
PlayStation Portal Sales Will Be Tracked As A Console

Insider Gaming writes: "It might seem a bit strange considering the PlayStation Portal is almost certainly a PlayStation 5 accessory, but according to Mat Piscatella in a now-deleted tweet, Circana will be tracking its sales as a console. According to Piscatella, the request was made by Sony themselves."

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shadowT243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

Playstation VR2 also counted as "console"?

Eonjay242d ago

Interesting... I would keep my eye on this. What is Sony's game plan here? I really am not expecting them to go hard on Premium steaming to portal until March. As long a you need a PS5 to run the Portal I don't think its right to report it a as separate console.

GamerRN242d ago

Their plan is to try to show sales beating Xbox on their accessory. It looks like it's just being done to try to insult Xbox sales. Petty, strange, but hey, if they think it will help! But track it as a console, then you have to prove it works as one, no? Does it operate without a PlayStation 5??

Eonjay242d ago


Really? Xbox doesn't need any help from anyone looking bad in the sales department. I think whats more likely is that we are seeing Sony finally preparing to make the plunge to streaming or rather the ability to play games without a PS5 as you noted. Basically, they want you to be able to buy PS5 games without buying a PlayStation. This is a slippery slope... first and foremost, how will this change PS5 console sales? Well obviously the answer is we count Portals as console sold. Will it take away from PS5 sales? Potentially, but I think Sony doesn't really care as long as you are paying for Premium. But until this thing can use Cloud Streaming it makes zero sense to count it as a separate console. I think we agree there.

itsmebryan242d ago

How is it going to count as a console if it can't work without a PS5. That would make it a accessory?

S2Killinit242d ago

Yes. They track these. I dont think anyone thinks of an accessory as a “console”. Although in the case of PSVR2, it has its own games, so it might be closer to a “console” of its own.

GamerRN242d ago

It's own games, yes, but so did the Kinect... And the Wii Balance board... Are those consoles,

S2Killinit241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

but kinect was bundled with the console.

Besides what does it matter if someone decides to track sales numbers for the Portal? I fail to see the problem.

jwillj2k4242d ago (Edited 242d ago )


PlayStation lives rent free in the minds of Microsoft and xbox fanboys alike not the other way around.

itsmebryan241d ago

I don't think it lives rent free. It just how are you going to include an accessory (because you can't run a portal with a PS5) in the console count and why?

Why do you think Sony would want confuse their sales?

S2Killinit241d ago (Edited 241d ago )

What are you talking about?

They are going to track sales of Portal. How is that confusing? Why is that an issue even? They are not adding anything to PS5 sales. This is not a xbox series S/X situation.

itsmebryan241d ago

I didn't see in the article that they would report the Portal as a different console. It appears the it would be included as PS5 sales.

jwillj2k4240d ago

@ itsmebryan

It doesn’t matter how they track it that’s the point. It has nothing to do with Xbox. To even think PS5 needs the portal to boost PS5 count is idiotic. PlayStation owns Xbox there is no competition. This is why I say it lives rent free at the home of Xbox because it always comes back to “what is PlayStation doing?”

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 240d ago
DynDasE241d ago

VR2 cannot run by itself, so nope.

boing1241d ago

Yes. Sony always treated VR as a seperate platform.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 240d ago
Destiny1080243d ago

It does come with a controller, so this is acceptable

Barlos242d ago

Not really. PS Portal IS the controller. It would be tracked as an accessory, given it's useless without a PS5

Gamer75242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

But it's not a console by any stretch of the imagination it's a super duper handheld

badz149241d ago

it's not even "super duper" either.

Destiny1080242d ago (Edited 242d ago )

Sorry forgot the /S

Kind of reminds me of, you can milk anything with nipples

anast242d ago

It should, thems the rules setout my MS.

anast241d ago

MS counts times played, they combine S and the X, and whatever they can do to inflate their numbers. What good for the goose...I forgot the rest.

S2Killinit242d ago

I think you misunderstood. Sony is not asking them to count Portal as if its a PS5. Sony is saying track Portal sales as if it is a separate entity/console. This is the opposite of what MS does with theor two consoles (x/s)

anast241d ago

I didn't misunderstand. I took a jab at MS.

rippermcrip242d ago

I don't know what Circana tracks or how they track stuff. But the tweets said as "hardware", but in my mind isn't the same as a console.

Eonjay242d ago

Well aren't accessories sells included in their Video Game Hardware revenue they report on every month. If that is the case then this is a non story.

Abear21242d ago

Yet Sony Direct themselves has it under “Accessories”

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PS Portal Update 3.0.1 Allows Connection to 5GHz Public WiFi, Here Are the Patch Notes

Push Square: "It's a fairly minor update, with the main addition being support for some 5GHz public WiFi networks, opening users up to faster connections when out of the house. On top of that, there's the usual line about improving stability."

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Einhander19721d 12h ago

Amazon Video Games Best Sellers

29. PlayStation Portal Remote Player
45. Xbox Series X 1TB Gaming Console

Einhander19728h ago

I put that there because people kept saying that even though it kept getting reported as the best selling accessory by dollar sales that it wasn't actually selling well.

(scroll down to the next article on N4G)

Goodguy016h ago

If only sony supported more and fans bought as much of this device for the Vita...


PlayStation Portal Sales Continue to Prove Naysayers Wrong

Sony‘s PlayStation Portal gamble has paid off, if sales are anything to go by. Eight months after its release, the PS5 accessory continues to sell in major markets. According to Circana, the PS5 remote player was U.S. market’s best-selling accessory in dollar sales for the month of May as well as the year 2024 to date.

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16d ago Replies(1)
XiNatsuDragnel16d ago

It's funny that it sold a good amount

Abnor_Mal16d ago

I’m very happy with my day one Portal, crazy that some people are still upset that the Portal s a thing and also selling well.

darthv7216d ago

I really enjoy it. Its a convenience with a catch... currently. I'm confident that Sony will un-tether it from the console and let people use it for streaming from PS servers directly like PC players can do. Really utilize all the features of Gaikai that they purchased.

Them allowing off network connectivity is a good first step to achieving that goal.

Abnor_Mal16d ago (Edited 16d ago )

Streaming would be really cool, I would like to play some PS3 games on it if possible.

I would love to play a game like Wet on Portal for some reason. I felt the Portal was perfect for playing Arashi on its smaller screen.

Eonjay15d ago

Not that that but they should let you stream apps as well.

tombfan16d ago

Loooooove the portal, there are some aspects to improve, but overall, a great first step (not in remote play, that's been out for years)

FinalFantasyFanatic16d ago

I'm really surprised this sold as well as it did.

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PlayStation Portal Has a Hidden Browser with YouTube Support

The PS Portal has a built-in browser capable of playing YouTube videos, and without the need to connect to a PS5 via Remote Play. The browser is buried in the Settings menu and has severe limitations, but it could open up future possibilities.

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1nsomniac25d ago

The inbuilt browser is usually how they hack into the system by tricking it into executing external code.

Tacoboto25d ago ShowReplies(1)
Profchaos25d ago

It wasn't the prima purpose of the devices and unessecery so they hid it likely out of fear of exploitation or the ability to use other cloud streaming services

X-2324d ago

Either they're going to patch it out or hackers are going to start opening up the doors to do tons of things for it. Likely why they opted out of having one readily available.