
17 Xbox Series X | S Exclusives of 2024 and Beyond

Xbox has a slew of games lined up for release in 2024 and beyond, and this feature will list down 15 of the best Xbox Series X/S games coming out.

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Obscure_Observer193d ago

There´s more:

Indiana Jones
Flight Simulator 2024
The Outer Worlds 2


Gears 6
Fallout 5
Project Mara
Project Dragon
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Remake
Gears of War Collection
New Halo

Zeref193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Also new Activision and Blizzard games are gonna be exclusive.

I know Infinity Ward is working on an RPG.
And there's Project Oddysey from Blizzard.

Xbox is really becoming the house of western RPGs haha

Lightning77193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Not all ABK stuff will be exclusive. Crash, Spyro etc will be multiplat full stop. Returning franchises will be multiplat. They will have some exclusives but I think ABK will be 50, 50 tbh, if even that now that I think about it.

Blizzards Odyssey will be multiplat IMO. Again this is alll imo I haven't heard anything yet we'll have to see.

Zeref193d ago


Lol if they're willing to make Elder Scrolls and pretty much everything else outside of CoD and Minecraft exclusive, what actually makes you think Spyro and Crash won't be? 😂

BeHunted193d ago


Crash and Spyro are Xbox’s property and emblem. Copium

Lightning77193d ago

Crash and Spyro are Multiplats. MS doesn't gain anything keeping those games only on Xbox. It'll be day one on GP of course they'll be on PS and Switch.

@Hunted what am I coping exactly? Big heavy hitting games like a Elder Scrolls will be exclusive because that will drive gamepass and even console sales. Spyro and Crash not so much on that front.

192d ago
Markusb33192d ago

these games will all be on pc, so they are not exclusive to xb

dcbronco192d ago

Zeref, Crash and Spyro appeals to children. Microsoft never seems willing to cut children off. It might be brand building or it might be they just won't deny them. But as for anything adult I don't think there are limits to what will be made exclusive. Like you said Elder Scholls was made exclusive. A lot of games will be as they buy more companies. Unless of course the government jumps in and ignores all of Sony's exclusivity deals, even ones that state companies can't work on Xbox, and stops Microsoft from controlling its own software. Which also wouldn't surprise me.

anast192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

A circus tent of Bethesda jank is more like it. When Bethesda makes something even remotely close to Marrowind, New Vegas, BG3, and so on, then I would call it a house.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 192d ago
DOMination-193d ago

In addition there are also 10-15 games in development by third parties but will be published by Xbox Game Studios. Of which, we know only a few so far:

OD by KojiPro
Contraband by Avalanche
007 game by IO (heavily rumoured)
People can Fly project (confirmed only as a AAA title)


Zeref193d ago

Isn't the IO game Project Dragon?

porkChop192d ago

IO Interactive is self publishing their 007 game. The Xbox project is called Project Fantasy, formerly Project Dragon.

Markusb33192d ago

there are no xb exclusives since they go day and date with pc, look up the word exclusive

PrinceOfAnger192d ago

Is Horizon forbidden west, Returnal and Ratchet a PS5 console exclusive or NoT ?

Zeref192d ago

The definition has changed. Get with the program.

The only console with true exclusives is the Switch.

porkChop192d ago

Fallout 5 isn't coming until after TES VI. Todd Howard already said this. It's not coming this generation.

MightyHealthy192d ago

I guess a lot of ppl aren't fans of upcoming game release lists lolz....
I want you to know I appreciated your post

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 192d ago
purple101193d ago

did they really just show me footage from perfect dark n64/ xbx360

that's 2 GENERATIONS AGO, they still clinging onto hope I see

Obscure_Observer193d ago

Not sure what you meant by "hope".

Perfect Dark has been developed by an entire new studio and built from the ground up.

