
Flashback 2 Review - Le Désastre | GosuNoob.com

Miodrag Kuzmanovic says: Flashback 2 is a disaster, or le désastre, as French would say. It’s actually pretty rare these days for a high-profile release to turn up this spectacularly bad. ... Everything that could go wrong, went wrong, making the game a poster child for faulty developmental and QA practices across the board. It’s so bad that it is somewhat impressive.

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Snookies12247d ago

Wow that's such a shame... I knew I should be wary after that last Flashback game. It's sad to see such a beloved classic get its name dragged through the mud not once, but twice.

FunkYellowMonkey246d ago

microids init, they aren't very good sadly...

SimpleSlave246d ago

There's only One Flashback game. The GOAT! My favorite being the Sega CD version followed by the Genesis one. Then there's a massively flawed sequel on the PS1 that buckled under it's own ambition and ineptitude.

There is NO remake and this thing was never my friend...


Flashback 2 Review -- Gamerhub UK

Wide in vision, but narrow in delivery.

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Flashback 2 Review – Fast-Forward or Skip | GB

Despite an intriguing set-up, the follow-up to the 1992 classic falters in almost every way, to say nothing of its various bugs.

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OtterX246d ago

Ouch. I'd rather them leave our nostalgia alone than half ass it, trample on it. Thanks for the warning.

autobotdan246d ago

The greatest game of all time confirmed


Flashback 2 Review | TheSixthAxis

Flashback 2 aims to revive the Amiga classic game for a new generation, but can its mix of combat and neon-filed visuals pull it off?

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