
Phil Spencer: Xbox Talking With Partners to Create Mobile Gaming Store

Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer in an interview in Sao Paulo during the CCXP comics and entertainment convention stated Xbox is talking with partners to help create a mobile gaming store that will be designed to take on Apple and Google.

"It’s an important part of our strategy and something we are actively working on today not only alone, but talking to other partners who’d also like to see more choice for how they can monetize on the phone," said Spencer (via Bloomberg).

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MrDead239d ago

"It’s an important part of our strategy and something we are actively working on today not only alone, but talking to other partners who’d also like to see more choice for how they can monetize on the phone,"

Then why is it when MS enters a market choice gets smaller?

Just the standard MS BS merchants buying others success.

recoctimocassirnff239d ago

Really Maniac? Really?...

For just the most recent example, Starfield.

But that game is so lackluster I haven't even pirated it for my PC.

maniacmayhem238d ago

Yes, really?

Your example of Starfield doesn't support anything Mr Dead is saying in relation to this article.

Just more "I hate MS" nonsense without a valid explanation.

238d ago
S2Killinit238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

Look at MS doing the same thing with VR. Can’t be bothered to actually invest in making something. They want others to do the work, and they go and buy them. MS are a corporation with no DNA in entertainment or gaming, they are money hatters. They merely manage their section of the industry, but know nothing of it. That is why they are often caught with their pants down when decisions come down from up top that are out of touch.

Choice gets smaller because MS doesnt make anything. They buy out the work of others.

Christopher238d ago

The competition is massively smaller today than before. But, honestly, Microsoft isn't the only one. Sony does a bit, but Microsoft, Tencent, and Evolver are truly shrinking the industry of competition right in front of our faces. No major company is going to want their own portfolio to compete with itself, so focus will be on releasing in windows against others. That means less competition that used to exist because those portfolios used to compete more openly at all times.

maniacmayhem238d ago

So nobody is actually answering the question. Just ranting on big publishers buying developers.

But what exactly got smaller by MS? As Dead said...

Companies aren't making as many games as before,not because of competition but because of high costs and low returns.

The only way to keep going in this industry is to be bought out or make deals for funding, or repeated sequels of well known IPs.

So in reality MS, Tencent and Sony are keeping a lot of developers doors open by purchasing them and to keep them working and making games.

So again I ask, how is MS entering a market making it smaller? Especially when MS for example continues to put their games on almost every platform available that they can.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 238d ago
S2Killinit239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

They are working hard to ruin console gaming.

MS’s new “mobile-focus” is their newest move away from console gaming. Terrible company imo

Godmars290239d ago

"They are working hard to ruin console gaming."

Past tense. Why do you think they're moving on to mobile?

Lightning77239d ago

I guess Sony is terrible also because they're doing the exact same thing right? According to your logic?

Minute Man 721239d ago

As bad as people here trash mobile games, it makes more money that consoles.
You don't need a console just a phone and there is about 5 billion phones out there

Zeref239d ago

Choice get smaller? How? Yall are literally just saying shit now 😂

MrDead238d ago

Can you still buy newly released Bethesda published games on PlayStation, Bethesda's most profitable platform in the console market?

Zeref238d ago (Edited 238d ago )


No Way238d ago

MrDead, I can no longer buy any Insomniac games anywhere but Playstion, either. What's your point? It's just a part of the business. Everyone wants to complain regardless of what MS does. If they don't have the studios - it's MS needs more studios and games. When they buy up studios - it's MS is doing MS BS, buying everything up, making a monopoly.. typical MS!

If you're going to make an argument, just make sure both sides aren't guilty of it.

MrDead238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

@No Way

"MrDead, I can no longer buy any Insomniac games anywhere but Playstion, either."

...did you compare a single dev studio to an entire publisher full of dev studios, engine teams, audio studios, etc !?! I know this must be a joke, there is no way you can think that that's even comparable.

$80 billion spent to ban multiplatform publishers filled with devs from releasing games on competing platforms compared to a single studio that makes most of it's money from PlayStation... and you can't see the difference.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 238d ago
Seraphim239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

ie: we don't want to pay Google or Apple the standard rate we [too] charge on the XB/MS store, therefore, we look to use our infinite resources to create a new app that gives us the ability to maximize profits on our products while raking in a cut from those who wish to sell digital items on our new storefront. Think that about sums it up....