The game was announced later in 2020, and, with so many first party games in development at XGS, there´s absolutely zero reason to rush it.

itsmebryan193d ago

I guess we won't have to hear 'Xbox had no games!" Anymore.
Also @purple
What Gen is TLOU2 from? 🤔

InUrFoxHole193d ago

No but they'll simply move their goal posts and say something like... xbox has to buy games. Forgetting sony has purchased studios as well. Same game different name.

MrDead193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Xbox will still have the same amount of games as always, they've just removed competitions access to multiplatform publishers. They've just convinced you that removing games from competitors means you're getting more when the truth is because of MS others are getting less.

purple101192d ago

Careful, TLOU wasn’t rehashed from a 5th gen n64 game

I doubt you were alive when perfect dark first released but I was

And it was game of the year,
In 1999. Time to move on

rippermcrip193d ago

Not a single "exclusive" on there.

Elda193d ago

If those games aren't released on the PS5 or Nintendo gaming console then they are XB gaming console exclusives.

piroh193d ago

Title say "Xbox series exclusives" so he is right there are no exclusives, only console exclusives

P_Bomb193d ago

I’m fine with the term ‘console exclusive’, as I don’t play on PC. It tells me what I need to know about what’s going where. What I have to look forward to in different ecosystems.

itsmebryan193d ago

Do you include every PS game on PC as not an exclusive? If so Sony doesn't have very many exclusives. One might say "PS has no games!".

Lazarus69193d ago

Yes if a Playstation game is available on another platform it's not an exclusive, PS fans have no problem saying that. They're not the ones calling games exclusive when thay are available on another platorm,PS has plenty of games which are true exclusives. Also if some says " PS has no games" then that person would be a moron.

InUrFoxHole193d ago

You can't make an incorrect statement like that and try to pass it as fact, if you want to be taken seriously.


So I guess the same can be said about Sony with a good number of their games on PC right?

rippermcrip193d ago

Same but with differences. Sony does not release all their games on PC and when they do they come multiple years later.

shinoff2183192d ago

A good number. What are they up to like 4 5 maybe

Elda193d ago

@Piroh Again....if those 17 games shown are not releasing on a PS or a Nintendo gaming console, then those 17 games are XB gaming console exclusives. PC is not a gaming console.

rippermcrip193d ago

That's the point. The article is calling them "exclusives" when they should call it "console exclusive".

piroh192d ago

@Elda so why the misleading title?

Lightning77193d ago

He did say "Console Exclusive" at the beginning of the video. It's clear you didn't watch it.

rippermcrip192d ago

It's not in any of the titles or summaries. Clickbait.

mrcatastropheAF192d ago

@rippermcrip semantics. We all know what the true intended meaning is no matter which words we use or how we dress it up linguistically.

Whether it says "console exclusive" or "exclusive" what this means is ponies and switch owners will not be playing these games

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 192d ago
The3faces193d ago

Alot of bangers on that list. Can't wait!

Elda193d ago

As a XBSX owner the only games out of the 17 shown that I have interest in are the exclusives Stalker 2 & Clockwork Revolution. Most of everything else shown in the video I can't say because most of those AAA games have no gameplay. So far everything shown has no concrete official 2024 release date, maybe this Thursday's showcase XB will have some official release dates on upcoming releases.

Silly Mammo193d ago

Yep! Those are the only 2 I'm interested in as well. Just got me a semi-decent gaming laptop so I'm looking forward to playing those 2 Xbox-exclusives.

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RaidenBlack1d 14h ago (Edited 1d 14h ago )

Minor delay ... but still with everything the devs went through and that its another Stalker after many years, I guess the gaming community can happily wait. Dont rush, release when satisfied.
2023 build of the game was pretty buggy but this year, people who have played the latest build, have all being saying the game has improved drastically compared to what it was.
I won't even mind if they decide to release in mid-2025.
Like, just compare Cyberpunk of 2020 to Phantom Liberty of 2023.

