
PS5 exclusive Helldivers 2 feels like it was made for me

Boasting balls-to-the-walls co-op action and immersive third-person shooting, Helldivers 2 is shaping up to be a great PS5 exclusive.

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Jin_Sakai250d ago

Sounds good! Love me some co-op games.

Juancho51249d ago

not sure why youre getting downvotes, I’m excited too, I guess that means I’m wrong? lol. Been waiting for a decent co op game for a while. This looks like it’ll scratch that itch.

Armaggedon249d ago

Hes getting downvoted because the bots thought he was talking about Starfield.lol

Neonridr250d ago

interesting calling it an exclusive when it releases on another platform.

Elda250d ago

The game is a PS5 gaming console exclusive. Helldivers 2 is not releasing on an XB or a Nintendo gaming console.

Neonridr250d ago

yeah but I can play it on my PC. I don't get the term console exclusive. It's either exclusive or it's not in my books. That being said, I own a PS5, Switch and PC, so nothing is exclusive to me.

itsmebryan250d ago

Well for a long time when Xbox did it people said that wasn't an exclusive. But, I forgot when Sony does it's good and when Xbox does it than it's bad.
Got it👍

P_Bomb250d ago (Edited 250d ago )

“I don't get the term console exclusive”

It’s a known marketing term. I have some last gen games (eg Yakuza) that have ‘console exclusive’ stamped on the front of the case.

Ironmike250d ago

No it's not on pc as well so not exclusive

FungLip250d ago (Edited 250d ago )

The article says “PS5 exclusive”, which implies it’s not releasing on PC. If you want to say “console exclusive”, you have to include the word “console.”

Calling a game “Xbox exclusive” while it’s releasing on PC is also confusing and unnecessary. I called it out then and I’m calling this out as well.

Elda249d ago

@Funglip No one has to get technical about exclusivity. Knowing it's not at all releasing on the XB or Nintendo gaming console makes Helldivers 2 a PS5 gaming console exclusive. PC is not a gaming console.

FungLip249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

@Elda I don’t understand what you mean by no one needs to be technical about it, this needs to be specific to be understood correctly.

Calling Helldivers 2 a “PS5 exclusive” is flat out wrong, shown by the fact that you have to actually explain it. Just say it’s a “PS5 console exclusive,” in which the article didn’t do, and I know exactly where it is coming out on.

PC is not a console, but it is a gaming platform.

ModsDoBetter245d ago

Doing mad stretching of the term "exclusive" and what it means in a gaming sense eh, Elda?

Can't wait to see you comment on an Xbox article about how a game isn't Xbox exclusive because it's launching on PC.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 245d ago
blackblades250d ago

Its 2024 and still talking that crap GTFO

Eonjay250d ago (Edited 250d ago )

I was gonna say the same thing... it's not exclusive. Don't get me wrong the game looks like a blast and I'm sure it will be successful but we can at least be consistent with our vocabulary.

Obscure_Observer250d ago

"I was gonna say the same thing... it's not exclusive."

It´s a PS5 *console* game exclusive, owned and published by Sony! Not available on Switch or Xbox Series consoles!

So as long console gaming is concerned, it´s a PS5 exclusive game.

Eonjay250d ago

@Obscure_Observer. Are you saying this because all the Xbox game are on PC? I joke but you have to admit now is a great time to be a PC gamer. Look, even Concord, Sony's next big multiplayer game is coming to PC too and that is a first party game.

Amplitude249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

If Microsoft's leaked XBox handheld comes out and it turns out it's running Windows, is this still a console exclusive?

The term "console exclusive" is even more silly and irrelevant this generation. There are no exclusives on one that the other literally cant run like how its been previously so *who the hell cares?*
PS5 and Series X are practically identical in both hardware and software, and there are literally no games exclusive to the XBox consoles. If you have a gaming PC, you don't have an XBox. If you have an XBox, you dont have a gaming PC.

Now, the only reason a game is exclusive to a platform or not is 100% due to boring legal nonsense. In this case, it's cause Sony owns the Helldivers IP. Snore. This is a game that's released on both Sony and Microsoft platforms, but for licensing reasons isn't releasing on Microsoft's little custom box that plays PC games but only from the storefront where they take 30%. It really isn't a PS exclusive, and the term console exclusive in 2024 is absolutely meaningless and an annoying thing that I wish gamers in general didn't have to deal with.

ModsDoBetter245d ago

The dowmvotes by butthurt Sony fanboys are hilarious. They can dish it out but can't take it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 245d ago
TwoPicklesGood250d ago

It’s called a console exclusive since its only releasing on one console. The fact that it also releases on PC is irrelevant.

Ironmike249d ago

Except when xbox dose it lol

ModsDoBetter245d ago

Too tre @IronMike

These crazy fanboys will stretch a term to death to fit their narrative.

Juancho51249d ago

Console exclusive means it’s exclusive to this console. I play Xbox games on my PC but i understand some of them are on Xbox and I can grasp what console exclusive means ……just use your brain before commenting next time, really simple reading comprehension.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 245d ago
Vits250d ago

Well, it's a console exclusive. But yeah, it's looks like it's going to be a blast.

LG_Fox_Brazil250d ago

Day one for me, I loved the first game

S2Killinit250d ago

Helldivers… hell YES lol

So hyped for this!

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Helldivers 2 community wants some boosters to be merged

Some boosters in Helldivers 2 aren't strong enough on their own, so the community proposed that some get combined instead.

Bathyj13h ago

I want some backpacks to be merged.
And to spend samples on gun upgrades.
Higher level.players (100plus) should get some.perks.


Kick option exists for a reason, you don’t have to put up with insufferable Helldivers 2 players

Sometimes you just have to kick players who don't cooperate, troll, or steal from the team while playing Helldivers 2. There's no other way.

M_Prime1d 3h ago

I kick people out of my game all the time, the worst for me is when my team is trying to get samples and a high level player extracts solo. If they are high level and call in the pelican without a mic to communicate i just kick. If they are on mic and tell me they will wait its one thing, but i see a lot of these guys just wanting XP because they have everything unlocked, where players like me still need lots of samples to max everything out.

Bathyj1d 2h ago

I'm completely maxed out but I still collect samples to help and I'll sometimes run off to call the extraction in if I see were running out of time.or reinforcements but I don't leave until everyone is on the pad.

It's what good Helldivers do.
For democracy.


Support-oriented Helldivers 2 players clamor for aim lock-on for the Stim Pistol

The new Stim Pistol added to Helldivers 2 seems like a dead ringer for a lock-on aim mechanic, and many players agree.