Zeref238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

Well yeah... That's a great business strategy.

Also a gaming focused mobile store sounds great to me. Might actually get me into mobile gaming.

343_Guilty_Spark239d ago

Show the proof. The FTC failed and the CMA did too. You got nothing.

MrDead238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

Are all new Bethesda Published releases still released on the same systems they always were? If not choice where to buy has shrunk.

MS's actions are shrinking the market.

Zeref238d ago

No. But Bethesda games are now Day 1 on GamePass and available to stream on almost every cloud service so you can play on your phone or your potato laptop if you want to. Besides that every Xbox game is available day 1 on PC.

If you don't play Xbox games it's simply because you don't want to. Not because you can't.

They are MORE accessible than ever before. There's more choice not less.

MrDead238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

You think removing a multiplatform publisher from a platform offers more choice?!?

"They are MORE accessible than ever before. There's more choice not less."

Just less platforms to play on... you do know that xbox is the same platform no matter the device you play on don't you?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 238d ago
Luc20239d ago

I remember how they partnered with Nokia and there was a windows phone... over 10 years ago I think.

Hofstaderman239d ago

How did that turn out again?

Brazz239d ago

MS can't make their Windows Store work on their OS, let alone make a mobile Store for IOS and Android.

gerbintosh238d ago

I guess they are about to pull a Windows Phone 2.0

PitbullMonster239d ago

Will fail like their Windows Phones.

gold_drake239d ago

another thing no one asked for.

Lightning77239d ago

You mean the Same thing that sony is doing? Are you really gonna be that easily of a hypocrite?

239d ago
gold_drake239d ago

i dont think i ever supported sony doing mobile shit.

like ever. so no, not a hypocrite

Einhander1972239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Sony isn't trying to create a store to steal revenue on either device, Sony wants to sell games using the app stores already on the devices like everyone else.

Don't pretend it's the same, it's not.

Always false equivalency with you guys.

239d ago
Asplundh239d ago


Wrong, It's an accurate equivalency. Sony created their own mobile store, it was called Playstation Mobile and it flopped.

239d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 239d ago
Lightning77239d ago

"Sony wants to sell games using the app stores already on the devices like everyone else."

Really? You think that's all there doing you're funny.

Using apps stores on mobile? Is that really what you think?


"Savage Game Studios will be part of a new PlayStation Studios Mobile Division, “which will operate independently from our console development and focus on innovative, on-the-go experiences based on new and existing PlayStation IP.”

"Hulst said Savage Game Studios is “already working on a new unannounced AAA mobile live service action game. It’s too early to reveal more, but I’m so excited for when they’ll be able to.”

What's that's about false equivalence? You don't know me but I only bring facts, best remember.

@John You need Perspective or else you'll "forget" Sony's doing it and make it seem like this is only MS venturing mobile. The only thing we can do is hope they keep mobile 100% seperate from AAA development. Keep mobile only on mobile.

Einhander1972239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Nothing there in any way implies anything other than that Sony is going to develop mobile games and sell them on app stores. Microsoft is literally saying they are going to try to create an a mobile store to compete with Google and Apple and force them to allow it through lawsuits.

Sony owns Aniplex and their game Fate Grand/Order is on Google Play and the Apple Store.

I was wrong you aren't doing false equivalency, it's worse you didn't even understand what you read and typed.

notachance239d ago

this dude didn't even understand what he was replying to..

239d ago
Lightning77239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

"Sony is going to develop mobile games and sell them on app stores. "

Yes that's my point I'm making. They're making mobile games in general, you know those types of games we don't like? No, I heard exactly what you said I just didn't care enough to get into it but since we're here.

"Microsoft is literally saying they are going to try to create an a mobile store to compete with Google and Apple and force them to allow it through lawsuits."

Weather they wanna take their revenue or not I don't care. I don't play nor barely pay attention to mobile. Different market, different fanbase, different buissness. I could careless what goes on there. There's your response.

Einhander1972239d ago (Edited 239d ago )


Note: Some people might think I am trying to be funny. No.

CBaoth238d ago

spare us please. I refuse to believe your bad grammar is a result of typing on a phone. Hurts my brain reading your posts. Learn the difference between weather and whether before calling out people next time. It's what I expect from Xtwits though

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