
Minecraft annual revenue is reportedly valued at $100 million

Minecraft annual revenue reportedly makes around $100 million, according to an entry on the Redmond-based tech giant employee’s LinkedIn page.

Jeff Y., who then served as game developer before being promoted to senior leadership a year after, reported the figure and said that he helped to develop key features for the game and solve many bugs, which led to increased engagement, quality, and maintaining usability (Shoutout to @bpgprad222 on X for the findings)

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Sciurus_vulgaris244d ago

I think $100 million would be an understatement. Minecraft Mobile alone generated around $100 million of revenue last year ( https://www.statista.com/st... The PC and console versions alone probably rake in considerable revenues too, maybe more or less than mobile.

Obscure_Observer244d ago


100 Million annual is what Minecraft has been making in revenue just on Mobile.

It´s the best selling game in history with more than 300 million copies sold across all platforms supported.

Minecraft literally prints money!

Jin_Sakai243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

A studio which makes all that money and has over 600 employees can’t even add multiple mobs instead they make you choose one. And they lied about the SDGP and Ray Tracing is nowhere to be seen on console.

They can’t even get a current gen version of Minecraft on the door for crying out loud.

Inverno243d ago

They're on easy mode. Mojang doesn't need to put in the effort cause they living comfy off that MC money. Mind you it's been that way since Notch was still with them. Dood it took em like literal years of being indecisive to finally add in lanterns. They've never had any actual idea what to do with this game.

CrashMania243d ago

You're completely correct. Also look at obscures now hidden response to this comment, dude is unhinged af and he's telling others to get help. Oh the irony lmfao.

Also dunno why he's trying to credit all this to MS, minecraft was huge long before MS and would have remained huge regardless.

Obscure_Observer243d ago (Edited 243d ago )


"Also dunno why he's trying to credit all this to MS, minecraft was huge long before MS and would have remained huge regardless."


Your fallacious claims are based on nothing but complete ignorance.

By the time Xbox acquired Mojang back in 2014, Minecraft sold about 55 Million copies since its release in 2009.


Now after 9+ years as an Xbox first party studio Mojang has sold more than 300 Million Minecraft copies, and has become the best-selling video game in *history* as an Xbox first party game thanks to no other but Phil Spencer!


And assuming that you´re new on N4G, here´s what this community though about Mojang´s acquisition by Microsoft:


Oh yes... for some people on NG4, the very idea of Xbox acquiring new studios were considered "bad for the gaming industry" way before the brand start and acquiring whole publishers like Bethesda and ABK.

Now, those who bet that MS were making a bad move by listen to Phil Spencer and acquire Mojang, are having crow dinner.

And some people still wonder how Phil made it to the Top position he is today as CEO of gaming at Microsoft. Love him or hate him, the man is visionary.

CrashMania243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

So tldr obscure, ms buy hugely successful pre-established IP that remains hugely successful.

Guess we can't all be surprised at the sheer common sense in that, but also since that's all MS can do, throw billions around to buy existing multiplatform IPs or games mid development as they haven't been able to produce their own good IP in over a decade :)

The guy calls Phil Spencer a visionary, just hilarious. Such a great visionary that's led Xbox to last place for over a decade, a collapse in console sales, the series is getting outsold by the X1, one of the most underwhelming consoles in history man, stagnant gamepass numbers, how can be a visionary? The delusion is beyond baffling lol.

Obscure_Observer243d ago


"The guy calls Phil Spencer a visionary, just hilarious. Such a great visionary that's led Xbox to last place for over a decade, a collapse in console sales, the series is getting outsold by the X1, one of the most underwhelming consoles in history man, stagnant gamepass numbers, how can be a visionary? The delusion is beyond baffling lol."

Well, Phil Spencer is at the TOP position in gaming in a Trillion dollar company, making more money in a year that you would make in your entire life.

The facts are that Phil still call all the shots at Microsoft while Ryan got fired right after he shamelessly failed in his attempts to prevent and block the ABK deal.

So, while Playstation is bragging about huge and incredible sales numbers, they´re at the same time cancelling games, getting people fired in droves, shutting down studios, putting focus on GaaS and remasters and has a total number of zero first party games announced for 2024. Yay?

While on Xbox everybody got promoted, ABK is now Xbox property and Xbox gamers have at least 5 first party games to looking forward to in 2024.

Nah, I rather stick with Xbox, thank you. You might continue and celebrate console sales, I´ll be celebrating the games!

Those are the cold hard facts.

Do what you do.

CrashMania243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

There's no point responding to you obscure in all honesty, you're easily the most delusional and biggest fanboy that I've seen in my brief-ish time on this site, so I'll leave it with this final post.

'Well, Phil Spencer is at the TOP position in gaming in a Trillion dollar company, making more money in a year that you would make in your entire life.'

As is basically every executive in any medium or large business compard to 99.9% of the planets population, this isn't the kind of gotcha you think it is.

'I´ll be celebrating the games!'

Must have been a rough decade for you then, I'll be enjoying rebirth early next year, but I guess according to you 3rd party games no longer count in an argument, goalposts moved all the time just like your beloved MS.

'Ryan got fired'

I'm not a massive fan of Ryan's policies and Gaas push, I won't miss him, but where is your evidence for this?

