers defend this.

seanpitt231d 5h ago

This is the world we live in and people seem to think it's acceptable

Cacabunga1d 3h ago

550 probably consultants.
GTA6 is in tweak phase, no need for massive number of people for that.

PRIMORDUS1d 3h ago

Best way to get rid of people like this is to make them disappear, permanently.

purple10110h ago

Bury them deep, plant an endangered species of tree ontop- body can never be recovered 🧐

Don’t ask how I know this 😂

JackBNimble11h ago

So don't support take 2 by buying games... pretty easy to vote with your wallet.

Profchaos1d 9h ago

They also just held a leadership vote I don't think there was any changes

Software_Lover1d 8h ago

I really don't even think CEO's should get bonuses. If I were a CEO and I made millions, I would like to think I wouldn't. Or if I had to legally, I would maybe find a way to disperse among the lower tier employees. Take my bonus and turn it into stocks to disperse out to those employees evenly.

DarXyde20h ago

That would be the way to do it. Imagine thinking a CEOs "leadership" is worth that much money while the talent makes the product.


FinalFantasyFanatic16h ago

I remember when I started working, my department manager used to gift us stuff each year, one year I got a bottle of Scotch, another it was a small basket of treats... But that was also a lot less money than what we're talking about here.

It would be ideal if the CEO could gift a bonus to everyone under them.

thorstein10h ago

Monetary company bonuses (often referred to as Christmas bonuses) were astoundingly common.

The entire premise of Christmas Vacation was set around Clark's bonus.

MrDead1d 7h ago

CEO's work for shareholders and are shareholders they also rely on share price to receive their multimillion dollar paydays and they will happily fire thousands to protect shares. CEO's are there to extract the most value out of a company and give it to the wealthy few.

redknight801d 7h ago

That is so god damn fucked up!! Unfortunately...I know damn well I will be still buying their games but shit like this should seriously have some sort of repercussion of some sort. 550 people get their lives totally up-ended and the leadership get a bonus on top of an already high salary. 25M could set those 550 people up with an annual salary each of $45,000. Depending on where you live, that is a very livable salary even...

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Serious Questions Must Be Asked About PlayStation CEO Hermen Hulst After New Concord Report

"It took one trailer for your average Joe Shmoe gamer to know the fate of Concord. Meanwhile, Hulst was at the helm of its development thinking it was about to be "the future of PlayStation." The level of disconnect is tremendous. This isn't just a catastrophically expensive mistake from Hulst, it is an embarrassing one that raises serious questions about whether he is fit for the role he had, let alone the role has has been promoted to. Hulst and co. get paid untold millions to make the exact calls that just cost Sony half-a-billion dollars when they could have gotten a better counsel from the YouTube comments section. Suffice to say, Hulst and any other PlayStation leadership involved in this disaster have serious questions to answer.

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1d 21h ago
Knushwood Butt1d 20h ago

'It took one trailer for your average Joe Shmoe gamer to know the fate of Concord.'.

I wonder if the author bought up a load of physical copies and themed controllers in advance of the game being pulled, seen as they have such foresight.

1d 13h ago Replies(2)
Notellin1d 11h ago

Everyone knew from the first trailer and if not definitely the beta that this game was dead on arrival.

Probably the most easily predicted flop in media history given it's horrendous reception. People wouldn't even try the free beta.

Cacabunga1d 3h ago

Hat is obviously way too big for him..
If i were him id step down..

We want Yoshida san back to get those WW back on track.

VenomUK19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

It’s 100% fair and right to examine Herman Hulst’s judgement, his capability and therefore his suitability to hold the title of CEO.

What happened with Concord? Did it have performance milestones that were missed? It seemed like it was half-baked, Acton and shooting and not much else so did Hulst push ǐt through being so basic because it was his baby? It makes you wonder what games are being greenlit and which ideas are being stopped.

FinalFantasyFanatic16h ago

It just makes me think of all the games we could have had instead of Concord, I know Sony wasn't interested in allowing a remaster/port/sequel to Wild Arms and Shadow Hearts, or Japan studios to create a new Patapon game, or a Gravity Rush/Ape Escape sequel. I hate to think what games died for this failure to exist.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 8h ago

The trailer did not look great, the demo just confirmed people's suspicions, I had no interest in the game.

MrBaskerville15h ago

Probably should have shown that trailer the year before. Instead of a 5 second teaser that revealed nothing.

