
New Management Structure of Sony Interactive Entertainment

Jim Ryan to retire next spring and Hiroki Totoki to assume Interim CEO role while keeping his current role at Sony Group.

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blackblades303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

Y'all got what y'all wanted lets see if anything change hopefully for the better. A Japanese head would be better then Jim I bet.

-Foxtrot303d ago

"Y'all got what y'all wanted"

Yup...and I'm pretty sure most of us are content

His plans for the future of Sony were awful so...no great loss

Good riddance

Eonjay303d ago

Why did people hate him so much?
It seemed personal. I didn't get it.

raWfodog303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

I think a lot of people didn't like the direction that PlayStation was going under Jim with his heavy emphasis of GaaS games being developed by the first-party studios. That's just my impression.

-Foxtrot303d ago


Just his comments and business like approach to the industry along with some stupid sounding remarks.

He wanted a GaaS future for PlayStation and set those plans in motion (god knows if they will stop now)

We don't get much communication aswell, apart from Wolverine what else is coming to PlayStation after Spiderman 2 that isn't third party and GaaS related? Nobody wants to have games announced 3-4 years before they are actually released but give us something.

Microsoft bought Zenimax and Activision, it's clear they probably won't stop so where's the reaction from Sony? They should be doubling down hard or building up a new studio to counter the games they are missing out on but they aren't instead it's "lets throw GaaS shit at the wall like a dozen times and see what sticks"

He just hasn't really got anything on Jack Tretton and Shawn Layden

Tapani303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

Yeah you go Fox, show them how the 27 billion USD business is led. You know what is a loss for every single Playstation user and have all the insights to roadmaps and investments, I'm sure you sat in those meetings the respected and well-known leader you are, and would have made all the right calls. I'd like to thank you for speaking for all of us.

Meanwhile, in the world of reality, PS5 was launched amid global pandemic and is SIE's fastest selling console yet and the Sony Corp stock nearly doubled.

First and foremost, Jim Ryan is responsible for 12700 people, and their families, and of course shareholders, and finally the consumers who buy their products. In that order.

He and his management team has all the data in the world from the Playstation product family, including countless of consumer insight projects from multiple regions and age groups, and knows exactly where and how gamers want to play today. This is reflected on the revenue increase, unit sales in both hardware and software, and is a clear showing of his outstanding performance at a very difficult job in extraordinary circumstances.

Philaroni303d ago

Jack Trenton to this day might be the best CEO I ever seen, I remember to this day him coming out and saying sorry for the PlayStation outage. And, it felt real. Go back and watch it.

-Foxtrot303d ago


Oooo. Seemed to hit a nerve. Kind of strange, I think I've found a Ryan supporter...that's rare.

"You know what is a loss for every single Playstation user and have all the insights to roadmaps and investments"

But...I haven't even mentioned users and investments.

Countering points I haven't said is just going to make you look pretty stupid at the end of the day, it's like you wanted to argue but couldn't really find much in my comment to really counter so just saw what you wanted to see so you could argue back.

Godmars290303d ago

For me it was the "Drama Simulator" focus. Getting interactive movies called games.

Then there are all the Horizon and Last of Us remakes. Re-releases?

itsmebryan303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

@ Eonjay
I think after that whole ABK fiasco and now Sony is going to be investigated of his involvement. I knew he wasn't going to be around much longer.

Sharky231303d ago


I don’t think people hated him. He was just more business oriented than past Heads. That doesn’t relate well with gamers.

__SteakDeck__303d ago

@Godmars290 Didn’t “Interactive movies” start under Shawn Layden?

__SteakDeck__303d ago

@Sharky231 That’s because most gamers want a “friend”. How’s that working out for Xbox? Lol

Sunny_D303d ago

People who think Sony are just going to change plans because he’s retiring are in for a huge disappointment. He left the PlayStation doing better than they ever have. That’s what board members and shareholders care to see. They have a 6 month plan for him to help ease the transition before his retirement for that reason.

