
Xbox CFO Discusses Opportunities with AI, how Microsoft Measures Its Success in Games, and More

Xbox CFO Tim Stuart discussed the application of AI gaming, the acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Game Pass, and how Microsoft measures success in gaming.

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crazyCoconuts240d ago

"Stuart explains that Xbox's mission is to bring its first-party experiences and subscription services to every screen that can play a game.
That means smart TVs. That means mobile devices. That means what we would have thought as competitors in the past, like PlayStation and Nintendo."

phoenixwing240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Third party train has arrived in the station. Ready to depart console business when next gen happens.

Basically microsoft is ditching xbox asap and going all in with gamepass

crazyCoconuts240d ago

In the article I feel they de-emphasized GamePass as being their sole focus. Still interested in selling using traditional approach as well.

S2Killinit240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Xbox fans are going to get what they kept cheering for despite other gamers raising the red flag and warning them at every turn.

**Although you really cannot believe anything MS says. Literally flipping every comment on its head has often been a good indication of the truth when it comes to MS.

Obscure_Observer240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

"Basically microsoft is ditching xbox asap and going all in with gamepass"

You delusional bunch never get tired and got yourselves disappointed.

We been hearing all this "Xbox is going to leave the console business and go full third party" bs since Xbox started to release its games on PC.

And yet, both Playstation and Epic are getting a total of zero Xbox first party games while a next gen Xbox console powered by hybrid technology leaked by FTC documents is already in development to be released in 2028. XD

So you people can be mad as you want, but those are the *facts*!

Quit the port begging already, because Playstation ain´t getting no games from Xbox in the foreseeable future. Period!

Do what you do

Lightning77240d ago

Lol you mean this Tim Stuart.


Where he alluded that Starfield and other Bethesda titles could arrive first or "better on Xbox" which ultimately never happened. He's a business strategist he doesn't have final say. He formulates business plans and strategies and suggestions. Phil has final say in these things. Games like Minecraft and certain Bethesda games Deathloop and Ghost Wire, COD and a few others will get support on PS and Nintendo of course. This is no sign or indication of third party for all its games I know you guys are twitching for it hard tho.

Because of fanboyism.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 240d ago
Brazz240d ago

This realy feels like Xbox is ready to become third party. Not necessarily kill Xbox consoles, but kill exclusivity.

240d ago Replies(1)
anast240d ago

Xbox games are going to get even shi#$%&.

Obscure_Observer240d ago

"Xbox games are going to get even shi#$%&."

Well, If true, then future Playstation games are also f*cked.

"AAA games have gone from taking teams of 50 people two years to make to now sometimes taking teams of hundreds of people more than ten years to make," Raymond said."

"At Haven, one way we are evolving to improve our production processes is through investing in R&D around generative AI and machine learning, in the belief these technologies will eventually help game developers reverse that trend, and unlock more creativity from developers and players alike."


anast240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

"Well, If true, then future Playstation games are also f*cked."

History has shown that PlayStation can offer some good quality entertainment along with jank. MS, however, does not have this reputation.

*Obscure: I know you mean well, but I don't click on links in forums.

Obscure_Observer240d ago

"History has shown that PlayStation can offer some good quality entertainment along with jank. MS, however, does not have this reputation."

We´re talking about the *future* here, dude. Nothing is set in stone.

Until Phil Spencer take over, Xbox had only 5 first party studios, now Xbox has 39.

Until Ryan Playstation had 13 first party studios, now they have 19.

Oddly tables had turned and now Xbox first party mainly focus is single player and RPG games while Playstation main focus is GaaS and remasters.

Which one will be successful in its endeavors and vision, no one can tell.

anast240d ago

"We´re talking about the *future* here, dude. Nothing is set in stone."

The only way we can predict the future is via observation and previous knowledge. Therefore, in this case it looks to be inevitable that MS Xbox gaming will continue to get worse.

Plague-Doctor27240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

"Success for us is we can keep growing that content and services revenue double-digits. [...]. If we can grow faster than the market is growing, we are taking share in the gaming market.

And that's where we want to be. It's a 250 billion dollar market. We are not 250 billion dollars."

Their goal is a monopoly

Mr_cheese240d ago

It wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft shift from a console to an amazon firestick sort of device that can be plugged into a tv/monitor and connected to a controller.

It shifts them out of the console business, keeps them on their path of providing gamepass to devices.

crazyCoconuts240d ago

I agree.
It may sound strange, but a cloud stick/streaming handheld is STILL kinda a console. Nearly all the things you do on a traditional console would still be needed... Settings/preferences, managing clips, friends, chats...
Even though the rendering happens in their data center, they'd still be in the console business, and the "platform" business case that drives a traditional console (% revenue on sales of 3rd party games) would still 100% be there.

Mr_cheese240d ago

If *and its definitely an if because I've got no idea* they do shift from console to streaming, I'd assume that things like recording clips etc would be dropped.

They'd be silly to drop game chat, achievements and other metrics but it would be easy to see how recording wouldn't be a priority in order for them to achieve their goal.

crazyCoconuts240d ago

In a cloud architecture, no reason to drop clip recording... It would just be done in the cloud vs. from your console...

Obscure_Observer240d ago

Phil said many many times that you WON´T get high fidelity gaming from Cloud and that´s what Xbox consoles are for!

The most powerful GPU today won´t give you 4K/60fps for current gen games powered by UE5!

There´s only two consoles aiming for high fidelity gaming in the market today, and, if you think MS will leave that market for Sony and pursue some Cloud only route so Xbox first party games might run like crap on Xbox´s proprietary devices while running glorious on Playstation consoles you´re out of your mind.

crazyCoconuts240d ago

@obscure, all this discussion is based on a premise that MS is shifting to a content and services focus vs. a platform focus, per the article. How dramatic that shift will be is anyone's guess. If only 25% of their sales is SeriesX and they lose $XM on each exclusive in opportunity cost, at what point is the console no longer viable? I have no idea. You might be right and it's still worth it even with a small user base

Mr_cheese239d ago

It's all hypothetical Obscure, your guess as much as mine. I'm also not saying they will, I'm saying if. Signs are pointing to them dropping console at some point to become a full blown 3rd party publisher especially when a lot of their newer purchases Zenimax, ABK made more money outside of Microsoft consoles and that's the key. Microsoft care for the money and if that means no console but control through subs, they'll do it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 239d ago
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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣

phoenixwing11m ago

@zeek that's right it's as good or better than a pokemon game but they didn't have access to pokemon game money. So it's more of a stain on pokemon company to be in the same ballpark as them

Inverno3m ago

It's time we admit that they were never really that amazing to begin with. The games have never quite reach the same level of awesomeness as the anime. Look at the last few seasons we got to wrap up Ash's adventure, and the new series. 4 lazy Switch games and a remake which was so low effort that you wouldn't be able to tell it's a remake if your weren't told beforehand. The concept of Pokemon will always be awesome, but man the games absolutely suck.


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Unending Dawn joins PlayStation China Hero Project

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