Morales202221h ago

One look at the characters put me off the game instantly.

Rynxie15h ago

He can make it up to us by bringing back killzone. Maybe a reboot? With the plotholes and inconsistencies fixed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 15h ago
Chocoburger1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

A bit exaggerative. Half a billion? First we went from 200 million, then 400 million, and now its 500 million? In 3 days some blogger is going to claim Concord cost 700 million!

Yes, the game was clearly not going to succeed, nearly everyone knew this in advance, but if Hulst learns his lesson, and focuses on quality single player adventures (additional multiplayer modes are fine too!), then we're okay. If he doesn't learn, then he needs to get the boot.

This is a make-or-break moment for us to believe in him, don't screw it up. The rumored upcoming State of Play with some big announcements should help bring things back in order. I hope.

SimpleDad1d 15h ago

So basically what you're saying is... wait for E3 for new single player games that will magically appear from Sony.
Herman will, from now on, listen to gamers by releasing Fairgames, Marathon and Horizon gaas.

Crows9022h ago

Or maybe until their actual devs release their next games

Sonic18811d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

The rumor State of Play will probably just be remasters of old games and more live service games. There's a disconnect between Herman Hulst and the Playstation fans. I'll be surprised if Hulst ain't fired by next year

kindi_boy1d 10h ago

Hulst is doing his job.

-Foxtrot1d 8h ago

I doubt they'd fire him, they'd just say there's "changes in management" or "internal restructuring"

Like Jim Ryan and his "early retirement"

Notellin1d 11h ago

Is it really that difficult to understand? Don't be a bootlicker for Sony leadership.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 8h ago (Edited 1d 8h ago )

Who knows, they literally grossed 1 Mil, that's nuts, who knows how much was spent on the game, media and merch for it, marketing, refunding the game for customers... It's going to be bad, costings wise. I honestly can't see where all the development time and money went into this game.

Even if he did change direction, we're not going to see the effects of that for years, possibly 3 to 4 years if anything changed, but I'm not feeling confident.

DarXyde1d 8h ago

I don't know, mate.

This is more than, say, an oversight or misstep. Given the budget and life of this game, it's pretty much kiss-of-death worthy (or very close).

They need to move away from the GaaS stuff, but it remains to be seen if they will.

Chocoburger1d 4h ago

If we blame Hulst for Concord, then we can also thank Hulst for Astro Bot. Its only fair that it has to go both ways.
Let's just see what happens next instead of just demanding that he be fired after only 6 months. Jim Ryan started the GAAS initiative, and its going to take time (literally 1 - 3 years) for things to turn around, that's just how the industry is these days.

DarXyde22h ago


You're right about that. No disagreement there. I'm not saying I'm not willing to give the guy a chance. He hasn't been in this position long at all.

What I am saying is this was an extraordinary blunder. It's good that Astro Bot succeeded and this failed because it gets the gears turning to figure out what people want.

If it was me, I'd just sell off their live service studios and do what they're good at.

Morales202221h ago(Edited 21h ago)

"The rumored upcoming State of Play with some big announcements should help bring things back in order. I hope."
You mean the one in which they would announce remasters and more remasters?! No, thanks.

MrBaskerville15h ago

I doubt there will be anything notable from first party. They usually reveal shortly before release and I doubt they have anything before spring next year. So if they reveal something, it will probably be in februarys state of play. And more by summer.

DarXyde7h ago

In fairness, they did say not to expect anything big dropping before March.

Even so, announcements heading into the holiday season to entice people to get on the PlayStation bandwagon is a good idea. Console this winter, followed by some games to hammer at your tax refund early next year.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 7h ago
ravens521d 15h ago

If this is a peek at what's to come wit Herman, get him tf out of here asap.

crazyCoconuts1d 8h ago

Didn't he get the job in the midst of the live service strategy? He may still suck, but you'd think it would take about 4 years to see the fruits of new leadership based on how long game development takes...

ravens521d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

Colin said it on sacred symbols. Concord was "Herman Hulst baby apparently". Which he was talking about with someone from the Concord team. He had a hand in this.

Michiel19891d 3h ago

yeah people think he can just magically turn everything around when he was put in an awful spot.

@ravens thats called marketing, is he supposed to say: "nah it's kinda meh, not really interested in playing"? And it's apparently working because you guys believe every single word that comes out of their mouth, PR or not.

porkChop1d ago

He's been the head of PlayStation Studios, overseeing all game development and all acquisitions, for the last 5 years. It's not like he was some outsider that just joined PlayStation 3 months ago. Yes, Jim Ryan was the guy at the top. But it would be very naive to think that Herman Hulst wasn't also an integral part of all this.

