
Indiana Jones Steals the Show at the Xbox Direct

IGN : Microsoft’s second (hopefully annual?) Xbox Developer Direct went, like the first, exceptionally well. While we didn’t get a shadow-dropped killer exclusive – and let’s be honest, that’s not an expectation that Team Xbox probably wants to set – we did still get the surprise of a behind-the-scenes look at Square Enix’s upcoming Visions of Mana.

Obscure_Observer246d ago

The fact that Indiana Jones is coming *this* year blew my mind!

Overall the Xbox Direct was awesome! Hellblade looks glorious and Avowed looks far better and gorgeous than the last presentation. Obsidian wasn´t playing around when they said their game would look far better and polished down the line. Gameplay looks solid and fun too.

Hopefully Xbox will continue with this Xbox_Direct format in the coming years!

Fingers crossed!

TwoPicklesGood246d ago

The downvotes you got make it obvious that Xbox is on the right track this gen. Its crazy that gamers can’t be happy that good games are coming out on a different console lol.

UltimateOwnage245d ago

lol, the game looks fun. But to think down votes means XBOX is "on the right track" despite being in 3rd place every generation... okay.

Concertoine245d ago (Edited 245d ago )


The whole third place thing is so tired and it's hilarious how people will upvote it on here because they want to believe it. In the 6th gen they came in second ahead of Nintendo and Sega, and that was their first jump into consoles. But ranking is meaningless because "second" with the OG Xbox is worse than third with the Xbox 360 by anyone's observation. They were only a few million behind the PS3, which is a great success compared to the first Xbox. In other words, placements don't matter, but if they did:

6th gen: second place behind PS2
7th gen: third place behind PS3
8th gen: second place behind PS4 and ahead of Wii U

Find a new tagline, because that one is meaningless and false.

jimbo676246d ago

Why are you getting so many downvotes?

darthv72246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

a lot of people are bemoaning the fact the game is predominantly in first person with some third person elements (not just cut scenes). They don't even realize the team behind it are the same as those who made Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. That game was great and you can see similar influences in this one. Its also the same team who did the Wolfenstein New Colossus game which was also great. I have no doubts they are crafting a proper new story to fit between the events of the movies. Im glad they are trying to remain true to the character as well as the score.

They are making a full on movie game where you play through the eyes of Indy... not just as him.

JEECE246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

I'm fine with the first person. If it were all in third person you know everyone would just compare it to Uncharted (which would be a full circle moment since so many people compared Uncharted to Indiana Jones).

OtterX246d ago

This. It needed its own identity and it's okay to like both.

jznrpg246d ago

@OtterX it looks like other games with an Indians Jones skin. Doom, Dishonored, Wolfenstein. Sure Xbox fans will be happy but they already got you 30-50mil in the world. It’s the people they don’t have they want to attract and for me first person Doom with Indians Jones skin isn’t doing it for me. If it was third person I’d be interested in it even if it seems somewhat like Uncharted or Tomb Raider those games are inspired from Indians Jones. I like thise games more than I like Doom Dishonored Wolfenstein by a good amount.

Tacoboto246d ago

@jznrpg What?

Indiana Jones is like Doom? Doom. No way. What the heck did you watch?

JEECE246d ago


My favorite part of your comment is where you kept referring to Indiana Jones as "Indians Jones."

OtterX245d ago

@jznrpg I never said it was a 100% original game concept. Far from it. I only said it needed an identity separate from Uncharted, otherwise it would always get compared directly with Uncharted.

I can almost guarantee you that the writing and acting will not even come close to Uncharted, but I'm sure I'll still enjoy it, growing up a huge Indy kid!

@Tacoboto lool right? I can understand 1 typo, but what's with the continual "Indians Jones"? 😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 245d ago
TwoPicklesGood246d ago

First person was 100% the right way to go.

Abnor_Mal246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

“A new Indiana Jones story for modern gaming audiences.”

Blurring the lines between games and cinematics, will take a very movie like approach. I don’t know how some people on Xbox will feel when so many complained about some games on other platforms feeling like you’re watching a movie instead of playing a game. Only to now see games on their platform also take on this “strange” design choice. So I’m guessing the game won’t have end levels with tallies of stats gained while playing a level.