Do people really think Sony is going to stop the GAAS games they have been working on for a few years now? No. It was a necessary thing for Sony to be able to fund their 1st party development.

Zeref303d ago

Those 10 GaaS games are still coming though 😏

smashman98302d ago

I'm hoping whoever takes over has a better marketing strategy. But i would be very surprised if sony did a 180 on their plans.

outsider1624302d ago

@eonjay no hate towards the guy. But it's his directions that ps is heading and well...im not sure i like it. Pretty sure others feel the same way.

Rynxie302d ago

The censorship of games, the woke BS being shoved down our throats in the xmb, a little bit of anti consumer policies as well. Hopefully all that goes away once he's gone.

Northpoint302d ago

He raised PS+ to $79.99. Not cool.

Sonic1881302d ago

Sony fans should be happy!

Sephiroushin302d ago

Lol, for the worst the whole industry is headed to GaaS its what make them lot of money, so like it or not the CEO are theere working for the shareholders not you or me, they are there to get more money, the direction of Sony looking for a GaaS hit wont change at all, It was not like the CEO stopped and halted the making of story driven single players although he halted their indie games which i think should not have done but actually he talked about funding more single players with the money from GaaS games… I am a RPG especially JRPG guy mostly so I dont like them but then i do not like sports games either and i dont feel like they should go away, every niche has it people.

Eonjay302d ago

Thank you guys for the replies. I think all of you, even if you don't agree with each other, raise valid points.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


I wouldn't say hate, but PS fans are certainly frustrated with the way things are going, the move of HQ to California, winding down Japan Studios, refusing to port/remaster/make sequels of games like Wild Arms/Shadow Hearts (the creators had to turn to kickstarter to make spiritual successors: Armed Fantasia/Penny Blood, don't know if Ratatan is in the same situations), the puritan policy changes that destroy franchises like Senran Kagura (we'll never get 7even and I'll never know how the story ends), the lack of "classic games" we were promised in PS Plus Extra/Deluxe, the lack of exclusives this gen (especially PS5 exclusives), ect...

I haven't found a whole lot to be excited about this generation of PS, hence why I haven't felt the need to buy a PS5, others may disagree with me, but these are enough reasons for me. Someone also mentioned the hard push for GAAS titles as well, which I'm not thrilled about either.

CombatEmu302d ago

He came off as more of a suit than someone who genuinely cares about video games. Compare him to Andy House, Shawn Layden, or Jack Tretton and it's a night-and-day difference.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
neutralgamer1992303d ago

We want these type of charismatic PlayStation leaders with clear messaging and understanding of what make’s PlayStation strong

Shawn Layden
Andrew house
Jack Trenton

Nothing against Jim he is just a suit who looks at numbers only. So hopefully he enjoys his retirement

I think Sony didn’t like how MS were able to acquire so much talent while Jim was sitting in the sideline

Hopefully we start to get a much clearer picture of what PlayStation will look like moving forward and less focus on GAAS

Tapani303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

But what are these numbers? If the majority wants a certain thing, even if it is GaaS, and a minority, which I am possibly part of, wants great single-player AAA game experiences, should he select us over what the "numbers" (=majority) says?

If you were in that position, and you had 12700 people in your organization, shareholders, and finally the fans who say (=numbers) they want a certain thing, would you go against it because a certain minority likes single player experiences? I certainly would go where the money and majority wants me to go. Why? Because it has the highest possibility to bring joy to the largest amount of people.

Numbers are not just digits. They are opinions, how people behave, what most people really want. I'm not in the GaaS camp personally, I don't play any multiplayer games at all, except FFXIV for the story, and only once, and mostly alone.

Besides, who knows if Jim Ryan was internally fighting the GaaS as much as he could, but had to simply present the GaaS concept in public due to internal pressure from multiple "numbers" teams?