GamerRN1d 9h ago

Always better to wait and fix the game... Don't want another game releasing buggy

Sonic18811d 14h ago

I'm hoping I have my new GPU before this game comes out

Elda1d 12h ago

This game seems it's never going to be released...lol!

1d 9h ago Replies(1)
Tankbusta401d 12h ago

Its getting so frustrating waiting for games this generation

TheEroica1d 9h ago ShowReplies(3)
FPS_D3TH1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

The blue balling with this game is unreal. We already had a final release date trailer. If I had to guess this is them making sure they don’t have a console cyberpunk release and are still trying to get this game optimized for that trash console series S

JEECE1d 9h ago

I think this game is probably too high profile as a timed Xbox exclusive for this to happen, but you do have to wonder if/when a game is going to come out that runs well enough on the X and is just a trainwreck on the S.

porkChop1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

I mean it's not like the devs are based in Ukraine and it's not like many of the devs have literally been fighting back against Russian forces. Nah, one of the devs definitely didn't die a couple years ago as a result. But, sure, it's just because of the Series S. There's no other possible explanation for a delay. The devs are obviously lying now when they say they want to take some time to fix some of the bugs they haven't had time to get to.

FPS_D3TH22h ago

It’s a gamepass game and I’m willing to bet it has nothing to do with what you’re saying above and everything to do with making sure the game runs on all the systems a major publisher they’ve signed with has to offer. Regardless, I’ll get the game if it releases in a decent state, which I’m sure it will on PC, but time will tell.

TheNamelessOne21h ago

Stop being reasonable. The fanboy needs to fanboy.

Notellin18h ago

After your post someone still tried to argue with you. People are amazing.

AsimLionheart17h ago

Bro, stop being a drama queen. The war started in Feb. 2022 and the devs (GSC Game World) ran away... oh I mean "relocated" to Prague, Czech Republic in May 2022 within just 3 months. They have been working on the game from the safety of their offices in Prague. Nobody is fighting the Russian forces in the day and working on the game by night. Only one of the devs, Volodymyr Anatoliyovych, who was a little too eager to be a hero resigned from his job and volunteered for the defense of Bakhmut and died on December 22, 2022, long after the devs had escaped to the Czech Republic.

Michiel198915h ago

the war against xbox is more important to him than the war against Russia, priorities ig.

Michiel198915h ago

@asim drama queen? they have been moved from their country and their home, and they're being dramaqueens? The biggest hardship you probably dealt with is stubbing your toe so I'm sure you can relate

AsimLionheart15h ago(Edited 15h ago)


I was calling Porkchop a drama queen, not the devs or Ukrainians. They are not fighting wars or living in a war-torn country as Porkchop implied, so Ukraine's condition has little to no impact on the game's development. Anyway, I wish people had the same sympathy for Palestinians who were invaded by squatters backed by the West who gradually took over their land over the decades and have killed hundreds of thousands of their people since 1948.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 15h ago
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Preview — A Haunting Return to The Zone | CGM

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl combines survival horror with immersive storytelling, and we can’t wait to experience more when it comes out this Fall.

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TheNamelessOne18d ago

Very, very hyped for this one. Loved the originals.

Friendlygamer18d ago

Played shadow of chernobyl for the first time and it was amazing, it still holds up very well. Such a shame that mods with script changes are not allowed on console, would be so cool to have anomaly available on ps and Xbox, Sony needs to revise their modding policy it's ridiculously outdated

FPS_D3TH18d ago

Super hyped. Kinda sad not to see more people talking about this game but when it releases I think it will be talked about a lot. Have a funny feeling the games difficulty is going to push the generic fps crowd away but longtime gamers know this game will be something to treasure for years to come

rbailey17d ago

Great preview and definitely looking forward to playing this in September.


Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Preview – Get in the Zone | TechRaptor

TechRaptor writes, "We got our hands on Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl at Summer Game Fest, and it brought me into a dreary world filled with intrigue."

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