Time will tell I guess.

darthv72246d ago

i think the difference is obvious. in most 3rd person games, you control the character actions and at times the camera will change slightly, indicating no more interaction and you are just watching the transition between segments.

With this game it will be obvious as the majority of the game is first person, putting YOU in the game. The only times it may seem like watching a movie is when you are watching the cut scenes.

Abnor_Mal246d ago

I can understand that, but I think it also means very high production value. I personally have nothing against the game and the design decisions being made, I was only referring to the people who made all the fuss about games being to cinematic and how are they going accept this games choices.

Concertoine245d ago (Edited 245d ago )


You fundamentally misunderstand what those people are saying if you think they're complaining about production value.

It'll probably be similar to the recent Wolfenstein games (with puzzles incorporated), and nobody was referring to those as "cinematic" games.

246d ago Replies(4)
CrashMania246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

Must admit I do like the look of this and certain to give it a try. I could tell straight away this was a Ryan Mccaffrey piece though lol.

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Indiana Jones & the Great Circle Developed W/ "Player Choice; Stealth Deeper Than Wolfenstein's

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle's stealth mechanics will be much deeper than Wolfenstein's, with MachineGames giving "player choice."

jznrpg12d ago

A little stealth would make sense but he always ended up in a big fight so too much doesn’t fit for me.


Something Feels Off About Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Shaz from GL: “Amidst recent concerns surrounding Xbox, Phil and Co. need a win. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be it.”

Read Full Story >>
TwoPicklesGood14d ago

Looks good to me and I’m glad it’s coming to ps5

VenomUK13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

When it comes to video game previews I’m of the opinion that journalists should maintain a position of CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM. Yes, note and share concerns about the game with readers but maintain a restrained optimistic stance until actually having reviewed it so that any negativity is based on the game’s quality and not the author’s prejudices.

Here the author writes “ I’m going to continue to keep my cynicisms intact, less so because of my trust in MachineGames and more so due to the dumpster fire that continues to be modern-day Xbox.” This example illustrates the need to follow this guidance.

DefenderOfDoom213d ago

Not worried about facial animations , but I do hope the gameplay is fun . Most definitely I will purchase this on PS5, if the gameplay is fun .

BaughJaughs13d ago

nice hit piece. I notice the writer didn't mention any of the journalists / creators who had good things to say. From what i hear, it has riddick: escape from butcher bay in its DNA. To me that sounds like something to be Optimistic about rather than pessimistic.

ChasterMies13d ago

It’s odd to have a first person perspective for an adventure game with stealth and brawling. But’s not without precedent. Wolfenstein: New Order and Wolfenstein: New Colossus had a lot of adventure game elements. They were in the league of the greatest games ever, but they were both fun games. Indy looks fun too.

YourMommySpoils13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Yes, Indy looks like Todd Howard. Something feels way too off.

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle First Look Preview: It’s So Riddick and I Love it for That - IGN

IGN : Indiana Jones and the Great Circle strongly reminded of another game the developers at MachineGames once created: the Vin Diesel-starring original-Xbox classic, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Indy absolutely screams Riddick – in the very best of ways – and because of that, The Great Circle went from something on my most-anticipated list to being far and away the game I’m most looking forward to playing this year.

Sonic188120d ago

Looking forward to playing this on PC

ZacultronTheFirst20d ago

Hopefully we get to see/play this demo ourselves. The lack of any proper gameplay footage is concerning, not that i have any doubt about Machine Games delivering the game,it's just..alarming to say the least.

Jingsing19d ago

Assuming what we have seen is partial gameplay it looks pretty jank for an FPS game. Reminds me of a bad VR game.

Aussiesummer19d ago

Can't wait to see what the pc raytracing implementation looks like.

anast19d ago

Hyped! It's on PSN just waiting to be released.

19d ago
19d ago Replies(1)
S2Killinit19d ago

Not really interested in this. Its old ip and pretty stale imo.

Markusb3319d ago

i agree its 15-20 years too late, i played a really good version in the arcade, had the mining cart fight which was so good, but the 1st person here looks really akward and it doesnt look like much fun

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