
Capcom Raising Prices Starting With Dragon's Dogma 2

The long-anticipated Dragon's Dogma 2 is now available for pre-order, but at a higher price than previous Capcom games.

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Duke19240d ago

$70 is now the new standard. Anyone still claiming the industry is at $60 is kidding themselves

SimpleSlave240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Actually, the industry is at $30 to $35 bucks throughout the year. I just got Resi 4 Remake and Jedi: Fallen Order for $30 each. You just have to exercise some patience is all.

People are too impatient. Just enjoy the backlog or a few of the indie games while the price plummets on the big titles.

Inverno240d ago

There's isn't a game that doesn't go down almost 20 bucks a couple months after release during a sale. 7 months later it's down to less than half price during a sale. 70 is for suckers, these publishers don't even believe in the value they set when they so easily put down prices so quickly.

ApocalypseShadow240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

You sound like me. I just bide my time until it's a price I'm willing to pay. Last Gen, I didn't buy more than 5 games at $60. Most of it was $40, $30, $20 and $15. With many indie games less than $10. And that's having enough money to buy Neo Geo priced games. I didn't then, and won't now, pay more than what I think something is worth to me.

Patience is a virtue. Just like gravity, anything that goes up, must come down eventually. Capcom and everyone else can do whatever they want. It's what I do with my money that matters.

mkis007240d ago (Edited 240d ago )


Unless its made by nintendo. Ridiculous that botw is still standard priced talking msrp.

Brazz240d ago

Same here. I rarely pay fullprice on games

Snookies12240d ago

Plus, you get the added benefit of all the patching being finished by then! Any annoying bugs, or missing features will have been fixed up nicely by the time you find the game at a reasonable price.

Duke19240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

That doesn’t change the fact that full retail price on new games are $70. Calling this out as anything remotely unique to Capcom like this article is just misleading.

If people want to wait for price drops, sure. But that’s an entirely different topic

Good-Smurf239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Steam sale and when in doubt, Steamunlocked are your friends.
Unless they DRM it to death obviously then its wait for deep discount for me regardless.

Einhander1972239d ago


This is exactly it.

To be fair this game is back burner for me anyways, This game is no where close to FF7R2 for me, heck, I want Granblue Fantasy::Relink more than this to be honest.

If I get brutally honest I could wait until it's on PS Plus.

neutralgamer1992239d ago


Thing is we are in the minority otherwise madden, NBA, fifa and COD would be top selling games on yearly basis

FOMO is real for so many people it’s simply unbelievable

Elda239d ago

If one has it like that then buy day one. Any game that I'm anticipated to play I buy day one of release may it be a $30 Indie game or a $70 AAA game.

esherwood239d ago

$70 is a bargain for a AAA game and I have no problem supporting companies that don’t push mt’s.

ChasterMies239d ago

This is the right idea. Pay what you want to pay.

smashman98239d ago

You're probably the smartest commenter on the internet.

shinoff2183239d ago

True enough. I'd rather wait. The only games I might buy brand new is something I must have asap(star ocean 2 remkae) and once in awhile a jrpg I feel might become rare. I don't wanna have to find it once it does Ala legend of heroes cold steel. The first 2 are dumb priced.

Binarycode239d ago

Ding Ding. Well done.

Wait for SP games to drop or second hand.

Buy only MP if you know you're going to get stuck into it and it'll last a long time.

Gregero239d ago

Same here. I just now got God of War Ragnarok for 35 bucks. There was no way I was gonna pay full price for a PS4 game on a PS5 so I just played other games throughout the year until GoW finally went on sale. I'll probably do the same with FFXVI when it hits 20 bucks in a few years.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 239d ago
specialguest239d ago

With the cost of everything that has gone up significantly including food, dining out, cars, rent/housing, etc, $70 for a video game is not that shocking. I came from the 8 & 16 bit era when some games were $80, so $70 isn't that drastic. Video game is not a necessity, and there's always a price cut down the line. Daily necessities like food and shelter price hikes are more painful

shinoff2183239d ago

Not alot seem to wanna hear this out. Games prices stayed pretty steady until recent. I'm surprised it lasted this long.

