
What Sony’s $8 Billion Lawsuit Might Mean For The Gaming Community

Sony getting slapped with a hefty $7.9 billion lawsuit is probably not the win the gaming community thinks it is.

Kingrizzy90235d ago

Half of the people will buy games from the ps store again anyway so they will get some of it back anyways

derek235d ago

Just because a court doesn't dismiss a case from the outset for having zero merit, doesn't mean there is a likelihood of ultimate success.

234d ago
235d ago Replies(4)
RAFTECH26235d ago ShowReplies(2)
Inverno235d ago

IDK what to think of this. Thing is I've seen games on sale on PSN and Steam and they're almost always cheaper on Steam, but idk the pricing on Xbox. This is just to fill their own pockets with money so honestly I hope they lose cause they aren't siding with consumers, just money.

BeHunted235d ago

Where can I buy PlayStation Digital games? Only on PlayStation Store

Where can I buy Xbox and Steam digital games? Cdkeys, Game, Argos, Amazon etc...

There's your answer. If Sony is going to do digital only console they have a Monopoly on their 3rd party Digital games.

anast235d ago

Almost all gaming runs through Windows OS, who owns Windows?

Inverno235d ago (Edited 235d ago )

Except you CAN buy PSN games on CDKeys and G2A. Sure the selection isn't huge, but there's your other option. Also games are available on other platforms and you aren't forced to buy a PlayStation. A monopoly would mean there aren't alternatives, which there's 5 other platforms you can game on without ever needing a PlayStation device.

BeHunted235d ago


Sony to Stop Retailers Selling PS4 Game Codes on April 1st 2019


Inverno235d ago

Sure, but despite that I still see a few games on CD keys and G2A. Plus I don't think that proves a monopoly because there isn't much of an point in buying a card for a digital game. Since most likely GameStop would also be the ones deciding the prices and digital games at the time were often cheaper on sale and GS most likely wouldn't have lowered the prices.

Extermin8or3_235d ago

Except those typically never decrease in price. You go try and buy a digital code of agame that's on sale on Nintendo store or ms store and it'll still be full price. You can buy top up cards and ps plus subs on cards. Tell me can you buy apps, gsmes, music off apples store via codes? Or the oogle store via codes for individual items? No.

DivineHand125235d ago

@anast I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Are you saying every game and software that is released on Windows have to pay Microsoft a royalty fee?

@Inverno While it is possible to purchase PS5 digital games from 3rd party sources, it is not for the general population. Right now, Sony still has a monopoly on the distribution of PS plus subscriptions and digital games.

The majority of the ps5 games I see on G2A are not keys but accounts with the game license assigned to them. Once in a while you will find a CD key for a ps5 game on CDKeys and this is usually when Sony bundles a digital code with the PS5 and the person wants to sell the code. Again, this is not for the majority of persons to take advantage of but the few that comes across it.

VariantAEC233d ago

Can't you also buy digital codes for PSN games on Amazon?
I've never done it buy I'm fairly certain this was a thing late in PS3's life cycle or early in PS4's.

VariantAEC233d ago

Yeah, actually it is nice to know I'm not going crazy.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 233d ago
FinalFantasyFanatic234d ago

They're pretty comparable in my country, sometimes Sony is cheaper, sometimes Steam, I normally choose the Steam version these days.

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro50m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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