
PQube announces Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC

Today PQube announced that the company will release Class of Heroes 1 & 2: Complete Edition for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC (Steam 1, 2). The games will be available physically in a double-pack featuring both games, as well as both games - Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition and Class of Heros 2G: Remaster Edition - separately digitally. PQube has put together a trailer for the new accouncement, which we've embedded below.


Evercade Reveals Data East Claasics And More

Looks like more retro classics are coming. Toaplan Arcade 3 brings 7 great arcade games to Evercade including the much-requested Batsugun and Out Zone. Data East returns to Evercade with 12 Arcade classics including Joe and Mac Returns, Super BurgerTime, and more.

darthv721d ago

the Toaplan cart is a nice surprise. Batsugun, Truxton 2... great stuff. I keep hoping to see Robocop on a Data East arcade cart but licensing is a bitch. I'll just play it on my xbox via coinops.

Garethvk23h ago

There are so many fun games from Data East. I am sure rights would be a mess but it would be nice to see more.


Lords of the Fallen 2 PC release will be handled by Epic Games, which is bad news for Steam gamers

A sequel to the excellent action RPG Lords of the Fallen is coming in 2026 to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. The game will be published by Epic Games on PC, which means it probably won't be coming to Steam.


Evercade Piko Interactive Collection 4 review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "As Forest Gump once mumbled, “Life is a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” The same is also true for Piko Interactive collections, with Piko merely being a license holder – whenever they’re involved, you never know which games are going to appear. It’s a very different case from something like Worms Collection, or the Bitmap Brothers Collection – a five game cart with three of those being iterations of Speedball. Yeah, we’re still bitter."

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darthv721d 21h ago

I really like what evercade is doing with these compilation carts. I cant quite get behind their new alpha tabletop units though... maybe they will grow on me.