We just really don't know, and we are not the right people to judge his performance or his character or personality. Quite frankly, the numbers are the best indication of his performance and success, not us on these forums.

VenomUK303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

Venom is calling his replacement now: Hermen Hulst.

And you can quote me on that!

VenomUK303d ago

…then again, how would you feel if Shawn Layden came back for another act?!

Sunny_D303d ago

Jim isn’t just making all the decisions regarding acquisitions. There Would have been discussions on who they would acquire. Also if you have been following the Activision acquisition case, you would know that Sony weren’t just sitting by letting MS acquire them.

neomahi302d ago

Yup. Shu Yoshida and Scott Rohde are great but likely better off where they are. PlayStation needs another Jack Tretton. Innovative hardware and not off the shelf parts. PlayStation pushed on PC doesn't scream "THIS IS WHY YOU NEED PLAYSTATION". It instead says "If you wait long enough, you can play a sub-par port on PC." To this day, Mario still isn't on PC. When consoles are gone and Xbox and PlayStation and Nintendo are singing around a campfire together, sure we'll talk about PC., but Jim Ryan is doing Xbox's marketing for them when he should have a pre-show to PlayStation Showcase with third-party games and then the PlayStation Showcase is why you NEED PlayStation hardware. Right after the PlayStation Showcase, Aaron Greenberg, Jim Ryans equal at Xbox shot out on social media "We have all of those." COME ON! Jim Ryans message was here's what Xbox has or he patient long enough and you can play it on PC, NOT this is why you need PlayStation. Games as Service? PlayStation NEVER followed Xbox's lead, PlayStation was the lead

Lightning77302d ago

I'm way more curious as to who will take his place. Who will take center stage at next year's summer gamefest. Maybe Herman Hulst will take his place? More him or anyone familiar than some unknown outsider who's intentions and motives are completely unknown to us. No telling what direction they'll take PS.

That's very worrisome.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago


I wish him the best in his retirement, I just hope Sony doesn't double down on GAAS or get worse in any way, game-wise, unfortunetly, we'll never be privy to what goes on behind the doors.


At this rate, the only console I'll buy in the future is a Switch 2, just have that and a PC.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
-Foxtrot303d ago

It's Blackblades, he loves the GaaS games Sony are doing, he's all for them.

blackblades303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

Lol foxthot I don't mind them existing and don't agree with the 10 live services he planned. A few wouldve been fine but that manying is unnecessary. I also seen how successful they can be finiacally and enjoyable they can be. Unlike you who hates hates hates hates and blindly hates everything

SyntheticForm303d ago



Sony have said that they're committed to keeping the narrative third-person action-adventure games going, and that's alright, though I'd like to see something different and fresh and new.

Bungie I assume is going to facilitate much of that GAAS. Again, fine, but I'm not enthused, even given Bungie's shooter pedigree. I'm tired of online shooters and Destiny-likes.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


I'm sure they're only rolling with that many because they expect the majority of them to die, in the end, they might only stick with one or two if they're money makers, I probably won't play any of them.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 302d ago
Philaroni303d ago

Now if my Denver Broncos could do the same........ those who know know...

shinoff2183303d ago

Ouch Phil. You gonna need hug

DickyD1226303d ago

I'm a bears fan man... I feel this...

BlaqMagiq1302d ago

Denver fan here. That beatdown is what we needed to know we need to clean house.

The Wood303d ago

Ryan was too western imo. A more eastern PS can boost the console further

bleedsoe9mm303d ago

Every Xbox fan is sad to see him go

Jin_Sakai303d ago

Good to hear! Sony knows how to clean house ever so often. Something Microsoft should’ve done ages ago with Xbox.