And if it takes 4 years to see the fruits of new leadership then consider that Hulst became the head of PlayStation Studios 5 years ago. Everything we've seen over the past year would be the fruits of his leadership starting to kick in, no?

Rimeskeem1d 15h ago

Wasn't this game in development way before Hulst became an exec?

IRetrouk1d 11h ago

Why you talking sense man? You know this place lives off bs.

Lionsguard1d 5h ago

Sony was partnered with them already for years, THIS is the only game from Firewalk. HERMAN BOUGHT FIREWALK FOR CONCORD.

Levii_921d 10h ago

Man fanboys really are so pathetic aren’t they and to think i was once a PS fanboy. So embarrassing.

Yes this game was in development for 8 years and then it was picked up by Sony half way through when the moron brothers were put in charge Jim Ryan and Herman Hulst. They put money in this thing believing it was the FUTURE of Playstation.. a fucking live service game.. also closing Japanese studios at the same time. Meanwhile one of their Japanese studios just delivered one of the most critically acclaimed and best PS games ever with just 65 people and three years of development.


JackBNimble1d 9h ago

Hey guy, if this true not everyone knows that and the article certainly doesn't mention that. First time I've ever heard this.

So you look like a real d-bag calling people idiots who may not have all that facts .

Levii_921d 9h ago

Yes you are right Jack however i don’t care how i look because at this point i have zero tolerance for ignorant corporate boot lickers and fanboys defending this guy and Jim Ryan (at the time lol) when i knew from day one when these two were put in charge of things that it would be a disaster. And you can trace that to Zero Dawn coming to PC in early 2020. I knew even then yup it’s over, Playstation we knew is dead.

gold_drake1d 8h ago

i think u need to get out more, touch some grass. does wonders.

DarXyde7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

This comment isn't cringe or immature at all.

We online are not really what you'd call "normies". We really are more dug in than your average gamer. In knowledge and awareness of the industry.

We're also not a monolith. I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone likes Call of Duty. People are super vocal about how it's stale, yet it sells every year without fail.

Maybe Hulst and Ryan simply aren't terminally online and realize the internet doesn't exactly translate into public reception?

Perhaps those defending PlayStation leadership here don't feel the same way you or I might about how the ship has been steered this generation?

You're not the only one who reads silly nonsense from fellow fans (if you will call their comments silly nonsense). If it bothers you that much—to the point that you come out with...this—it might be time to hit some random keys when you change your password, mate. For your own sake, it is nowhere near that deep.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 7h ago
CS71d 10h ago

Good lord. The Sony defending is ridiculous at this point. People need to realize that defending them is what LEADS to Concord type failures. We NEED to call out stuff like the live service push, stupid PS5 Pro price and bare bones PS5 exclusive line up.

The same stupid defense arguments were made when the reports came out that Sony was doing live service instead of a strong push back from fans and here we are in the thick of it.

The point of the article is the Hulst should have taken one look at the steaming pile of trash and said hell no and moved on, like millions of fans obviously did.

Not pour hundreds of millions into its completion (which could have gone to better PS5 single player exclusives like Astro Bot) or even into a better multiplayer IP like SOCOM, Warhawk, Killzone etc.

He didn't and that's a problem. Playstation leadership is out of touch.

(And please no one reply and say Xbox, they're dead and this point and not even worth comparing to)

Michiel19891d 3h ago

Saying that it's not (only) Hermen Hulst who is at fault is not defending sony, it's observing the timeline and using common sense. Playstation's whole strategy with the live service was just a failure, they could maybe have done 1 besides helldivers, but there is no reason to make a scapegoat out of this guy for things when they were greenlit, he could do nothing about.

JackBNimble1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

Ya, this is my exact question. The game was in development for 8 years, what role does Hulst actually have in this?

If anything Jim Ryan was at the helm for a much longer period of time while this game was under development and Jim was the one originally pushing gass.

I don't know anything about this Hulst guy, but is he really the one accountable or just the fall guy?
And isn't there a second sony CEO? I thought there were 2 running the show this time around?

MrBaskerville15h ago

But wasn't he responsible for the game divisions or something, before becoming CEO? Ryan is probably the one to blame though, he must have been responsible for the gaas pivot that has stalled things.

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