
Xbox’s new Indiana Jones game is missing a core element

The Great Circle features Harrison’s Ford handsome likeness, but cinema’s greatest explorer gets a new voice in the upcoming Xbox title.

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gold_drake247d ago

Harrison ford is 81 years old.

his voice wont convince anyone that he is way younger ha

-Foxtrot247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

That actor though who people wanted for Solo would have been good. He played a young Harrison Ford in a film he was in

Anthony Ingruber


GamerRN246d ago

I think Troy Baker did a good job, maybe needs a little more gruff...

VenomUK246d ago

Harrison Ford’s voice could have been used and would’ve sounded great!

1) Machine Games would have been able to ‘pay for him’ if his voice acting for the game was part of his contract for the recent Disney Indy film failure.

2) His voice could’ve been de-aged with AI. Then it would sound authentic (because it is Ford’s real voice) and young!


They could have used his voice pay him for it obviously, then use AI to de-age it so he sounds younger. 😀

CrashMania247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

He is in his 80s so I would be weird, and I imagine would command a fairly hefty fee.

Abriael247d ago

I swear, this site regularly comes up with the worst takes on N4G.

Profchaos246d ago

N4g is a news aggregator essentially it's the people that scour the internet looking for a negative take on something that people like to post here

TwoPicklesGood247d ago

No lol, having HF voice the game would have been awful with how old he is. They are smart for using a different voice actor and so far it sounds great.

LoveSpuds246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

I was more put off by the uncanny valley appearance of Indy than I was the voice, I thought the visual appearance was quite distracting.

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Indiana Jones & the Great Circle Developed W/ "Player Choice; Stealth Deeper Than Wolfenstein's

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle's stealth mechanics will be much deeper than Wolfenstein's, with MachineGames giving "player choice."

jznrpg12d ago

A little stealth would make sense but he always ended up in a big fight so too much doesn’t fit for me.


Something Feels Off About Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Shaz from GL: “Amidst recent concerns surrounding Xbox, Phil and Co. need a win. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if Indiana Jones and the Great Circle will be it.”

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TwoPicklesGood14d ago

Looks good to me and I’m glad it’s coming to ps5

VenomUK13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

When it comes to video game previews I’m of the opinion that journalists should maintain a position of CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM. Yes, note and share concerns about the game with readers but maintain a restrained optimistic stance until actually having reviewed it so that any negativity is based on the game’s quality and not the author’s prejudices.

Here the author writes “ I’m going to continue to keep my cynicisms intact, less so because of my trust in MachineGames and more so due to the dumpster fire that continues to be modern-day Xbox.” This example illustrates the need to follow this guidance.

DefenderOfDoom213d ago

Not worried about facial animations , but I do hope the gameplay is fun . Most definitely I will purchase this on PS5, if the gameplay is fun .

BaughJaughs13d ago

nice hit piece. I notice the writer didn't mention any of the journalists / creators who had good things to say. From what i hear, it has riddick: escape from butcher bay in its DNA. To me that sounds like something to be Optimistic about rather than pessimistic.

ChasterMies13d ago

It’s odd to have a first person perspective for an adventure game with stealth and brawling. But’s not without precedent. Wolfenstein: New Order and Wolfenstein: New Colossus had a lot of adventure game elements. They were in the league of the greatest games ever, but they were both fun games. Indy looks fun too.

YourMommySpoils13d ago (Edited 13d ago )

Yes, Indy looks like Todd Howard. Something feels way too off.

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Indiana Jones and the Great Circle First Look Preview: It’s So Riddick and I Love it for That - IGN

IGN : Indiana Jones and the Great Circle strongly reminded of another game the developers at MachineGames once created: the Vin Diesel-starring original-Xbox classic, The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Indy absolutely screams Riddick – in the very best of ways – and because of that, The Great Circle went from something on my most-anticipated list to being far and away the game I’m most looking forward to playing this year.

Sonic188120d ago

Looking forward to playing this on PC

ZacultronTheFirst20d ago

Hopefully we get to see/play this demo ourselves. The lack of any proper gameplay footage is concerning, not that i have any doubt about Machine Games delivering the game,it's just..alarming to say the least.

Jingsing20d ago

Assuming what we have seen is partial gameplay it looks pretty jank for an FPS game. Reminds me of a bad VR game.

Aussiesummer19d ago

Can't wait to see what the pc raytracing implementation looks like.

anast19d ago

Hyped! It's on PSN just waiting to be released.

19d ago
19d ago Replies(1)
S2Killinit19d ago

Not really interested in this. Its old ip and pretty stale imo.

Markusb3319d ago

i agree its 15-20 years too late, i played a really good version in the arcade, had the mining cart fight which was so good, but the 1st person here looks really akward and it doesnt look like much fun

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