Hofstaderman302d ago

Agreed. Phil is a liability and if he had been in any other company he would have even told to go after one dismal generation.

neomahi302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

He let a lot happen that shouldn't have. Silent Hill 2 should've stayed a PlayStation exclusive, he screwed that up. Metal Gear has always been synonymous with PlayStation, and while the HD remaster crept onto Xbox 360, look at it now, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PlayStation always marketed as not only being exclusive to PlayStation, was always only possible on PlayStation because PlayStation had that strong relationship with Konami and Square Enix. Well, look at the two now and Jim Ryan let it go that way after PlayStation before fought hard to keep Kojima happy and take care of him, now he's proudly working with Xbox on a console exclusive. Just like Insomniac had to step in Dinodookie to realize what a mistake they made after Sunset Overdrive and then being acquired and realizing how happy they were and are on PlayStation, Kojima seems to want to learn the same lesson. Andrew House wasn't going to let him, but Jim Ryan has.

There's games that should be exclusive to PlayStation and are heading to Xbox shores that shouldn't be meanwhile, Phil Spencers buying off devs with Microsoft money. During the PS1 and PS2 era, they didn't want to go anywhere else, they were happy and profitable and successful on PlayStation. Xbox is falling apart, why the hell do they want to be on Xbox when they were untouchable on PlayStation? That got lost during the PS3 era and was starting to come back with PS4, but again, Jim Ryan let that slip

jjb1981302d ago

Now Sony will go after Squenix.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago

I haven't been happy with the direction Sony has been headed in for a long time, and that started towards the end of the PS4's life cycle, maybe they can course correct.

OptimusDK302d ago

Nothing Will change GAAS is the future of Sony. There is a reason they bought Bungie and why he thinks it’s more valuable than ABK.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
sparky77303d ago

Not surprising getting out while the stocks are high he knows the future isn't bright for Playstation.

Vengeance1138303d ago

It's a hell of alot brighter than Xbox who won't exist in 4yrs lol

sparky77303d ago

And yet Phil is only getting promotions instead of the boot.....interesting :)

Vengeance1138303d ago


Because Xbox is almost nothing for Microsoft as a whole and them putting all their eggs in the GamePass basket then having it totally collapse on them doesn't phase MS.
PlayStation however is a large portion about 70% of Sony profits.
MS and Phil couldn't care less if Xbox goes under.

sparky77303d ago

I would maybe agree with you if the ABK deal wasn't approved but with ABK Xbox is here to stay.


Vengeance1138303d ago


Lmao! Source? Link? Oh right you're just saying random things to fit your narrative lol
Thanks for the chuckle.

sparky77303d ago

Did you not hear the CMA has pretty much approved the deal: https://www.bbc.com/news/bu...

You may of missed it since good Xbox news doesn't get posted here much.

Vengeance1138303d ago


And this has what to do with Xbox future??! Lol you seem to be clutching at ABK like a child hugging a security blanket.
You do realize if Xbox went down a year or less from now all these studios would just be sold off in a fire sale. It's not rocket science to understand.
Owning big studios does not all of a sudden make their parent company bullet proof lol what are you even smoking over there.

maniacmayhem303d ago

**Owning big studios does not all of a sudden make their parent company bullet proof lol what are you even smoking over there. **

Strange and absurd logic you have here, because it's just not any big studio they own, it's THE biggest studio"S" they now own and If you think MS is going under now with just CoD alone under it's belt, than you are the one that's smoking that good good kush

Vengeance1138303d ago (Edited 303d ago )


You REALLY don't understand the goals of Xbox and it shows lol
Read this super slowly so it reaches your brain. Xbox does not give a single shit about making great games or innovating in any way. They care about you hitting that "Subscribe" button on GP. Ok? With me so far?
If those subs do not reach a 100M or more in 4yrs, investing in gaming is not worth it to them and they are out. Ok?
Right now GP is 25M or less subs.... Sooooo yeah disaster incoming bruh
You think GP numbers are gonna increase by 80M or more because CoD?! Hahahaha 🤣
Good luck with that one! Really! 🍿

Godmars290303d ago

Man's CEO of the division. The literal tip top. What can he get promoted to?

