
Diablo IV GM Says Overpowered Builds Can Be Really, Really Fun, and Won't Be Fixed Until Later

Franchise General Manager Rod Fergusson said overpowered builds can be really, really fun in Diablo IV, so they won't be fixed immediately.

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Slappy McGee209d ago

Working until you're more powerful is the point. There's no sense in putting in any real effort if everything just scales to you.

shinoff2183209d ago

Exactly. I've always disliked level scaling in rpgs.

Crows90208d ago

The only real reason for these types of rpgs to include level scaling is to get you to spend more time playing.

It removed entirely the feeling of becoming more powerful

sagapo208d ago (Edited 208d ago )

@Crow: although I’m not a fan of level scaling, once you reach lvl 100, the scaling stops in the open world and you can make your nighmare dungeons as hard as you want.
Going back to low level dungeons is like cutting a knife through butter, so yes, you can feel really powerful but it’s a bit pointless for rewards.

anast209d ago

Path 2 is coming out soon, so I would worry too much about Diablo at the moment.

sagapo208d ago

Path has more depth than Diablo, not everyone likes it.
I do however, looking foward to Path2 but I enjoy D4 as well. Will probably stop playing when Path 2 is out tho.

Juancho51208d ago

Path 2 looks incredible. I only played D4 a few hours, it’s not for me, became repetitive and Grundy, i already knew what I was in for and the reviews and disappointed players proved it to me. Path 2 looks BANANAS.

anast205d ago

Path 2 is going be insane. They finally added a shapeshifter!


PoE 2's closed beta is scheduled for June 7th of this year. That doesn't included an open beta or changes likely to happen from feedback (Feedback that GGG is more likely to consider than most developers) so to say it's coming out soon seems to be settling one up for disappointment.

I fully expect us to be closer to a year out than anything else.

@sagapo PoE has more depth as it's been built on for a decade. I'm not saying PoE2 won't have depth at release but it won't have PoE's depth.

It's going to be a great starter point for new people to the series.

anast205d ago

"I fully expect us to be closer to a year out than anything else." nooooo

Path will still have more depth though.

v_eno_m208d ago

blizzard will always put the FU back into FUN

Kosic208d ago

People still play this garbage?
Biggest waste of £60 for me.

208d ago
OtterX2d ago

For me, these Mario + Rabbids games were the best thing Ubisoft has developed in recent years. I'd hate to see Ubisoft drive the series into the ground like their other properties, so I think 2 games are enough. Maybe 1 more.

Inverno2d ago

They can't ruin it because Ninty will send their ninjas to destroy all traces of it. If not for that you can bet that spinoff series would've been milked dry by now.

XiNatsuDragnel2d ago

Good luck in your future endeavors

Hotpot2d ago

Thank you for Mario + Rabbids series, I quite enjoyed it

Einhander19722d ago

Great games, I have wanted Sony to copy these games with their own mascots for years.

Michiel19891d 16h ago

not cinematic or 3rd person enough for Sony

DefaultComment2d ago

I think Nintendo has to hire this guy, I mean the fact that miuamoto himself said to him that he is impressed with this work, speaks volumes. Th possibility on having Mario on Soliani's hand could be incredible and quite possibly a new era for Mario games.

OtterX2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yea, these games didn't even feel Ubisoft at all. This felt very authentic Nintendo. This guy's direction is obviously stellar, and Ubisoft somehow managed to not kill it with microtransactions and repetitive, boring tasks.


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Chard2d ago

Missing the most important game - Rogue Leader


"Stars Reach" MMORPG Announced by Raph Koster: A Spiritual Successor to Star Wars Galaxies

Discover "Stars Reach," the new MMORPG by Raph Koster, featuring a dynamic universe, procedurally generated planets, and robust player housing and economy.

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MestreRothN4G4d ago

Raph Koster wrote the #1 most influential game design book. Nice to see a game coming from him.