
FFVII Rebirth New Loveless and Date Mechanic Details Revealed

Square Enix revealed more details about the new Loveless music play and the Gold Saucr date scene in FFVII Rebirth.

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franwex289d ago

Cool. I just want to date Barret again.

Snookies12289d ago

We need a Red XIII date, lol.


We Will Never See A Remake Like Final Fantasy 7 Again

Square Enix says Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth fell below expectations, but it's a special game regardless

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TheNamelessOne2d ago

Still just wanted the original game with much improved visuals lol.

-Foxtrot2d ago (Edited 2d ago )


When we wanted a remake, it was just a remake, what they give us was an over ambitious massive budget styled game split into three parts with a new storyline of a multiversal, split timeline narrative to justify changes.

They are good games but we never asked for that.

Just the original with improved graphics, visuals, voice acting and maybe some expanded upon areas. That’s it.

Hopefully a IX, VIII and VI remake will be simpler.

It’s funny because if they just did a straight up remake they could have altered the ending a little to set up more games rather than splitting up the remake into multiple parts to stretch out the story. Having VII-2 and VII-3 would have been a lot better as it would have expanded the story in a better way.

gold_drake1d 22h ago (Edited 1d 22h ago )

me too however, i have played the og more than 20 30 times, im glad we got something fresh

i wish sqaure would have given us an option for atb turn based combat tho.

Shane Kim1d 21h ago

You kind of have one. You can set that cloud attacks automatically, and you can just focus on issuing commands.

Yama1d 9h ago

This. I would like to think someone younger would experience what I did, just visually superior. Instead they got a charming albeit convoluted mess of a story and game with more filler than Kardashians lips.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1d 9h ago
Einhander19722d ago

I love these two games, and no disrespect for the original which I played on my PS1 and several times since then, I would much rather play the remakes. The game play is just so much fun and the characters just have so much more life and personality plus it has the modern sensibilities that are hard to give up.

It's a shame that they haven't found the success SE wanted, and while people of course want to blame PlayStation I feel like Final Fantasy just doesn't have the effect it used to. Younger people have zero attachment to the series and have zero nostalgia.

And I still think that PlayStation will be the best selling platform by a long shot, FF16 on steam even at $50 isn't selling nearly as well as it did on PS5 where it sold 3.5 million in its first week. Looking at the numbers on Steam if the game has sold 1 million so far I'd be surprised.

jwillj2k42d ago

Thats SE’s fault for not adapting their story telling in a way that resonates with todays times. They attempted with FF16 but too little too late esp with boring game mechanics.

gold_drake1d 22h ago

the issue is exactly what u said, final fantasy doesnt have the oomph it once had.

but why? cause it takes them so long between games.

16 was or could have been a great way forward, but the combat unfortunately, outside of boss battles, wasnt all too goodish

andy852d ago (Edited 2d ago )

It was everything I wanted from it to be honest. And part 3 will expand on that with airship travel. Hope Switch 2 is powerful enough for it, because that's where the sales are in Japan. It deserves success with the love that went into it.

Scissorman2d ago

I think over time, this endeavor will be worth the investment. Part 3 will release, along with the inevitable bundling of all three games on other consoles. I do think it's a mistake to not offer DLC this time around like with Intergrade, that would have been a nice additional revenue stream for SE.

enkiduxiv2d ago

The remake project is so frustrating. For everything they get right, they get something wrong, at least in opinion. I am ultimately glad I stuck with and played both games, but I can totally understand fans who bailed after all the horrible changes they have made to the original story. Still hope we see the combat director for remake give us his own take on the franchise in the future. Also really hope Nomura and Kitase retire after this project is over. They are way past their prime.

FinalFantasyFanatic1d 12h ago (Edited 1d 12h ago )

Actually, there was a recent interview that Nomura might be winding down over the next few years, he might not even finish the new Kingdom Hearts arc, and to be fair, he's not exactly young anymore. Kitase is even older than Normura, Square-Enix really needs new blood or something anyway.

enkiduxiv1d 10h ago

They were both great for their time, but I think the industry has moved on. A lot of these crazy story beats that Nomura loves to through out were awesome in the 32 bit era, were everything presented more like a comic book. Most of the hits out there are are aspiring to be prestige television. Just don’t think these guys do that well on that stage.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: PS5 Pro vs PS5 - A Vast Improvement At 60FPS

Digital Foundry writes: "Based on footage seen here, we're looking at a 60fps presentation that's a huge improvement over the standard PS5 *and* irons out its performance drops. And in some respects, the footage suggests that Pro at 60fps even has advantages over the base machine in its 30fps quality mode."

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Babadook76d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yeah. I was already going to buy, but this shows quite a clear benefit.

Juancho516d ago

I actually wasnt even sure it was going to be worth it, but the difference is pretty wild. This is also one of my favorite games this year so im happy to see my next playthrough will be on a ps pro. I also agree with another post from earlier this month that this is going to be a great way to enjoy the new GTA title that’s on the horizon, hopefully more games keep being made that take full advantage of the pro but are able to be scaled back for the standard model.

