
CyberpunkXXX Gets first Dev Build - Gameplay 4K NSFW

CG writes: 3 man team, Gamerflex Studios just released their first development build of their third-person adult themed action game, CyberpunkXXX on PC via Patreon. The build offers some exploration around one sector of a large futuristic, sex filled city block. Players can drive in a vehicle, attack patrolling goons and undertake a few story missions. The adult content thus far is the odd naked dancer in one of the many clubs you can enter. The full game is likely to have the gravelly voiced protagonist engaged in full-on sex scenes amongst all the investigations and shooting action. The dev build certainly has much more going for it than the free demo that’s currently available.

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BillyCrystals249d ago

Trash gameplay and cringe writing. I bet these dopes don't even know who William Gibson is.

Barlos249d ago

Ah, the difference engine. The inspiration for the chaos engine, one of my all time favourite games.

Phoenix76249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

The guy walks and moves around like his model had been lifted straight outta fortnite


CyberpunkXXX Gameplay - New Dev Build 2 Released [NSFW]

CG writes: Gamerflex Studios released a new development build for their cool third-person action game (with adult themes) CyberpunkXXX. The game has been in development for about a year now and is shaping up to be quite cool as an indie developed title using Unreal Engine 4. In this latest development build they have added new quests, new characters, new interiors a lot of little touches such as texture details and optimization. So, the game is running really nice now and it’s beginning to feel more alive. There is still a long way to go, and they are hoping to release in November this year on PC via steam. So, if you’re interested in supporting the developer, head on over to Patreon to get access to this latest dev build, there’s also a free demo you can try.

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CyberpunkXXX - Kickstarter Now Launched NSFW

GamerFlex Studios just announced a Kickstarter campaign for their third-person cyberpunk themed action game, CyberpunkXXX. You can try a demo as well. The title suggests the game contains adult-themes as a warning to those who might not enjoy that sort of content.

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XiNatsuDragnel157d ago

I'm very interested to see how this Kickstarter goes


Cyberpunk XXX - free Demo available now

CG writes: Gamerflex Studios today released a free PC demo for their in-development cyberpunk-themed adult game Cyberpunk XXX.

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DMgHalt372d ago

How far ahead in the video do I have to fast-forward to get to the XXX part?

bunt-custardly372d ago

As far as when Youtube allows it to be shown.

beefynachos371d ago

I guess making quality games is way harder than it looks