You keep licking senpai Phil's boots and emperor MS in their push to turn gaming in to a subscription, streaming only drab wasteland with 0 creativity, really fighting the good fight. I'd rather continue to celebrate what Sony and Nintendo have done for gaming in the last 25-30 years, which is magnitudes more than anything MS have ever 'contributed'. By far the least popular gaming brand of the 3 and in continued decline.

ApocalypseShadow243d ago

I think obscure doesn't understand when a company swoops in with a large amount of cash to purchase a game that was already a hit and the higher ups, not used to having money thrown at them, jump at the chance to cash those checks.

It's the same thing another American company did. Facebook saw beat saber printing money and swooped in as well. But just like Minecraft, nothing else has been created by these developers and nothing great in updates. They just sit on their ass collecting revenue.

Beat Saber 2? Nope. Minecraft 2? Nope. Higher fidelity and ray tracing? Nope.

But he thinks Phil is a genius while spewing outright lies. Like I said in another article, same thing, different Xbox day. Where truth doesn't exist in their minds.

Jin_Sakai242d ago (Edited 242d ago )


“Dood it took em like literal years of being indecisive to finally add in lanterns. They've never had any actual idea what to do with this game.“

Holy crap, you wasn’t lying when you said it took forever to add lanterns!

October 6, 2010
Notch says that with the addition of the lantern, torches would flicker out and need to be re-lit with flint and steel. The lantern would serve as a permanent source of light.

January 5, 2011
Lanterns were originally planned to be added in the Halloween Update, but were delayed due to lack of time.

January 13, 2011
Notch says that lanterns were "postponed".

January 20, 2011
Notch says he's "not sure" when lanterns can be implemented.

November 18, 2011
Notch announces at the Mojang Panel at MineCon 2011 that lanterns would not be added due to large negative community response toward the effects the new item would have had on torches.

April 4, 2012
Notch tweets that the team decided to not implement lanterns and instead other types of lighting were added, such as redstone lamps and glowstone.

November 9, 2018
LadyAgnes tweets an image of a lantern, implying that they are once again in development.

November 15, 2018
Added lanterns

It only took 8 years and 1 month, or 2,919 days to add lanterns.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 242d ago
DefenderOfDoom2243d ago

Well according to IGN , TETRIS sold 520 million copies .

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OtterX243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

I always wrote this game off as a kids game, but I'm actually starting to get hooked in VR this summer. Something about experiencing the grand scale of everything surrounding you. I mainly got into it bc it is a way to keep in contact with my nephew, who grew up a Minecraft obsessed kid, and now 10 or so years later moved off to another country here in his 20's. It's really an experience that needs to be shared I think. I could never get into the flat version when I tried solo.

I've started experimenting w Mods and have tried the Nvidia RTX ray tracing maps, which actually made me appreciate the flat game for the first time! Truth is, I can't stand the base graphics. Even in VR I keep it modded. But I think a lot of appeal really comes from modding, the open ended possibilities.

I completely understand other adults not getting into it. I was one of them until recently, but maybe try playing w a child or niece or nephew and you may find yourself enjoying that bonding time. We just got my 6 1/2 year old daughter in on it a few weeks ago. My nephew on PC, daughter on the PS5 and myself on PC VR all playing together She's already gotten some of the crafting down. Her laughs and smiles make it worth it and make me feel like a kid again. :)

jznrpg243d ago

I’ve played with my kids over the years starting with my son (he’s now 26) and then my 14 year old and I tried again with my little ones who are 6/7 and I still can’t get into it. It’s just boring to me. I can understand why kids like it but considering the games been out forever and they have done almost nothing to make it better and milk kids parents for money I don’t really like the game for more reasons than it’s boring to me.

P_Bomb242d ago

The fam’ logged in last weekend and loaded saves from when the kids were wee ones. Lotsa laughs and good memories. Can’t put a price on that!

badz149243d ago

soo...profit at what? $50mil? still a long way to make back that $2bil MS paid for them.

BeHunted243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

Microsoft didn't acquire Mojang a few years ago. Microsoft has made their money back years ago.

This just includes sales and revenue of Minecraft, excluding Minecraft subscription services per month, Game Pass and Minecraft Store, other games from Mojang etc...


EasilyTheBest243d ago

Minecraft has generated approximately $3 billion over its lifetime in game sales alone

Brazz243d ago (Edited 243d ago )

$100M/Year revenue, not profit, is too low, no way Minecraft is doing this bad. This would make the $2.5bi purchased a terrible deal, i mean, even $200M/Year revenue would, like, configure a bad deal.

Zhipp243d ago

Minecraft also pulls in a ton off of licensing and merchandising.

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Einhander197211d ago (Edited 11d ago )

The platform breakdowns really show how irrelevant xbox has come for selling software.

1 Hogwarts Legacy Switch 41%, PS5 26%, PS4 24%, Xbox 5%

2 EA Sports FC 24 Switch 34%, PS5 28%, PS4 26%, Xbox 12%

OtterX11d ago

Yea, you can see why some developers and publishers are increasingly starting to skip XBox all together. Unless you're in a small minority of successful and highly played Gamepass games, you're pretty much taking a payout on your game just to rot and die on the service.

FinalFantasyFanatic10d ago

Not that surprising, the Switch has some killer exclusive titles, so people have to own a Switch to play them.


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