
Review: Golden Sun - A Radiant RPG, Once It Gets Going | NintendoLife

"This review originally went live in 2014, and we're updating and republishing it to celebrate the game's arrival in Switch's Game Boy Advance library via the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack." -NintendoLife

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Terry_B158d ago

Best game released for the GBA together with its sequel. Nintendo totally missed the chance to make this an ongoing success story for the ds /3ds and consoles as well.

OtterX158d ago

Maybe Nintendo will use today's release of Golden Sun 1&2 on NSOnline to drum up interest in the series again. I loved part 1 back in the day, only ever got a handful of hours into part 2 and never really heard many people talk about part 3 on DS. Sounds like the series kind of went out on a whimper.

But, jrpgs are more popular than ever now and Nintendo already showed they could turn Xenoblade Chronicles into a huge selling success. Golden Sun would be the perfect way to add another jrpg to their 1st party arsenal, if they can reignite the series with a bangout new entry.

There's certainly not a lot to play on NSOnline, so now's the time for it to shine in front of a new audience while pleasing us oldschool gamers.

Terry_B158d ago

Absolutely agreeing ^^

To make a little joke..Golden Sun is kinda..Nintendos The Legend of Dragoon or Microsofts Blue Dragon or Square Enix Xenogears

OtterX158d ago

@Terry_B and Level5/Sony's Dark Cloud!

Man, you've got me salivating at the idea of any one of these getting a proper sequel!

Been sitting here all morning playing Golden Sun for the first time in 15 or so years. So good still like a warm, fuzzy nostalgic blanket! Especially in this winter cold and a nice hot coffee. 🥰


Switch Retro Spotlight: Balloon Fight

“You don't see many games that play like Midway's classic arcade hit Joust and Balloon Fight is one of them so let's get popping.” - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums.

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Switch Online's Latest N64 Release 'Perfect Dark' Appears To Have Some Emulation Issues

"It's like playing on a 2007 emulator".

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OtterX3d ago

This is kind of unacceptable for what they charge us and their aggressive action against Emulator and ROM providers. Their emulation should be Top.

gold_drake3d ago

i absolutely agree on the radical take downs. if you do that, everything needs to be perfect

_SilverHawk_3d ago

"This is kind of unacceptable" . that sort of language is why Nintendo does the bare minimum.

This is totally unacceptable along with a multitude of other things Nintendo gets away with but fanatics give so much grace to Nintendo. The silliness will continue and a lot of fanatics will make excuses. I can't wait to see what they do with the switch 2

CrimsonWing693d ago

Maybe Nintendo needs to hire the people they take to court for emulation when those people do a better job with giving emulated versions of their games.

Redgrave3d ago

The potato release schedule also leaves much to be desired.


Switch Online's "Mature" Nintendo 64 App Is Now Available In The West

It comes loaded with two first-person shooters.

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Profchaos4d ago

I know there's a need to seperate these games in Japan but I wonder why they carried it over I'm honestly not a fan that all the games are not in one place but I get that the parental controls can't Work with individual games on NSO so maybe that's it

gold_drake3d ago

how many ... mature games did Nintendo have tho? i can only think of a few.

quick google search told me 28 games in total.

alot of them are southpark and turok