
Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours

The crowdfunding campaign for Star Citizen recently enjoyed its biggest day ever, with the game's backers adding almost $3.5 million in 24 hours to the mind-boggling $644 million total.

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anast241d ago

If Starfield had this budget, Bethesda would have spent it all on a live action trailer and some cheap plastic trinkets to sell.

rlow1241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

You are so toxic, if all you can do is throw shade at anything Xbox on an article that has nothing to do with them. You must dream, eat and think Xbox all day.

anast241d ago

I'm more like a sports fan that likes the back and forth. I don't take this stuff as seriously as your comment or possibly you, but it's too difficult to assume what someone is like based on videogame forum comments. Nevertheless, if this is your way of enjoying the back and forth, then I look forward to playing forum fanatic with you.

241d ago
rlow1241d ago

It’s just that your actions say differently. I’ve noticed you love to bring up Xbox on unrelated articles, especially if it’s something negative about Sony. I guess it’s your way of deflecting from what the article is about. But ultimately to each their own.

ModsDoBetter241d ago

Lives rent free in his little head.
The most negative person but I've noticed they aren't even team blue either, they're just completely negative.

anast241d ago

It's all good. I'm having fun here. I would suggest if this isn't fun for you, then it might not be healthy.

DankSinatra241d ago

Doesn't take it seriously but you spend most of your time on here talking about xbox?

anast241d ago

It's called fun. I do this to pass the time. It's relaxing to me and cathartic and I like games. I find it strange that every habitual action must be serious to DankSinatra... This has got to be taxing.

DankSinatra240d ago (Edited 240d ago )

Just like I find it strange that your spare time fun is raging over a brand... going through your comments history really shows the amount of free time you have lol
Talk about taxing lmao

Jin_Sakai241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

With all the crowdfunding and development that’s went into this game it should be a 10/10.

MrBaskerville241d ago

Probably won't be, but will probably be quite impressive techwise. Allready is, but tech and good gamedesign isn't the same.

anast241d ago

They probably saved some money to buy those 10s.

Binarycode241d ago

it'll never finish development. that's the thing.

Vengeance1138241d ago

Goes to prove just how many suckers are out there that are easily seperated from their money. Imagine funding a game that is designed to never ever leave beta lol
This is why Gacha games are hugely successful, fools outnumber us all.

Scam Citizen will reach 1 Trillion in funding over time im sure.

Abriael241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

Comments like this go to prove how people can start typing without connecting their fingers to the brain, without knowing a single thing about game development, the industry, or marketing.

People aren't "easily separated from their money." If you think they are, why don't you give it a try? Don't you want money? Show us how good you are at it.

If people are so "easily separated from their money" why aren't other developers managing to replicate this? Should be "easy" right?

Here's what "separating people from their money" requires in Star Citizen's case:

1: a developer who has built a reputation through making some really fantastic games. The Wing Commander series is one of the best ever.
2: That developer presenting a project that happens to be something that many people want and that traditional game publishers aren't giving because it's too risky, they erroneously think it won't make enough money, or too ambitious.
3: That developer being willing to put in an initial investment of millions of dollars of his own personal money.
4: That developer managing to sustain the initial pitch by creating something genuinely impressive, including technology and features that literally no other game has.
5: That developer literally putting together several development studios with some of the best talent in the industry, delivering a playable alpha version that is good enough to keep hundreds of thousands of people entertained for years.

Doesn't look that easy to me, but by all means, show us how it's done. 🤣

PS: Since you run your mouth about gacha games, you should probably realize that making a *successful* gacha game is extremely challenging, that's why the vast majority, even by massive publishers, close within 6 months to a year.

purple101241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

So, how much did you "invest"

Abriael241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

@purple101: Less than the price of a collector's edition of any normal AAA game.

And I've already gotten more fun out of it than 99% of other games I've ever purchased. I'll call that a win.

Of course, some people are incapable of understanding that people who have "invested" in this project have much better visibility on it, so they know what they're talking about, unlike those who bash it on social media but have never touched it 😂

Rocketisleague241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

You should just ignore the comments dude. Keep posting, I like to keep up with how this game is going. Great to see its development and how far the pinnacle of gaming technology will go. This is the only way to achieve it.

I'm sure there are many hard-core gamers actually interested in gaming. Just ignore the standards on n4g and let them get back to flailing over which bread and butter console exclusive of the month makes sony better than ms

Angyobangyo241d ago

The game was announced in 2012, were almost in 2024. Yet, CloudImperium is still asking for money with only alpha builds to show. Technically it looks good, but where this so called game that has has amassed so much in donations?



You can play the game right now, though it is still in alpha state. I've played it on one of the free trial days. It's definitely not a game for casuals, but the game's tech is very impressive. It seems to be getting some major updates soon also.


squadron 42 video

squadron 42 is supposed to be between 40 -100 hours long

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 240d ago
Neonridr241d ago

one day the grandkids of all the backers will be able to enjoy the full, released game.

PrinceOfAnger241d ago

Hope they release the single player in 2025 or before.