TheKingKratos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


You are dreaming my friend

Any game being made will be made first for the standard ps5 and then see what kind of an enhancement will be made for pro since it's the main console for all developers and the difference will be even smaller since not all games will be as badly optimized as this game ... And if you think GTA6 will show big difference then you are setting yourself for huge disappointment.

Eonjay6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Sold. This is why I waited. I stopped on chapter 4 cause I had a feeling the Pro would boost this. PSSR is doing the damn thing here in its initial outing. This is really an indictment on AMD tbh because they have not keeps up with Nvidia's DLSS at all. PSSR is not as good as the latest DLSS yet, but in its first iteration it is worlds ahead of FSR. Kinda odd to be having Microsoft and Sony invent their own solutions.

darthv726d ago

This says more about Square and their lack of optimization than it does AMD and their FSR.

Tacoboto6d ago

Yeah. It uses an older version of UE4 that doesn't have the improved TAA/TSR technique in more recent versions.

Also kinda pathetic to buy a console game, then stop playing specifically to wait for the remastered console to finish it.

Eonjay6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

I don't follow you. Clearly PSSR is better than FSSR (this doesn't use FSSR. I was making an observation about how much of a benefit AI upscaling is to a game... even if it isn't well optimized to begin with.). I was saying that at this point since the launch of DLSS, AMD should have had a better alternative to the current state of FSSR which is absolutely true. Regardless of what Square is doing, AMD needs to get on the ball. DLSS is such an huge selling point for Nvidia that it doesn't make sense that AMD hasn't really been competitive there.

Kinda pathetic to be telling me what to do don't you think? I don't know what part of the internet made you think you can dictate what people HAVE to do with their own time and money but perhaps you should stop trying to ride people who aren't you. Disagreements are fine, but if you want to get personal, by all means, come the hell on down.


No. FSR is just ass regardless of optimization

darthv726d ago

@Jay, AMD is on FSR 3 now and I think are working on 4, but needless to say. They are keeping up with Nvidia and DLSS (which is on 3.5 I think). As I said, this really isnt about AMD but rather Square and the choices they made when using any sort of upscaling and their lack of proper optimization. They could very well come out with an update that adds proper FSR support to resolve many of the low quality issues the base 5 is running into.

Now... they wont even bother because a Pro will just do it for them. They kind of lucked out on that one.

Eonjay6d ago


No one is trying to give Square credit for this. Clearly everyone agrees with you that they could have done more and still should do more for the OG PS5. This doesn't mitigate the positive effects of AI Upscaling which is what I was getting at.

Tacoboto6d ago


Stop being so triggered. I never once told you what to do. I just called it what it is. Pathetic. Like your response.

Trying to get physical on the internet. Lol. 🤣

derek6d ago

Hey everyone look at Taco pocketing watching how others spend their money. Frustration among the xbox community knows no bounds.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
Destiny10806d ago

digital foundry made a point just because its not as good as DLSS so far anyway, sony can work around its flaws so the difference in the future may not be as noticeable if a game is designed from scratch with PSSR in mind

Eonjay6d ago

People are right to criticize Square's efforts on this title, but this just show just how good PSSR really is if it can clean up their mess to this degree. Its kinda crazy. Expect amazing result from the Switch 2 as well given that it uses DLSS.

TheKingKratos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

That's impressive on Performance mode for badly optimized game by a developer who clearly doesn't care because their games don't meet their "expectations"... But that's is still a badly optimized game by a lazy developer who never bothered to use FSR in performance mode to fix the image Quality

And not all developers are like that making bad ports and let the 900$ hardware brute force it in performance mode.... That among very few games are outliers

Popsicle6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

This is actually a significant improvement over the base model. This is the type of demonstration/presentation Sony should be giving to sell their new console.

Edit: Needs to be watched on a proper 4K screen to fully appreciate. Phones do not give the improvements the justice deserved.

VariantAEC4d ago

I watched this on a phone screen at 1440p60. I watched it again and the difference looked pretty obvious even at YT's 720p60 encoding.

Also you can slow down video playback to 25% speed on Android and even zoom into the window with pinch and zoom upto 8X on top of whatever DF does. On top of that I can mirror my phone screen to any TV and still deploy 16X zoom on top of 8X YT zoom even at 2160p60. Ok this last segment was just a tad bit facetious... but these are real things you can do. The point is you don't need to watch this on a TV and if I did... I'd actually be watching at a much lower resolution.

Popsicle4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Yeah, this sounds much better and more user friendly when compared to watching on my 83 inch LG G22 which can be slow playback and has a zoom feature. You’re right, a 6.69 inch screen is less tedious and a much better experience. Thanks for the tips, I finally feel at ease about getting rid of what I once thought was a proper 4K panel.

