
The 1920s inspired horror/action/adventure "Alisa" is coming to consoles on February 6th, 2024

"The New York-based (the US) indie games publisher Top Hat Studios and indie games developer Casper Croes, are today very happy and proud to announce that their 90s styled and 1920s inspired horror/action/adventure "Alisa". is coming to consoles (PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and the Nintendo Switch) via digital stores on February 6th, 2024." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


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Alisa Developer's Cut makes its way onto consoles in fantastic form, if you can handle the intentionally retro vibes.


Alisa Brings '90s Survival Horror to Consoles Next Month

Alisa is set to bring classic survival horror gameplay to modern consoles when it launches in February, 2024.


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cthulhucultist584d ago

Nice list! I have played many of these. I can personally vouch for Detention, Dusk, Inside, Outlast and Amnesia.

Mundaun has exceptional atmosphere and unique graphics style-definitely recommended.

Those are the best in my opinion. Nun massacre was at times scary but a bit confusing.

Among the sleep was not that scary but the level design resembling dreams was really nice and the crawling mechanics gave another perspective to the player.

Murder house was old school ps1 era graphics horror game resembling a documentary and it was fun but again not scary.

Insomnis was really not that good. A bit boring and not scary (save from 2-3 jumpscares).

Never heard of Alisa, Iblis and Forewarned. Will check them.

FreeckyCake584d ago

**Insomnis was really not that good. A bit boring and not scary (save from 2-3 jumpscares).**
That's true, it's not scary because it focuses more on touching the psychological factor, and it may not be for everyone. Veterans seeking out a scary outing will definitely not like it. I agree.

**Never heard of Alisa, Iblis and Forewarned. Will check them.**

Have a good one. Alisa is the best among these three. And I'm hoping a sort of sequel can happen one day.

cthulhucultist583d ago

Thank you for the suggestion - will check Alisa first!