
The makers of No Man's Sky will simulate a whole planet for Light No Fire

Hello Games, the studio behind No Man's Sky, is making Light No Fire, an Earth-sized multiplayer sandbox.

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victorMaje231d ago

The first real open world.
Eyebrow, raised.

zaanan231d ago

And what’s with their obsession with the word “No”?

-Foxtrot231d ago

After No Man’s Skys launch

…fool me once

We’ll see

JackBNimble231d ago

Well it launched like shit , but they did fix and support it, and continue to support it.
I'm not much of a fan but good on them for not abandoning the game.

-Foxtrot230d ago

And? They fixed their shitty product….so they f****** should

Jesus, we need to stop patting developers on the back for doing something that’s expected. They knew if they didn’t support it and moved onto the next game nobody would pay interest to this one.

I care about a product at launch, not what it can turn into years later because think about it if No Man’s Sky launched with what was promised then can you imagine what it would have been today with the years of support? Even better.

victorMaje230d ago

Granted, one must never forget NMS launch. I’m hoping they learned from their mistakes though.

Also at this point they acquired some experience so as not to repeat those mistakes, at least a good chunk of them.
But you can be sure & I would urge anyone, no pre-order.

Nevertheless, eyebrow, raised :)

Phoenix76230d ago

@foxtrot, I can understand your feelings towards hello games and the bad launch.
But I think you need to have a more balanced look at how No Man's sky was developed and what came afterwards.
Watch this vid. Both funny and informative, then come back

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 230d ago
maniacmayhem231d ago

**an Earth-sized multiplayer sandbox.**

My imagination is running wild on how gameplay will be with this. I'm thinking Dr Stone combined with Age of Empires.

gold_drake231d ago

they definitely need to make sure that at launch, everything works right.

MrNinosan231d ago

This game is what got me most hyped after the obvious FFVII Rebirth.
Loved No Man Sky since day 1, and Light No Fire seems to take everything they've learnt during those years, and make it another amazing survival joruney worth exploring for thousands of hours

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Light No Fire – What We Know So Far | GB

Light No Fire is the latest upcoming game from developer Hello Games, and this feature runs down 10 of the biggest details that fans should know about it.

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It would take over 300 real days to walk across Light No Fire’s world

If you've got almost a year of free time to spare, you could attempt to walk across the entirety of Light No Fire's very large world on PS5 and Xbox.

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isarai226d ago

I wanna see what else you do, if it's just flying and building I'll pass

fr0sty224d ago

For reference, it would take 335 days to walk across the earth, assuming there was a water-free path across the entire equator and you never stopped.

isarai224d ago

Well I was thinking more like combat, dungeons, puzzles, quests, something more than just the same game loop of all the other open world survival/building games out there.

mastershredder225d ago

Size and scale with no substance. Big talk with no real good ideas. Big = Good and cool. He may as well start foaming at the mouth and start talking about multiverse. I mean dude, Sean mimics/dresses like the guys that inspired him that are like 10-20 years his senior (The 'I want to look like a coffee house indy dev' look). He's so full of original ideas, it's literally seeping out of this paid shirt. It's like film students rock'n a Steven Spielberg, as if it is going to meld them into the role.

He wears plaid, enough said.

isarai224d ago

It's just the 1st trailer bro, relax, actin like you just spent 12hrs playing it 🤣

FunAndGun224d ago

Your comment had no substance talking about how others dress.

VivaChe224d ago

I heard it has a quintillion trees

SmortBoie225d ago

In 2019 Hello Games sent out an article saying they were looking for ideas for their next game.
I was drunk and playing NMS and loving it, and I gave them one. Never got a response. Here's my actual email, copy/paste no edit.

"Hi Hello Games,
Love NMS, Day 1 all the way through. You guys are an amazing team and thank you for what NMS is today.
Read an article saying you were exploring new ideas beyond NMS.
Here's one. A planet. Just one. Earth-Like. Procedurally generated huge biomes. Cities. Jungles and deserts and oceans that would take years in real-time to explore, full of artefacts and ruins and secret caves of wonders. Hub towns and cities to build and take part in missions, hook up with others, etc. Animals to discover, log, interact with. NPCs of other cultures and races with rich histories and communities. Horses, bikes, trains, cars, boats, subs, planes etc to aid in exploration. Market places for trading with others and growing local economies.
Basically, No Man's Sky, but on one absolutely huge planet. So big it takes real-time days to travel even by the fastest means to other continents. And super detailed environments, much more than NMS.
Thanks for hearing that out, hope it helps in some way!
All the best"

I think I should at least get a credit loollll
No agenda I just think it's pretty great. Like, they're making my game!

JEECE225d ago

In fairness, probably a number of people sent them something pretty similar to this (though my guess would be more people did the "a few dense planets instead of a ton of lifeless ones" idea).

SmortBoie224d ago

Yeah nah absolutely my thought too. It's not exactly a hard leap to come by that idea I'm sure loads of people had it, internally in the company as well as fellow NMS fans. I'm just chuffed about it. :) Hope they do it justice!

SmortBoie224d ago

Right? I thought so when I saw the trailer! Turned to the wife was like, holy crap they're making the exact game I pitched them! Was a fun moment.

bunt-custardly224d ago

Nice one! There is an adage though. If you thought of something original 100% likely someone already thought of it!

SmortBoie222d ago

Haha no doubt mate, no doubt.

RNTody224d ago

Awesome!!! Hope they read your mail and had a good "we got you, bro" moment with their development team ;)

SmortBoie222d ago

Yeah me too! A response would have been nice tho lol

Rainbowcookie216d ago

I do find it funny that your idea or parts of it is/was used...and that you were a bit drunk..and I would totally play that 😅

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 216d ago
Walalon225d ago

We have to remember how it was with NMS .. ton of features blah blah greatness! And the version of what they released was 0.5% of the promises and now 2023 it's the game that they where pitching... So please, don't start the trending again and when they release this new idea ton of videos compiling the "lies".

Just shut up and work quietly pretty please.

225d ago
isarai224d ago

People tend to not realize that they lost nearly all progress after their office flooded shortly after the reveal and had to start over.

gigoran8225d ago

walk around a planet freely without loading screens? -1 to Starfield

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Light No Fire Handily Tops YouTube Views for TGA 2023 Trailers

The reputation issues of Hello Games are clearly in the past, with their next project Light No Fire topping YouTube views among TGA 2023 news.

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MrNinosan227d ago

Well deserved.
Looks amazing 🥰