You point out the late 80s and 90s with the 8 bit 16 bit Era. On top of games being that high. Minimum wage was like 3 to 4 dollars an hour. Give or take certain years.

CobraKai239d ago

It’s been $70 for new games since the start of this generation.

1nsomniac239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Only because naive people let it happen.

The reason we now have inflated prices is that they can now put a sale label on it and sell it for £50.

It’s the people with no spine that accept the ridiculous narrative to begin with. Ignoring the blatant facts of how profitable the industry is.

Cant blame Capcom for it though. They kept it real for longer than most the others. They’ve just seen how weak people are and decided they might as well finally join in or get left behind.

maniacmayhem239d ago

Yes, let's not even bother to consider that the cost of developing games are almost if not more than a big budget Hollywood movie.

The fact that they kept games this low while everything else has been raised is a blessing. But these companies can't sustain that for long, which is why we're seeing more dev doors closing and more companies laying off employees.

1nsomniac239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

Yes it’s not the norm, but when companies are stating it was possible for them to make their entire AAA tier development costs back in 24 hours when charging £50.

They have naive people like you bent over a barrel and you’re loving it!

Every generation they’ve attempted to increase prices and failed. I know, I’ve lived through it. Because they’ve been called out. But guess what?? they’ve continued to make games for decades. I guess they made them with unicorn tears and high hopes. It’s just this generation of kids are stupid. They just accept it all.

maniacmayhem239d ago

Everything you said let's me know you have no clue on what is actually happening in the real world.

There's a reason why we're getting nothing but sequel after sequel of known IPs instead of new IPs, there's a reason why games are going service based, there's a reason why once independent studios are being bought by publishers, there's a reason why studios are not hitting their yearly profit goals and why there's unprecedented mass layoffs across the industry.

It's a gamble releasing a game in the market nowadays. Especially a new game up against titans like a CoD or anything remotely similar. Just ask Immortals of Aveum.

The cost of making games a decade ago is no where near what it is now and the examples I left above shows this. This industry held on as long as it could but it's just not sustainable at the price in retail.

You would be completely insane to think, in this market that games, while everything else is raising, would stay the same as it did years and years ago.

1nsomniac238d ago

It’s called growing perpetuity. Look it up.

These companies aren’t making less money. They’re making more money. Just not enough growing year on year profit for the shareholders.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 238d ago
TheEroica239d ago

70 bucks for the most expensive version in the worst possible shape.... Enjoy! I usually pay no more than 20 for a game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 238d ago
RhinoGamer88240d ago

Just make sure they playtest and bug-fix it for launch. More money = higher expectations!

Chocoburger240d ago

Absolutely this! Over the past decade games have been released increasingly buggy and unfinished. If companies want to increase the price then they also must increase the Quality Assurance period to make sure games are released in a completed state.

Otherwise no sale. Stop pre-ordering games, and stop supporting companies releasing unfinished games.

isarai240d ago

AAA games, mid tier have been just fine. And I pre-order all the time, but I've been gaming long enough to know when to avoid doing so. I wanted Cyberpunk 3077 so bad, but never pre-ordered cause I smelled that BS from a mile away.

isarai240d ago

CAPCOM or really the vast majority of Japanese developed games don't seem to be plagued with the same issue. I really wouldn't lump them in with the likes of EA/ACTIVISION/UBISOFT/MS

RhinoGamer88239d ago

Well the original DD, even with the updates, had that strange endgame logic bug that screwed me. I could not recover from it...even with my saves. Ps4 game.

purple101240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Where is pragmata.

Give me pragmata


Last we heard : https://youtu.be/h4Q7Q8e3M0...

Einhander1972239d ago

Yea, I want to see more of that, I really liked the original trailer.

From that first show i am also waiting to hear more on Slitterhead too.

Rainbowcookie239d ago

Last I heard is the game was put on hold indefinitely.

SimpleSlave240d ago

What's that? Are you saying that we'll be able to Buy it at $30 bucks a month later or on any of the holidays throughout the year?


Vengeance1138240d ago

$94.99 standard edition cost in Canada.

clevernickname240d ago

Yeah, only impatient fools or fanbois buy games at full price.

isarai240d ago

Or just people with enough disposable income 🤷‍♂️

anast239d ago

Your image is great, Cookie Monster is good people.

