
Review - Fashion Dreamer (Switch) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Oliver Shellding: "Fashion Dreamer is an extreme version of Paper Dolls with the added bonus of a never ending parade of additional playmates. If you have the time and the resolve, you have a fascinating, perpetually positive world of fashion, creativity and interactions. In that realm, it has endless possibilities, and that’s going to be great for some. But, if you’re hoping for a reason behind it all – a story, a goal, something besides “because it’s there” – then this is one trend that we simply won’t be joining."

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Snookies12323d ago

Lol, and this is the 7th best seller on Switch's eshop right now in North America.


Marvelous' Latest Games Turn a Loss Despite Fashion Dreamer on Switch Selling Almost 500,000 Copies

Marvelous Entertainment announced its financial results for the nine months ended on December 31, 2021, and they're pretty poor.

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"Fashion Dreamer" has just released its first free update of 2024 for the Nintendo Switch

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher Marvelous Europe and Tokyo-based (Japan) indie games developer syn Sophia, Inc., are today very happy and excited to announce that they have just released the very first free update (Version 1.3.1) of 2024 for their fashion and communication game “Fashion Dreamer“ (the said update is now available right now for the Nintendo Switch via the Nintendo Eshop)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


Fashion Dreamer Review – Become A Fashionista | The Outerhaven

Fashion Dreamer is one of the newest games that focuses on dress-up and the world of influencers that focuses mainly on outfits and unlocking clothes.

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CrimsonWing69302d ago

You give MGS Collection Vol. 1 a 3 out of 10, Jurassic Park Collection gets a 5 out of 10, but this gets an 8 out of 10? I question why we have reviews…

phoenixwing302d ago

Maybe they have high standards for collections and look at it from what's improved than what the actual games are. While fashion dreamer is an 8 as far as a normal fashion game

CrimsonWing69302d ago

An 8?

Meta has it as a 62 for critic and a 61 from an audience.


What "high standards" are we talking about here? Is it like a crime to question the validity of reviews? Like this is a legit question and not a jab at you. If a review can be any number because it's "their opinion" or "high standards," why is it wrong to question the point of reviews?

shadowhaxor302d ago

Because different people do the reviews, and the person who did the collections has "very high" expectations for a collection. And I tend to agree. Why re-sell us games in a package that we can emulate or even play the original games, instead of doing something that makes it worthwhile? And let's be honest, the Metal Gear collection is terrible.

CrimsonWing69302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

I disagree about the MGS collection. I think having the MSX games, the NES games, the PSP motion comics, and MGS 1 - 3 with trophy support in one collection on a current-gen console along with all the fan service extras is absolutely worth the money.

How is the collection worse than playing the original games like you mentioned? I don't want to pull out a backwards compatible PS3 or use a PSP or watch things on YouTube when there's an option to play it all on something current. I also don't emulate games. The perceived value for me absolutely can't be argued with and I love the MGS games.

There's plenty of positive reviews on the MGS collection, but it's odd whenever someone mentions a "negative" review as being a bit off there's always the defense of "it's their opinion" or they have "high expectations," which seems to shove any positive reviews in the closet and not count those because... well, I don't know why, to spin a narrative, maybe? It makes me question why we have reviews. Like is there any validity to the positive reviews where I can say, "their expectations are high and it matched it for them," and give validity to the scores?