
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - Official Unreal Engine 5 Trailer | Xbox Partner Preview

Get a glimpse at how the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be updated through the use of Unreal Engine 5.

Snookies12275d ago

It looks wonderful visually. Frame rate is very inconsistent though, and definitely running sub-30's at times. I get that this is an alpha version. I just hope we can hit a locked 60 on the final release. Also, I kind of wish they'd expanded the areas a bit. Might feel a bit odd going through these sections that are still clearly going to be on a PS2 scale in size.

neutralgamer1992274d ago

They should expand where necessary and I really hope they do justice to this remake. IMO this remake should be top tier like dead space, resident evil 2 & 4 and demon souls

I am speaking quality wise

CrimsonWing69275d ago

Holy sh*t that looks good! I hope they don't censor it.

GamerRN274d ago

What is there to censor, I never played 3

autobotdan275d ago

An Xbox adventure in the jungle

BehindTheRows274d ago

*A multiplatform adventure in the jungle.

autobotdan274d ago

Mentions xbox on n4g. Prepares for nasty n4g comments replys

BehindTheRows274d ago

I mean, you can say that to yourself while you're drugged up on Xbox pills. Changes nothing. :)

autobotdan274d ago

Man you get insulted whan someone mentions xbox. You might need medicine

BehindTheRows274d ago

"Insulted" — says the guy running around like a headless chicken trying to convince folks to care about his favorite box. Ok champ!

BehindTheRows274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

If you actually have a counter argument to this being a multiplatform game and how "A multiplatform adventure in the jungle" was a "nasty reply", I'm all ears.

I'll even help you... what is the counter to this being a multiplatform game and why is that a nasty reply?

autobotdan274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

I was never in any argument or debate. You accused me of being on xbox pills. That was a nasty reply. I am done here. Not going to waste my time here

BehindTheRows274d ago (Edited 274d ago )

I mean, if someone responds to you with a factual correction and you reply with "Xbox xbox xbox", I'm not sure what kind of response should be expected.

If someone replied with "Ps ps ps", I'm sure you would wonder what is going on, especially if nothing wrong was said to you.

autobotdan274d ago

A factual correction?? What the..? I'm very confused here What were you correcting?

BehindTheRows274d ago

I thought you were done? :P

Answer: it's just as much a PlayStation/PC adventure as it is Xbox.

autobotdan274d ago

So i hurt your feelings by not mentioning Playstation/pc on an Xbox event article correct?

BehindTheRows274d ago

Hurt MY feelings? Once again, if someone replies with "Xbox xbox xbox", it's clear that they are affected by something more than they should be. You then double down with some BS about N4G (like this place is immune to trash talked about anyone else but them).

Plus, I thought you were leaving? You can't help yourself. XD

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 274d ago
aaronaton275d ago

Unreal Engine...how disappointing.

Apovyk274d ago

UE5 is the best looking engine on the market today - why is that disappointing?

RedDeadLB274d ago

Because, at the moment, the most technically problematic and disappointing games run on it. 540p upscaled next gen goodness.

DarXyde274d ago

Disappointing if resolution is a huge deal for you.

Personally, I feel a re-tooled FOX Engine would have done great. If it was a PS5/PC only title, I think Decima would have been an excellent choice.

RaidenBlack274d ago

Unreal:s own performance issues and Causing death of proprietary engines

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The Decline of Stealth Games Has Been Sad To See

Salman From Tech4Gamers writes "Once a big deal in gaming, stealth gaming, all about sneaking around, planning, and staying cool under pressure, seems to have faded away."

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DaReapa24d ago

"The decline of the stealth genre can be traced back to several factors. One big problem is that many games today sacrifice stealth for more action-packed scenes.

Even titles labelled as “stealth” often turn into loud shootouts soon after starting. The emphasis has shifted from sneaky strategies to just charging in and shooting, with stealth almost forgotten."