VariantAEC4d ago

Obviously you missed the part where the phone connects to the TV offering 128x zoom on top of whatever zoom your TV allows... Also that the majority of my former post was a joke!

What isn't a joke is the fact that if you couldn't see the differences on a 1440p mobile display playing a 2160p60 YT video, well then, how will you see them on a TV? When seated a nominal distance from it giving you the same apparent size window to look at of a 5 to 9 inch phone display held at about half an arms length?

Seriously, what is wrong with people?

Despite my vision being crap according to the optometrist, I can make out individual pixels on my older 5" 1080p phone display and all our TVs and my laptop's 1080p display. It's harder to make out the pixels on a 1440p Samsung Pentile array mobile display (regardless of which phone uses them), but I still see those as well. Would 4K be that much of an improvement? No.

How do I know that for certain despite not seeing a 4K display? The pixel pitch would only be 33% smaller which would likely still be obvious to me.

There is a reason I sold my Nintendo DSi XL. I could hardly read the display for all the massive sub pixels. I kind of wish I didn't sell it so people get a sense of how I see all modern displays.

But whatever, you do you. I can only imagine how terrible everyone else's vision is if I'm still b••••••• about how large pixels are on square pixel Full HD and QHD+ Pentile array displays on phones as small as 5" diagonally.

Popsicle4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

In all sincerity I commend you for your energy and enthusiasm.

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Square Enix Reveals Final Fantasy XVI and FF7 Rebirth Sales Fell Short of Expectations

Square Enix recently released Final Fantasy XVI and FF7 Rebirth. However, the sales of these games did not meet their expectations.

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6d ago Replies(4)
gold_drake6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

look, go multiplat.

but i doubt its gonna be such a game changer in the future.

u cant release any of your never games on the switch cause of the lower power (and the additional work for handheld mode amd making your games actuallyrun on it), switch 2 will have the same issue for most of them.

xbox releases wont give u the numbers ur missing either.

and your pc releases are always so messy.

Obscure_Observer6d ago

"look, go multiplat."

They´d tried the exclusive route with Playstation and at least for the current generation it´s been failure after failure. Babylon´s Fall, Forspoken, Foamstars, FFXVI, FF7 Rebirth...

Now they´re following the multi platform route and leaving the exclusivity behind. They´ll be better off that way, just like all third party publisher.

Going fully exclusive with a single platform when the said platform is not fully funding your games, is just a fool´s errand. Especially nowadays.

trez10826d ago

Short of expectations doesn't mean a failure. Both final fantasy are successful games that still fell short of Square's expectations and sold less than predecessors. As for " fool's errand " well, Koei tecmo and Skill announced Both Rise of the ronin and stalla blade have exceeded expectations. Those games are only PlayStation at the moment.

Going multi plat will be good for them but there's still a place for console exclusives to be successful.

Braindeadninja6d ago

Actually the quality of the games were to blame also Babylon foamstar n forspoken were universally criticized.

Obscure_Observer6d ago


"Short of expectations doesn't mean a failure. Both final fantasy are successful games that still fell short of Square's expectations and sold less than predecessors."

For shareholders, executives, partners and investors that were projecting ROI based on sales, those games are nothing but failures.

"As for " fool's errand " well, Koei tecmo and Skill announced Both Rise of the ronin and stalla blade have exceeded expectations."

Last time I checked, Koei Tecmo´s expectations and predictions for Rise of the Ronin fell short as they were expecting that game to sell more than 5 Million copies. (I mean, really?)


Stellar Blade is a completely different case as Sony money hatted Shift Up to keep that game away from both Xbox One and Series consoles while making it a timed-exclusive game to Playstation delaying it´s release on PC. It´s a PAID exclusive which falls in line with what I´d said in my OP:

"Going fully exclusive with a single platform when the said platform is not *fully funding* your games, is just a fool´s errand. Especially nowadays."

My point stands. Have a nice week.

gold_drake5d ago

what u said is not wrong at all, about the exclusivity, However.

square finds themselves, as many other Japanese devs, that their games just dont sell on xbox.

and nintendo has created a hardware space, were these devs just dont wanna do extra work to make their demanding games run on that hardware.

and pc .. well, its also alot of work.

so, its not too cut and dry to say "oh they should all go multi".

Profchaos5d ago

Forspoken was funded by Sony but outside of this FF exclusivity seems to be just because of the franchises history/ Sony used to have a stake in square it's not a financial or contractual obligation so it's a real head scratcher why xvi and vii remake were exclusive.

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Prayingathiest6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Tbh I never completed either got bored half way through each game overhyped imo

EternalTitan6d ago

16 is a disaster and non final fantasy game.

Levii_926d ago

I knew it all along. I really disliked and was soo bored of FF16 and Rebirth is a good game but it's an overstuffed turkey plagued with unnecessary sections with convoluted anime nonsense story.

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