
Metal Gear fans already divided by Master Collection's launch issues

Amaar writes: "The Metal Gear Solid Master Collection has divided fans, but what do we think?"

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Abear21219d ago

It will be less when I buy it, and be all patched up and ready for more war…war never changes

FinalFantasyFanatic219d ago

I'd take $60 Aussie dollars, $88 is a little too much, even for the amount of content they're giving us (why is it $30 per game? PS Classics are about $15 on PSN).

-Foxtrot221d ago

I don’t understand how it can divide

If it has issues and it’s a lazy cash grab then just say it, call Konami out on it or else this is the future state of their games

lodossrage221d ago

Kinda puts all that "Konami is back" nonsense in perspective doesn't it?

MrBaskerville220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

There's too much content and attention to detail for it to be a cash grab. A cash grab wouldn't feature MGs1 Integral and all three regional versions of MGS3. Also wouldn't come with a save game editor that let's you customize your memory card with konami saves for the psycho mantis battle.

Or master books, manuscripts and narrated graphic novels. I'm very satisfied, have never played Integral or vr missions for that matter.

1nsomniac220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

…You mean they wouldn’t of added that extra stuff… you know, the stuff that was already created to begin with..

Logic overload! Some people are way too naive and give way to much credit to how much “work” it takes these developers.

…remember leading up to the PS5, with Cerny explaining himself just how easy it is to port games to the ps5. With a simple bake and minimal effort in fact sometimes none at all…

All companies, globally have been hit hard over the last few years with covid etc. basic ports are a way of trying to pull in a big profit margin with very little expenditure. It is of itself the very definition of a money grab. In this case more than any previously. They’re asking £55 for it.

MrBaskerville220d ago

Well, they could have just done basic MGS1 and basic mgs 2/3 and called it a day. Instead they took all of it and bundled it together with a couple of nice menues and some neat extras. They did a lot more than I had expected and I'm personally quite happy with this package. There's a lot to explore that I would have never explored of they hadn't made this collection.

I didn't even know Mgs Integral was a thing before now.

CrimsonWing69220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

I love the collection, granted I’ve only played the MSX games going for the platinum, but having this accessible on current-gen and all the bonus stuff is absolutely worth the price to me.

MrBaskerville220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

If you are okay with the games being what they were, it's fantastic.

I'm not sure what people expected. They said they'd rerelease the games as they were and then suddenly people are shocked that mgs 1 looks like a psx game. Personally this is exactly what I wanted, then they'll probably remake 1-2 after 3.

CrimsonWing69220d ago

Yea, I’m with you on this.

1nsomniac220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

N4G logic - “they’ve not changed a single thing, it is a 1:1 copy of the original PSX version with nothing improved at all - that’s fine by me!”

Reality - they’ve charged you RRP £55 for that privilege. A selection of games you can pick up for £2 in a bargain bin.

MrBaskerville220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

Well I knew what I was buying. I want to play all the games and the graphic novel intrigued me most of all, so felt it was worth the price of admission. If I felt it was too expensive I could have waited, it's not like prices don't fall over time.

Btw, where is this bargain bin where you can find a playable version of mgs1-3 for 2 pounds? Last I checked MGS1 cost around the same as this collection, and then youd also have to buy either a ps1 or a ps3.

1nsomniac220d ago

Not saying you can’t enjoy it at all. Just stating it’s a lazy cash grab. If you understand it as that and accept it. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. It’s your opinion and your money, you do what you want. The single only thing I have a problem with is people not being honest about it. People enjoy different things and they can do whatever they want but facts are literally minimal effort has gone into this and the price should reflect that.

And when I said selection I meant a selection, individually, worth £2 each. Yes, you wouldn’t get them all together like this but that’s not peoples initial thought process when they see these games. They see now “budget” games being sold as a premium.

FinalFantasyFanatic219d ago


It's a bit poor to say you can pick these individual games up in a bargain bin, some of that content you just can't buy, or you'd pay a leg and an arm for it (thanks retro scalpers). I'm just waiting for a price drop, it'll probably have a decent one in a few months.

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bloodymeatballz220d ago

Konami is a wild dog with beer goggles on in a 1990’s Buick on a 100 degree day with frozen hot dogs in the trunk. In other words they are the equivalent to a drunken car crash with smelly baggage.

SegaSaturn669220d ago

PS1 games need better remakes, not just ports. They look horrid. Star Ocean 2 remake is a shining example of excellence.

MrBaskerville220d ago (Edited 220d ago )

I'm a big fan of psx aesthethics and I'm not alone. there's a whole indie movement dedicated to making exactly this.

But the goal of the collection is obviously to preserve the games as they were and not to change them for a modern audience. It's kinda like a MGS museum of sorts.

shadowknight203219d ago

That museum is worth less than half the asking price brand new. It's not merely the lack of effort, but the balls to price it as such, is why this is called a cash grab. Defend it all u want, but Metal Gear Solid ended with 4 for myself and many fans. They could have just included 4 with this and called it a day, but instead must release it as a part 1 of sorts...yeah ok. All these people defending this as a great thing really needs a reality check.

FinalFantasyFanatic219d ago

They would look okay with a resolution bump, HD texture packs would just be gravy on old games like this (the modders will probably take care of that.

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Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 Review - Duuro

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Jingsing85d ago

Question is what patch data is on the disc?

Nyxus85d ago

Yeah that's what I'm wondering too. Hopefully it will be tested by doesitplay.org


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Murdability117d ago

It’s almost like Metal Gear is a well known franchise

just_looken116d ago

Horrible news more proof todays "gamer" is just a cow ready to be milked.

That mgs collection is no better than my ps3 copy but my ps3 copy has 0 server restrictions i always roll my eyes when reviewers or these new "youtube gamer" channels show off the information books on a webpage via a trash in game browser or the lack of controller support like it s a good thing.

Also GOG still has a better version mgs 1 or use the duck ps1 emulator.

Well time for the peace walker remaster pc port 480p 20fps needs a rtx 3090 or 6900xt to run with dunovo konami account then a govt id check.

just_looken114d ago (Edited 114d ago )

All the bonus content on the new collection needs a konami server to load them up if you pull your lan cord only the games will work but that is temp as those games are digital goods.

When i said digital i know there is a disc version games are on the disc i was referring to the pc version and the patches after the fact but yes ps5 has a disc version.

Here is the online bit