VersusDMC240d ago

That's digital only. The physical stays 89.99.

Don't have proof for dragon's dogma 2 but P3R is 93.49 digital and 89.99 physical.

FinalFantasyFanatic239d ago

Some games on Steam have hit $110 for standard in Australia, that's a big jump from $70, I can tolerate a jump to $80, but you're smoking something when it hits $110. I tend to wait for sales anyway, but even old games like Cyberpunk have just increased in price too (should have got it when it hit $30 on sale earlier this year, then got the DLC later).

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Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch Improves Performance by up to 66% in Towns and Cities (CPU-Bound Scenarios)

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has gotten its latest title update with tons of fixes and a lower CPU overhead in NPC-rich towns and cities. The previous patches improved CPU performance and added DLSS 3 Frame Generation to the game (broken at the time).

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VincentVanBro26d ago

This game is my biggest disappointment of the year so far. So overhyped.

just_looken26d ago

they took there first game went ctrl c then to a bluray disc hit ctrl v.

Everything even how the environment's were handled is like the first one from over 10 years ago its crazy but this one you get to pay for a 2nd save game so that was there next gen advancement for the series.

It came it went no one is still talking about it in the main spotlight anymore not even the sales of the microtransactions.

bigfish26d ago

Most games come and go, it’s sold 2.5M in its first ten days , not sure about current sales figures. It safe to say it sold well and should have turned over a profit for capcom. Hope there isn’t as big a wait for dragons dogma 3

just_looken26d ago


Not talking about sales i am talking about every medium to big influencer talking about the game along with free codes being tossed out for good pr then the drama around mt's followed buy the save file deal then the performance/game length

3 weeks later at most hay bails its like it fell off a cliff

43 viewers right now on twitch 176k peak

in 3 months it went from quarter million to 3 thousand players on steam

Demetrius26d ago

Couldn't get into the 1st one and I knew this would be the same so decided not to get it

RhinoGamer8826d ago

I enjoyed DD2, but the new game+ blows. Same formula as other games, repeat all the finished missions with your accumulated weapons/skills. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

NotoriousWhiz26d ago

Is.... that not how new game+ normally works?

phoenixwing26d ago

I bought rise of ronin instead and can't recommend RoR enough. It's my game of the year.

jznrpg25d ago

I’ve seen a few people here says great things about it. I am playing it next after I finish getting the plat for Stellar Blade in a day or 2. After that Trails of Daybreak!

phoenixwing25d ago

If you find RoR too hard at the beginning choose a different difficulty. Also items help alot like poison coatings.

DustMan25d ago

Love how all the tests are done on a freaking 4090....why not a more practical card to truly show what impact it's had on cards people haven't recently dropped 2k on.


Dragon's Dogma 2 | Update adds 120Hz mode, additional graphic options, more QoL fixes

Applied for all versions [PC, PS5, X|S].

• Frame rates in areas with a lot of NPCs, such as town centers, should be improved.

• In addition, turning the graphics settings to low should further improve frame rates.

• Players on Steam can achieve the same results from changing their graphics settings.

• Fixing issues around CPU overload in certain situations.

• If your monitor supports 120Hz output, turning this on may make the game display more smoothly. This setting does not guarantee 120 fps.

• Adding function to sell items from the storage menu.

• Increasing the maximum number of items of one kind that can be put in storage from 99 to 999.

• Miscellaneous bug fixes.

Many other QoL improvements.

Please follow the link for all patch notes.

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jznrpg29d ago

It’s on my list of games to play but it will be a while before I get to it. Hopefully by then performance and such is improved further

isarai29d ago

Oh noice! This'll be a nice little wrap up when i finally get back to it to finish it. Adult life man 😅 really doesn't leave much time or energy for fun

Psychonaut8529d ago

I feel that. When we were kids we had all the time and no money. Now we have some money, but no time. 😂

VincentCastle26d ago

It's on consoles and pc.
I played it on PS5 a bit with the 120hz enabled abd it's definitely quicker in cities and the fields.


Dragon's Dogma II Review - Gaming Respawn

Capcom bring us the long-awaited Dragon's Dogma II twelve years after the original title, and it lives up to its predecessor's legacy. Gaming Respawn reviews.

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