
The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered's Roguelike Mode Is More Than Just a Novelty - IGN

Tom Marks: "When I heard The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered would include a repeatable roguelike mode, the first reaction I had was “...huh?” But after playing the No Return mode for a few hours last week, my tone has shifted to an enthusiastic “huh!” What could have been a throwaway novelty in this already excellent game’s journey to PlayStation 5 actually has surprising depth, with unique characters and costumes to unlock, interesting build paths to explore, and a whole bunch of ridiculous modifiers to shake up its familiar fights. No Return isn’t going to put the best standalone games of the genre out of business or anything, but so far it also feels like more than just a remixed trip down a murderous memory lane."

TheEnigma313199d ago (Edited 199d ago )

I know I speak for most when I say we would have wanted factions before this "remaster". Way too soon for a remaster. Like wth is ND working on this gen seriously. We're 3 years in and nothing of a new game from them.

Bathyj199d ago

You don't speak for me. I don't care about Factions. I just replayed this after I played Part 1 remake but I will gladly go back and play them both back to back again.

Excited to try No Return mode. The more Devs releasing additional single player content the better. And combat in this is in a class of its own for me.

This is simply DLC if you own the game and a complete edition if you don't. Nothing to jump up and down with pitchforks about. Not specifically talking about you.

TheEnigma313199d ago

Well that's why I said most, not all.

CrimsonWing69198d ago

Why weren’t there complaints for Death Stranding Directors Cut or Ghosts of Tsushima Director’s Cut? Why now is Last of Us Part 2 Remastered some massive unacceptable Remaster?

anast198d ago

For some people, it's because Joel died. For others, they don't like women with big muscles, and for some others it's because they think Neil Druckmann is the torchbearer for a change in traditional bedroom activities. It's all quite bizarre anyway you look at it.

anast198d ago

PvP games are boring. ND is the most talented dev group in the industry outside of R* and GG. I am sure they can do a remaster and work on other things. It's too dramatic to think they are going dark.


The Last of Us Part 2, FFIX Remake, RDR & Other Unannounced PC Games Leaked

The Last of Us Part 2, Final Fantasy IX, Red Dead Redemption, and other unannounced PC games have apparently been leaked.

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Furesis9d ago

I mean yeah we have known for a while now and this just validates it more. Nothing official yet but... c'mon let's not play dumb here. I'm more interested in the other titles tho, i wonder what those are.

Petebloodyonion9d ago

The information is confirmed, as Epic Games has made an official announcement on the matter.

"[Update] After publishing our story, we received a statement from Epic on this matter (via an Epic PR agency):

“We released an update tonight so third-party tools can’t surface any new unpublished product titles from the Epic Games Store catalog.”"

RaidenBlack8d ago

Since most PS4 titles are coming to PC (except Bloodborne, duh) ... would like if they port Shadowfall, 1886, Second Son and Uncharted trilogy to PC as well.

neutralgamer19929d ago

RDR would be an instant buy for me even though I have played it before

MajinRose179d ago (Edited 9d ago )

The Last of us Part 2 better be steam deck compatible. 🙏🏾🙏

Yui_Suzumiya8d ago

For such a huge title, I would hope so

Cockney8d ago

The game released on ps4 without any modern raytracing or frame gen shenanigans and looked fantastic so I'm sure it'll run just fine

Yui_Suzumiya8d ago

None of these are a surprise though. We all they were eventually coming to PC.

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The Last of Us Part II Remastered Review - Jump Dash Roll

The Last of Us Part II Remastered has a free 2 hour trial for PS+ Premium members from Sony this week - but is this PS5 sequel worth your time? JDR charts Ellie's journey in today's review.

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Babadook735d ago

Perhaps true. I loved it about as much as the OG. 10/10 from me.


The best PS5 exclusives 2024

With so many PS5 exclusives to choose from, it can be a little overwhelming to pick which one to play. This is especially true for a new PlayStation gamer who has yet to experience the wonder of PlayStation-exclusive storytelling. So, here's KnowTechie's take on the best PS5 exclusives in 2024 and beyond

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Hereandthere68d ago

PlayStation is killing it with the exclusives this year. Exclusive wise, what has xbox released this year?