The Wood303d ago

the funniest thing is MS has mismanaged too many studios and projects from the little they had over a very long period and now people hope that MS has magically turned the corner.... 'XBOX ABK is here to stay.....forever.' Grown dude\dudette sounding like my 11 year old.. .

shinoff2183303d ago

Sparky there's just generally not alot of good xbox news.

maniacmayhem303d ago


Ah yes, the ol "Xbox doesn't care because I say so" war cry.

Yeah, yeah, N4G has been saying Xbox is leaving the market for how long now?

Lets see, OG Xbox was supposed to be MS's last console because it was dropped early, then MS was supposedly selling their Xbox division to god knows who, then Xbox was going third party because of Game Pass, now the latest hurrah from the try hard analysts like you is in 2027 based on a made up projected analyst that isn't going to come true MS is going to leave the business.

I would say let's wait until 2027 to find out but i'm sure you will long forget your ignorance here and be well into the next stupid ballad of the Doom and Gloom of Xbox.

Vengeance1138303d ago


Ummmm Phil Spencer himself literally said it from his own mouth. "Making high quality games isn't going to move the needle and make Xbox surpass PlayStation" ... Starfield can be 11/10 and it wouldn't matter.... Etc etc
I know you would rather close your eyes and believe he didn't say that but it happened. So oops! There goes your sad little narrative that it's some made up conspiracy against Xbox, uh oh!
Phil himself shouting to the world that nothing Xbox does can dethrone PlayStation. Really inspires confidence doesn't it? Words of a true leader I'm sure. Atleast one you would bow to.
Xbox is just a little side gig to Microsoft, not something essential to their future.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


It's not hearsay, it's straight out of the horse's mouth, they're desperate for subs, Xbox almost died early on in the Xone era until Phil Spencer convinced Microsoft that he could salavage the situation. I don't know if Xbox will exist in 5 or 10 years time, but I'm pretty confident that at least Playstation and Nintendo will still exist.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
-Mika-303d ago

PSVR2 bombing is probably what got him removed from his position. That product flopping cost Sony billions! It's no wonder they forced him to retire.

mandf303d ago

It's not a flop at all the the headset is excellent

sparky77303d ago

I am pretty sure the whole of Sony knew that was dead on arrival they didn't even let a single first party dev make anything for it because they knew it was a waste of resources. They just wanted to get a few extra dollars from those diehard PS fans.

Christopher303d ago

Can you cite a source of it bombing. Only thing I've seen is that it has sold better than the predecessor and that games are still being made for it.

blackblades303d ago

It didn't bomb, now y'all just throwing shyt out

Profchaos303d ago

The headset is incredible so much so that the apple headset shares a large portion of its design with the psvr2 but I'd agree that the marketing and support has been a total clusterfk and I say that as a owner

ziggyzinfirion303d ago

Can you point out any source regarding this PSVR2 bombing costing Sony billions?

EvertonFC302d ago

VR2 is doing just fine, don't be a sheep 🐑🐑

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
-Foxtrot303d ago

I just think it's strange he put this shitty GaaS focused plan into motion and now he's suddenly decided to f*** off

Who does that

Has he been forced out or does he think he's messed up taking this risk and decided to bail early before he's later forced out.

porkChop303d ago

He isn't retiring until March, yet Totoki is taking over in the next month while Sony looks for a successor. If Jim wasn't being forced out they wouldn't need an interim CEO that quickly.

-Foxtrot303d ago

Yeah it's strange, why not just let him do his normal duties if he's still got until next March

Companies do this kind of thing all the time, they won't actually tell you if someone is being fired, they'll just say the person is looking for "new adventures or opportunities" or if they are close to an older age let them take early retirement to save face.

If it came out he was fired and forced to take retirement it wouldn't be good for PR

Nothing Jim Ryan has said or done within the past year has pointed towards him not being here to see those plans out so this is just totally out of blue in my opinion.