And that's what disappointed me the most about MGS4. While still a good game, it largely abandoned it's stealth roots that made the series so compelling. Since, I've gotten my stealth fix from the likes of TLOU, Hitman, and less popular tiles like Shadow Tactics.

Lexreborn224d ago

Hmm, MGS4 had the same liberties as all prior MGS games. You could do a complete stealth no kill run in mgs4 with no issue. While also giving a large array of gameplay variations that enhanced the experience.

No MG game except Revengeance has not been able to have complete stealth runs.

DaReapa24d ago

True, there were indeed non lethal runs in MGS4. Perhaps I used the wrong wording, but I was more so referring to the 'guns blazing' aspect of the gameplay. This was something that wasn't easily accomplished in the prior games of the series. One reason being that you had limited ammo. In MGS4, you had virtually all the arsenal and ammo you'd ever need early on in the game by way of Drebin points. This alone made stealth all but unnecessary, and resulted in a much easier game than previous entries. That's what the article's alluding to.



You could go guns blazing even in MGS1, I know 'cause I sucked at stealth at the time and I still beat that game by simply going gung ho on the lowest difficulty and replaying multiple parts over and over 'till I eventually made it.. And it was never the case that the games simply allowed you to just play Rambo instead of a spy with no punishment, you always had a much harder time trying to be a one man army on higher difficulties than just being furtive, so it was always very much stealth first and foremost, the supposed appeal to action in MGS4 was never an issue, they added more weapons and tactics which made all out war a more viable option in some parts but not all of the game and never the ideal course of action. In fact MGS4 have, just like all other MGS games (even the open world unfinished mess that was MGS5), a score system which will rank your run and the point system, like always, favored stealth, non-lethal approaches... Not only the rank/emblem is tied to playing stealth, the game had multiple item unlocks and trophies which you could only ever get by playing it furtively... Hardly anything required you to play guns blazing.

So can we please stop making bullshit up about MGS4 already? I don't know if you were mad the game skipped your platform of choice in favor of the PS3 or if it devalued your life achievement of beating a silly game by being a little more accessible or whatever else was the issue, but it was some 15 years ago, it's time to let go of this whole they abandoned stealth bullshit, they never did that, in fact, it was the second best stealth mechanics in the entire franchise, behind only MGSV, which allowed an even more complex stealth system (and even more open combat too if you wished, because that's what the increasing technology of different generations allowed) but I would argue MGS4 still took more advantage of their stealth mechanics than MGSV ever realized (largely because of open world vs linear structure, but still...). Yes, you could play like a normal shooter action adventure, but you could even more easily had played it like one of the best stealth action games ever. If you choose not to, that's on you.

Snookies1224d ago (Edited 24d ago )

MGS 4 most certainly did not abandon its stealth roots. As someone who got pretty much every rank you could achieve in that game. I can assure you, that is not the case.

cloganart24d ago

Should play MGSV - great stealth mechanics.

PrecursorOrb24d ago

In my opinion as far as modern stealth mechanics and freedom of approach I think V is the best we’ve had so far

BlackCountryBob24d ago

Interesting, I would however add that I think part of the decline in interest in many recent stealth games, Assassin’s Creed as a prime example, has been that instead of the stealth play being the fun, it’s been RPG’d as a character choice akin to playing as a mage or a thief with all the same drawbacks and things which turns many players away (upgrade grinding, obscure overly complex skill and equipment upgrade trees). One thing about MGS, Splinter Cell, early Hitman and early Assassin's Creed etc was that they were games you picked up and played with the game the feature, not supplemental to homework hidden in the pause menu.

Fist4achin24d ago

There out there. You just never hear about them.

anast24d ago (Edited 24d ago )

The novelty has worn off for 'pure' stealth games. They are too tedious. I personally like a good mix.

tombfan24d ago

Cyberpunk 2077 can be a stealth game if you want to... a pretty decent one too.

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