
Phil Spencer on Activision Blizzard King + Xbox | Official Xbox Podcast

Xbox Podcast: "This week we have a very special episode with Phil Spencer, the CEO of Gaming at Microsoft, who sits down with us to answer questions about Activision Blizzard King and their teams joining the Xbox family."

darthv72283d ago

i know many will still remain pessimistic towards Spencer, but its good to hear him reiterate his stance on keeping CoD coming out to other platforms and with no more special treatment.

blackblades283d ago

So you trust every word he says, got it and noted in history

Tacoboto283d ago

Aww. Did you note it in your little N4G Burn Book?

spicelicka283d ago

"Noted in history" lmao damn dude is patrolling N4G your only hobby?

Lightning77282d ago

It's contractual so he has no choice.

blackblades282d ago (Edited 282d ago )

"Y'all taking what I said very seriously" lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 282d ago
Obscure_Observer283d ago

"i know many will still remain pessimistic towards Spencer, but its good to hear him reiterate his stance on keeping CoD coming out to other platforms and with no more special treatment."

Yeah, no more beta privileges. Sony will not longer lock out COD gamers from guns, skins, perks, double XP events, and/or any other in-game advantages or benefits!

Under Xbox All COD players will be treated fairly, away from Sony´s scumbag practices!

derek282d ago

@Obscure, you're ridiculous, you act as if Microsoft has saved you from the great game oppressor Playstation, lol. Power of propaganda on display.

Markdn282d ago

Obscure... You need help if you think this is good for anyone. Under Xbox COD will be a dead franchise in 2 years, that's there proven track record. And I only play on xbox so don't call me a Sony fan boy. I'M more concerned on how much game pass will cost by this time next year.

Obscure_Observer282d ago


"you're ridiculous, you act as if Microsoft has saved you from the great game oppressor Playstation"

It has nothing to do with MS good, Sony bad, dude.

You people simply fail to see the big picture regarding big acquisitions. You won´t see nothing beyond what´s negative. There´s huge positives as well.

Sony used to pay Bungie for Destiny 2 exclusive in-game content the same way they used to do with COD.

Now as a Playstation first party studio, Sony is treating ALL of the Destiny 2 players equally and fairly! No exclusive advantages for any platform!

MS has no other choice but to play ball and follow suit.

Botton line: Gamers are and will be getting more benefits from both Bungie and ABK as first party studios rather what they´d used to get when those companies were independent.


"Under Xbox COD will be a dead franchise in 2 years, that's there proven track record."

Yeah, like Minecraft. /S


"And I only play on xbox so don't call me a Sony fan boy."

Dude, I don´t care where you play, after your fallacious comment regarding COD dead in 2 years, after Minecraft´s success under Xbox for almost 10 freaking years, I know for a fact that you don´t sh!t about Xbox. You brought me whatever your crystal ball told you. I brought you facts. Don´t even bother and reply back to me.

derek282d ago

@Obscure, your words really came off as you seeing yourself and others as some sort of victims of Sony's exclusives early access agreement, lol. How can you rationally argue for the benefits of Microsoft acquisitions while being so against minor deals Sony reached with 3rd parties.

Markdn281d ago

So you cite one franchise lol one, how many have they ruined, that's right, all the rest. Don't tell me weather I can reply or not, it's you that knows nothing and your low intellect means you need to resort to vulgar language to make it seem like you know what your on about. The only facts you brought is your butt hurt and can't listen to the facts.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 281d ago
derek282d ago

@darth, Spencer is proven liar based on his public statements vs what he says in private communications. His pronouncements are worthless and it's a testament to how gullible the public can be to take Spencers comments seriously.

darthv72282d ago

So you dont trust every word he says, got it and noted in history

derek282d ago

@darth, trust? I don't trust any of these executives especially that phony liar Phil Spencer.

gold_drake282d ago

ugh hes such a fame wh*re.

we've never seen ceo's on so many podcasts or interviews before him.

Futureshark282d ago

I wonder if the inevitable Master Chief CoD skin will find it's way to the PlayStation store then...

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gold_drake10h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro50m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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