
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Comes to Street Fighter 6

The classic puzzle game, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, is now playable in Street Fighter 6's Game Centre, along with other new additions.

Babadook7236d ago (Edited 236d ago )

I loved this on PS1. I also bought the HD remaster.


Humble Bundle Lands on PS4 and PS3 With New Capcom/PlayStation Bundle

Today Humble Bundle launched a new bundle with a lot of games by Capcom for PS4 and PS3.

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jojo3192894d ago

Awesome deal.........for PS3 owners

IamTylerDurden12893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Considering both Resident Evil games are $20 each on PS4, and considering the entire bundle is $15, it's actually a good deal for PS4 AND PS3 owners.

yeahright22893d ago

So looked through the FAQ and the guidelines and I don't see that I'd be violating anything by doing this (didn't think so but safer to check). If I'm wrong, sorry.
So I bought this humble bundle and I already have a few of the titles, So I figured I'd leave those codes peppered around N4G comments and well, first come first served. Hope whomever gets them enjoys them.
First, Okami: 2HR6-29NP-4RLP

yellowlink2893d ago

Got it! Thanks :D you a Straight up beast ma man :O

yeahright22893d ago

You are most welcome. That one is probably my favorite out of the bunch.

SSjDomon2893d ago

Hook it up with Resident Evil bro! Lol.

yeahright22893d ago (Edited 2893d ago )

Had to keep resident evil. that was the only reason I went that high in the bundle.
Though I'll never buy street fighter V out of principle (and I don't care for fighting games) so if you want 45% off, here you go: 2AM2HD7HH2

SSjDomon2893d ago

Thanks, I appreciate your generosity. I understand you can't share Resident Evil, that's definitely the gem of the collection! Thanks again, you're too kind.

SSjDomon2893d ago ShowReplies(1)
2893d ago Replies(2)
DeeboSlice2893d ago

Hell. I might get this just to get Strider for $1.

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Psy's Top 5 Tile-Matching Puzzle Games

Psy from Bit Cultures writes: "This week I run down the best of the so-called casual puzzle genre spawned by, but not including, Tetris! Be it competitive or relaxed, will your favourite make the list?"

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