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Squadron 42 & Roadmap Update

With the big push to release 4.0 and Squadron 42 reaching its Feature Complete milestone, our resources have had to shift around as new needs arise at an increased frequency than in the past. This created a significant challenge in maintaining the Progress Tracker. The team is working to push Squadron 42 toward the finish line while balancing this with ensuring Star Citizen receives new features, content, and updates. At this stage of development, especially with such a big focus on Squadron 42 polish, developers or even entire teams may need to shift focus quickly when necessary work presents itself. This dynamic approach is different from our usual internal flow and has required a bit more flexibility and nimble nature

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SimpleSlave7d ago

This just an update about a Roadmap Update that's not ready yet, but soon.

Classic Star Citizen!

Jingsing7d ago

The actors who starred in this will probably never see their own work. Something to think about.

PrinceOfAnger6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They already did see more than us because they worked very close with studio on the game and on every scene etc.. and they have seen the last Gameplay footage and other Trailers.
most actors don't even watch their own movies
others don't even play the games they were in
there are more than
20 actors who have admitted to not watching their own movies

Dakota Johnson. Joaquin Phoenix...Javier Bardem. ..Johnny Depp... Helena Bonham Carter.. Maggie Smith. .Megan Fox. Reese Witherspoon...

AsimLionheart6d ago

What are you going on about? You missed the whole point of his comment. Jingsing meant that the actors will probably never see their work released commercially in a finished and completed form. The game is in perpetual development and the developers have no intention of finishing it as long as they keep getting money from people. Mark Hamill will most likely be dead before this game is finished and released commercially.

rlow17d ago

Roadmap to sucking more money out of you…..parasites

Eonjay7d ago

That would be Microsoft. This is just an isolated scam.

PrinceOfAnger7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

So many angry people in the comments LoL! 🤣
acting like they paid anything for the game smh.

StarcrossedBits7d ago

You don't have to be scammed personally to recognize and be annoyed at a scammer. I've never been scammed by a Nigerian Prince but the people who run that scam still suck.

MrBaskerville6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Didn't see the last big gameplay reveal of Squadron 42? Looks awesome and since it's feature complete a release late 2025 doesn't seem too unrealistic.

If this hadn't been revealed prematurely, people would have lost their minds.

staticall6d ago

People are angry because this "game" was promised to be released 10 years ago at least (almost 12 if you're counting original Kickstarter promises), in 2014, it's 2024 right now and it's nowhere in sight. And this "roadmap" update just says «we don’t have a Release View update today». They can't even update their own progress tracker («This created a significant challenge in maintaining the Progress Tracker»), promising to do this at least from november 2023. And now they're thinking about starting anew and archiving the old progress tracker (post #7038930 by JakeAcappella-CIG).

I don't know how about you, but to me this screams mismanagement and misallocation of resources, deadlines aren't being met and no one takes any responsibility for it. I would gladly pay for the offline singleplayer game, yet it's a joke at this point, they keep saying "It's almost feature complete, we're polishing" for 7+ months at least.

For G-d's sake, see the reactions and read through the comments in the source link, people are getting annoyed and fed up. And they have paid money for this.

MrBaskerville6d ago

Tbf, it is also an absurdly ambitious project. Star Citizen in itself is absurd. But what they are doing with Squadron also seems to be a lot more than what you would get in a regular AAA game. You have fully realized space flight and fps combat in the same game.

Could potentially be super janky and bad in a myriad of ways, but I fail to see how the scope of what they have shown us isn't impressive. I used to be sceptical, but I also really want to play something like Squadron and I think what they have shown us looks pretty fantastic.


AsimLionheart6d ago

First, you submit this article and then you complain about people hating on it. What did you expect considering the game was supposed to release 10 years ago and keeps leeching hundreds of millions of dollars from people but is nowhere close to being finished?

MrBaskerville6d ago

But Squadron is pretty close to being finished? Star Citizen isn't, but atleast it's very much playable and available to fuck around in.

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Tribunal finds Cloud Imperium Games discriminated against disabled employee

The Star Citizen developer dismissed a disabled worker who sought to continue working remotely following the pandemic.

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Star Citizen crowdfunding passes $700 million

Cloud Imperium Games' sci-fi space sim and RPG Star Citizen has passed another major crowdfunding milestone: $700 million. The latest $100 million has been raised in less than a year as well.

LG_Fox_Brazil59d ago

3 more years and we'll probably see it reach the billion mark. Question is, will it be fully released by then?

JunonZanon59d ago

That kinda defeats its point, I think.

PrinceOfAnger59d ago

I am curious to see what will they show this year on october.. a new gameplay trailer or maybe a release date?

blacktiger56d ago

Elite, this game once complete will hook lot of people with VR and so on. I truly believe this game will get ppl hook and never leave their room

Tankbusta4059d ago (Edited 59d ago )

I get initially backing this....but who is still giving these guys money?

badz14958d ago

I think it's safe to assume that this project is a money laundering pit

blacktiger58d ago

the elite, tthis game is the future for VR and it will full set. ELITE
No one gives money like that,

got_dam59d ago

I can't believe this is still going on. Just don't even know what to say.

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