
Get ready, PlayStation Plus Season of Play starts tomorrow

Celebrate the holidays with new avatars, PlayStation Stars campaigns, eSports tournaments, discounts, and more.

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BrainSyphoned235d ago

*time limited discounts
*time limited ownership

andy85235d ago

Well naturally hence "season" 🙃

S2Killinit234d ago

Hehehe he thought he was unto a revelation.

Abear21234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

“Pay for Time Limited Access”

P_Bomb235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

“…with new avatars”

They sure stopped dropping avatars post-PS4! Im using a PS3 one at the moment.

Einhander1972235d ago


Lot's of games offer avatars, sometimes you even get special ones for getting the platinum.

P_Bomb235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

Not a lot. The avatar section in the PS5 store is completely gone. There is no avatar section

Einhander1972234d ago

We can argue about what is a lot, but games absolutely still have avatars.

And if you're still using the one from PS3 obviously you haven't cared about it that much... until it was something to complain about.

SyntheticForm234d ago

Just allow the tiniest criticism of Sony and PlayStation, Einhander. There will be no injury to you, I can assure you. You'll feel normal, too.

There's nothing nefarious about people lamenting the omission of features they've previously enjoyed on earlier PlayStation consoles.

shinoff2183234d ago

Lol. I still use the turtle that I used my first time on my ps3. Damn. Never thought about that

anast235d ago

Those free online games are sewage.

Einhander1972235d ago

What are you even talking about? Everyone can play online for free, it's a free weekend.

VincentVanBro234d ago

He’s saying that fc24, nba 2k24 and cod mw3 all suck. Those are the free online games.

Einhander1972234d ago

Unbelievable... you guys aren't even reading anything...

It's every game for every person on PSN, it's a free weekend.

Abear21234d ago (Edited 234d ago )

I bought Teardown it was money well spent, literally the only reason to Sub to premium but this is a game you may actually want to own. This is my conundrum with timed Sub services. Just no thank you on the garbage free games—although it’s nice having online access the few times a year I want to use it.

RAFTECH26234d ago

Garbage. What the hell sony. Give us games…. Not trash perks and gimmicks

S2Killinit234d ago

What you mean like free games?

Einhander1972234d ago

Sony can't even give away free stull without people complaining, you guys are just screwing yourselves.

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After Genshin's success, PlayStation is collecting games for PS5 like money-printing Infinity Stones

PlayStation has been snatching up gacha-driven action RPGs left and right ever since Genshin Impact became a seismic hit on the console (alongside mobile and PC), and the next gacha game dropping on PS5 is none other than Neverness to Everness - tongue-twisting name, I know, but you can just think of it as the 'anime GTA' one.

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Stellar Blade Update 1.006 Brings Summer Suits, Photo Mode & More

Shift Up, the developer behind Stellar Blade, has released a new update, bringing the game to version 1.006.

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CobraKai1m ago

I love this game. It just keeps on giving


Gran Turismo 7: The seven best features in its latest game update

Gran Turismo 7 has skipped one month of regular updates to deliver ‘Version 1.49’, which adds significant changes. Here are the most notable new features.

andy851m ago(Edited 1m ago)

What bugs me (and don't get me wrong I appreciate free updates) but they say skipped a month to bring a decent update...but I'd done the new races and bought the new cars within 45 mins. Doesn't seem that substantial