VersusDMC68d ago

They won't complain about Microsoft not releasing games here but put all their effort into saying that only first party counts. Games like Rebirth and Grandblue Relink don't count. Games published by Sony like Helldivers 2, Stellar Blade and Rise of the Ronin don't count because Sony don't own the studios.

It's some narrative building so for when Hellblade 2 come out they can say, seemingly without shame, that Microsoft is actually releasing first party games this year. And claim victory.🙃

Chevalier68d ago

Weird 1st party games didn't matter when Xbox had so little, but, now they're important again? Guess Ark 3, Stalker 2 don't count any more?

KyRo68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

ARK 3 doesn't exist and it's just a timed exclusive. It's also a game that a majority of the ARK player base doesn't want as it's a massive deviation from what people like about the original game

Abnor_Mal68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Honestly to me it doesn’t matter what they say, they are just finally getting a chance to say all the things PS fan(boy)s were saying to them for the past few years. Let them get that, they deserve a “win” for a change.

The new narrative is that suddenly first party games matter again when awhile ago they didn’t, but that was because they were struggling with the same three games with the occasional fourth or fifth. That games should be everywhere on all platforms since that’s whats happening to theirs. The consoles don’t matter just the ability to play anywhere. Whatever Xbox is doing Sony will soon follow.

They’re not moving the goalpost anymore, but rather just moving the whole damn stadium.

jwillj2k468d ago

Only a incel would care about who published what and who owns who.

If it’s not on the other consoles it’s an exclusive.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 68d ago
Cacabunga68d ago

Killing what? Where are the 1st party games??
Stellar Blade and FF7 is what I’m seeing this year.. so shallow!!!!

andy8568d ago

Doesn't really matter as long as they're great games. Baffles me why people put an emphasis on 1st party. They're still games you can't play anywhere else this year

Cacabunga67d ago


PS brand is my favorite because of their stellar first party software.. currently I see absolutely nothing to go crazy for..

CS767d ago


PS1 and PS2 was built on great third party exclusives like FF, MGS, GTA & Tekken.

68d ago Replies(2)
raWfodog68d ago

Of course I love the games I’ve played from PS but I don’t believe we need to limit it to ‘exclusive’ to acknowledge that Xbox will be releasing some good games this year also. In that same vein, I believe that Xbox diehards shouldn’t limit their acknowledgment of good PS games to 1st party. There are plenty of good games to go around for everybody.

Tacoboto68d ago

This is a Playstation article about Playstation games and your comment is about Xbox. Can't you just celebrate what PS has without dragging this into console war BS?

ChasterMies68d ago

I don’t think Microsoft is releasing games exclusively on Xbox anymore. They have some timed exclusives that release on Xbox first.

68d ago
68d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 67d ago
Abear2168d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Returnal, Astro Bot, and Ratchet made having it since day one worth it.

GT7 free updates and Spiderman 2 and others at 60fps have made this last year more than okay.

But yeah, it’s been dry lately. BG3 and third party have made great filler, but we ready for that SOCOM or Killzone announcement and some more 1st party goodness. Crossing fingers for Ghost of Tsushima 2 announcement this summer.

Didn’t know Helldivers was exclusive! Wtf is going on at Xbox that they can’t get these games, series s strikes again.

SonyStyled68d ago (Edited 68d ago )

Sony owns the Helldivers IP. The first was a PS3/Vita/PC game. It was never an Xbox game that they could ‘get’ a decade ago. I’m not sure what the upset is with Xbox here

CS767d ago

Lol, how do you ignore Rebirth one of the best games ever made?

anast68d ago

Looks like they are on par with the previous gens. Solid games all around. Interestingly enough, we can't say they released a bad game yet this gen. Unlike the Quiet Man dustup.

68d ago Replies(2)
68d ago
DefenderOfDoom268d ago

I actually do not mind if Marathon releases on multiple platforms . I just wish that Marathon has a dedicated single player campaign.

DaniMacYo68d ago

Helldivers 2 is exactly what gaming needed. I’m loving it.

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