
PS5 Best-Seller, Switch Tops 50M Lifetime - Americas Hardware Estimates for October 2023

The PlayStation 5 was the best-selling console in the Americas (USA, Canada, & Latin America) with 393,059 units sold for October 2023, according to VGChartz estimates. The PlayStation 5 has now sold an estimated 18.94 million units lifetime in the Americas.

The Nintendo Switch sold 244,577 units to bring their lifetime sales to 50.05 million units. The Xbox Series X|S sold an estimated 240,091 units to bring its lifetime sales to 14.17 million units. The PlayStation 4 sold an estimated 6,160 units to bring its lifetime sales to 41.52 million units.

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Test Drive Unlimited: Solar Crown Review - Gaming Respawn

The Test Drive Unlimited series returns after 13 years, but in all honesty, it should have stayed a relic on the Xbox 360.

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‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Will Include Customizable Top Surgery Scars

An early look at the character creation system includes plenty of options for transgender fans of the franchise.

TheNamelessOne1d 4h ago

There's thousands of Twitter users and three gamers really excited for this.

ravens522h ago(Edited 2h ago)

No. But don't sit here and spew inclusion, and at the same time make it so that you can't make top or bottom heavy characters.

smashman982h ago

Then maybe instead of being like "booo I hate trans shit" we can say boo where's my big ass and titties. Or are we speaking about being fat. We could do that too. Trans people love big ass and titties to you know.

bababooiy2h ago

If you watch the gameplay for the customization the sliders they have literally do nothing. Like they went out of their way to model these scars or include pronouns but your female character is stuck with a male body type no matter what. Really shows their priorities. Or should i say narrative?

Gamingsince19812h ago

Meh it's gonna be a crap game anyway by the looks of it.

MrDead20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

This will make the Tater Tots and all the sweaty basement dwellers have a melt-down.

I can hear the collective "REEEEEE" building.

3h ago
90sGamingWasBetter3h ago

No, I just won't purchase it or allow my son to purchase it, other than that it won't effect me in anyway. Stop trying to force negative discourse where there isn't any.

Gamingsince19812h ago

It's a trashgame any way by the looks of it, with its ps3 visuals

andy851h ago

I think you're vastly forgetting what PS3 looked like 🤣

helicoptergirl3h ago

I was already planning on passing on this game, this just makes it that much easier.

Extermin8or3_3h ago

This is fucking weird NGL not least because the game is set in a fantasy world with magic very prevalent..... As if people couldn't just drink a potion or cast a spell and literally be the opposite sex. Makes no sense.

CantThinkOfAUsername2h ago

Proof that leftist developers simply cannot detach themselves or their world view from their creations and the reason everything they make or write sucks. I bet trans who actually play games would like that kind of spell because it fulfils a fantasy in a so-called fantasy RPG.

smashman982h ago

Lol you can wrap your mind around all that but this is where you draw the line. You don't have to make your character a trans person with top surgery scars. What happened to live and let live tho?

attilayavuzer1h ago

This site is 90% soft, triggered conservative dudes. Just take a look at their idols and all the whining makes sense.

porkChop2h ago

That's not a very strong argument. By that logic no characters should ever have any kind of scars, missing limbs, etc, in fantasy games because magic exists.

Alos881h ago

But why would anyone put themselves through such a process in a fantasy setting when you could use magic to do the same thing likely far faster and far less painfully? It doesn't make sense in the context of the world they've created.

pwnmaster30001h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Well I’m not to heavy on dragon age lore but I’m pretty sure there isn’t one… yet.
Maybe if they make it canon but either way I don’t care. I just hope they focus on perfecting the game to please the gamers and not focus on stuff like this.
Tbh I do feel like that’s a dumb option. Can’t they just add a feature to add multiple scars and then let the user place it anywhere they want.

Daeloki1h ago

So other scars, wear & tear and signs of aging are perfectly acceptable, but an additional feature that gives more ways for people to feel seen and included is where you draw the line?

DreadfulHero10m ago(Edited 9m ago)

I think the point is that they're being inclusive for a very, very small minority of people yet still won't include other visual options. Like, women with big boobs exists. So do hunchbacks. People with facial deformities. Double-jointed people. People without a left hand. Albinos. So if they're going to be inclusive, they should really go all out, because then it just seems like they're trying to make a statement. And maybe they are, given who the game director is. They needed those scars in the game, but also let's not try to create a biological female that looks like an actual biological female of various sizes and shapes. Nah, that'd be crazy! And if you don't agree with them you're a bigot. Or some MAGA hat wearing lunatic. Or a Nazi? Who knows anymore.

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QuestionMark3h ago

For when you want your protagonist to be a delusional whackjob.

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Review - The Karate Kid: Street Rumble (PS5) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "The Karate Kid: Street Rumble is just alright. There’s nothing terrible about it, and there’s nothing that makes it truly stand out. Even if its gameplay is floaty, it is so damn easy you won’t even care about it. It’s full of content related to the first three movies in the franchise, but it doesn’t properly follow the trilogy’s “from zero to hero” premise, making it feel less like a tie-in and more of a “what if” fanservicey fest than an accurate tie-in. Furthermore, it’s just okay as a beat ’em up. I had fun with it, sure, and I’m pretty confident die-hard fans of the franchise (and 80s pop culture in general) will have a blast with it, but there are better titles out there."

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