
The Legend of Zelda live-action film announced by Nintendo

Nintendo has announced that they're working on a The Legend of Zelda live-action film adaptation, with Wes Ball set to direct.

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-Foxtrot262d ago

The person they’ve picked to direct is so weird, he hasn’t done anything interesting or amazing. He gave us the Maze Runner films which were average or below, he’s doing the new Planet of the Apes film and he did a film called Phoenix Forgotten which was panned by everyone. That’s it. Nothing else.

Also Sony Pictures does not make the best decisions, the only thing I can think of recently I liked from them has been the Spiderman animated films

Bet you any money they’ll throw Tom Holland into it

darthv72262d ago

...and because they will want to be hip and trendy, he will play Zelda instead of Link.

-Foxtrot262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

I think they’ll get Halle Bailey, Rachel Zegler or Jenna Ortega for Zelda

Because you know…Hollywood

darthv72262d ago

^^Oh i dont know about Zegler... she has a beef with "princesses" and what not.

Gamingsince1981262d ago

Zelda will be saving link in this movie and zelda will be played by an African women.

Omegasyde262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

False it’s 2023.

Zelda and Link will be the same person, as they* take on Gandalf*.

got_dam262d ago

Dead wrong. You can't replace a female with a male. They will fuck up the casting in some way,but not like that. Now link.... that's another story.

RedDevils261d ago

Hint, Zelda don't have a penis.

CombatEmu261d ago

@Foxtrot "Because you know…Hollywood"

You missed the opportunity to say "It's Hollywood, baby." :P

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 261d ago

Something's telling me it's going to be Justice Smith lol.

-Foxtrot262d ago

The funny thing is I was reading it and the writer is the guy who wrote the last two Jurassic World films, he did the Rise of Skywalker and Detective Pikachu so I wouldn't be surprised

Even the writer of this sounds pretty bad...

mjchitown262d ago

sony pictures, not sony playststion.

AuraAbjure261d ago

I really liked Maze Runner 1. Twist ending rule! I want to see the sequels.

Eonjay261d ago

The spider verse are a mind boggling achievement. The tech is like beyond bleeding edge and the people putting it together are clearly the most hard-core fans ever.

Doing Zelda should be easier because it would make sense to do all the LOZ styles a la Spiderverse. So they have to find the most iconic Zelda and then go to town being as 'authentic' as possible to the source material.

I don't think they will have a problem because Nintendo is going to be working with them to see this through.

rlow1261d ago

You never know, could be his big breakout movie. Peter Jackson didn’t have huge success until Lord of the Rings.

Profchaos261d ago

Hahaha ahh yeah Sony execs were going to make this adventure dark and gritty Gannon will be like you've never seen before anyway here's Tom Holland

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 261d ago
sparky77262d ago

Sony and Nintendo making a Zelda film together is an interesting combo.

I don't see how they cast Link and deal with him being silent. Mario kinda worked since it was an animation and Mario does speak. Link being a human-like with no cartoony art style will it something....

MrNinosan262d ago

Link did speak in the animated tv-show thou

XiNatsuDragnel262d ago

But that TV show was absolutely terrible tho.

Popsicle261d ago

Exxxxccccuuuussssee me Princess!

babadivad261d ago

Epic. 😂😂😂

Inverno262d ago

This is gonna suck isn't it?

Number1TailzFan262d ago

Link will suddenly be able to talk but they'll still likely have him mute in the next game.. Not that I care to play in a huge boring desert.

MrNinosan262d ago

He spoke in the animated tv-show decades ago as well

Snookies12262d ago

Probably! We can still hold out hope though, right? Best bet is to completely forget it's being made. Then be surprised at how awful (or great) it is when it finally comes out lol.

--Onilink--262d ago

Probably, then again Mario and Detective Pikachu were good enough to be enjoyable I suppose.

With Nintendo being so protective of their IP, I see it more likely that they cancel it if its going too poorly rather than releasing something truly terrible

Inverno261d ago

Yeah but apparently the director is the same as the Uncharted movie. Which was aiight, but the Uncharted movie was felt almost like a parody at times rather than taking itself a bit more seriously. I just really wanted this to be made by Ghibli, BoTW and Twilight Princess lend themselves so perfectly into the Ghibli aesthetic and story telling style.

repsahj262d ago

Live action?!?! DOA for sure. Should continue what they have done with Mario.

--Onilink--262d ago

Detective Pikachu was live action and that turned out decent, so who knows? Maybe it wont be terrible

repsahj261d ago

I hope so. Let's wait and see.

NotoriousWhiz261d ago

Detective Pikachu was amazing. I'm setting my expectations high because everything I have seen lately has been of excellent quality. The Pokémon movies, Mario movie, and the Sonic films were excellent. So they have good movies to look to for inspiration.

Chevalier261d ago

Plus Miyamoto is producer like he was on the Mario movie so he's probably going to watch this closely

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H9171d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno170d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


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CrimsonIdol202d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic201d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon201d ago (Edited 201d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast201d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul201d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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