Profchaos303d ago

I think it's more than gaas money it's also the backlash from the PS plus price hikes which we know we're to offset the ps5 console price drops.

But the gaas is probably part of it the lack of communication and failing to have titles in the pipe for its products would have hurt to.

Johnh5223302d ago

I wouldnt mind a twisted metal gaas with your ie customizable vehicle. The lack of creativity and dormant ip’s is assanine

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 302d ago
tay8701303d ago

Ryan didn't get the boot he is retiring. I'm not the biggest fan of his, but he was definitely a corporate guy and guided PS to very high profits.

Profchaos303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

These guys don't get the boot they are always asked to give their resignation

Christopher303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

Before he was a buffoon ruining the company, now he's a genius for getting out before it all goes to hell.

neutralgamer1992303d ago


PlayStation is it’s strongest so not sure why they won’t have bright future. And I hope Xbox gets back to great competitive level so we as gamers get the best content and less greed

sparky77303d ago

That's exactly my point it is at it's strongest so it's only downhill from here, the console market is limited and without growing into other marketed like PC or mobile Playstation will fade into dust which is why he's leaving now.

Hofstaderman302d ago

Sparky in denial. Sony didn't say that they would shut down if their subscription services do not reach a certain figure. I would actually be more scared for XBOX right now, they at a junction and the route they taking is clearly streaming. You don't need dedicated consoles for that and it's a good indicator that they would prefer being a publisher and rather have their gamepass on competitors consoles. Listen carefully to Phil's statements and interviews. Then relook at the leaks. The writing is on the wall.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Even though I don't like the direction they're going, I have to agree that Playstation is doing better than ever as far as sales go, meanwhile Xbox is on life support.

Crows90303d ago

How so. And phil already stated there wont be xbox if they cant increase numbers. So yeah. Not sure its necessarily bright for xbox either. Ps5 still selling like hotcakes while...xbox isnt.

Sunny_D303d ago


Only a nimrod would take someone retiring after 30+ years as being booted.

303d ago
302d ago
Barlos302d ago

.... what? It consistently delivers some of the best first party games, and has been soundly beating Xbox in terms of console sales for every generation with the exception of PS360, which, even at its lowest point, still managed to beat Xbox by the end of the generation despite a poor launch and year delay.

I'd love to know what makes you think the future isn't bright for playstation. I'd say it looks a hell of a lot brighter than Xbox's future at this point.

302d ago
BlaqMagiq1302d ago

Weird. Last I checked PS5 has been the number one selling console worldwide while Xbox is still in third place. If the future isn't bright for PS, then Xbox has no future.

302d ago
+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
SwissCheese303d ago

There is a god. Hopefully the final replacement is better.

VenomUK303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

@SwissCheese I don't get this narrative. Everybody calling Jim Ryan a 'failure' because he doesn't schmooze or behave over-top-like your best friend gamer CEO. Jim Ryan has shepherded PlayStation through some difficult times and if you look at the financials well PS5 is clearly a success. For God's sake in the UK the last-gen PS4 version of most games outsells the combined Xbox Series S/X. This is not a format wars stat but said to highlight the strong position PlayStation is in under him.

The previous PlayStation CEO Andrew House retired in 2017, 4 years after his successful launch of the PS4. Jim Ryan retiring 4 years (if you round up). So, just SPECULATING here, maybe Sony wants a CEO for just one console launch and then half-way through the gen to establish its success until the new CEO.

SwissCheese303d ago

That's all great - if you're an investor.

I am a gamer. Live service games, PSVR flopping, ND gone to hell, etc are all bad points for me.

isarai303d ago (Edited 303d ago )

I have been here for every generational launch since the SNES, and I've been with PS since PS1 Jim made PlayStation change the most, and not for the better imo. Under Jim PlayStation has:

Nearly completely lost interest in indie and creative games when they've always scouted and supported those outside the box.

Switched the marketplaces QA to a completely exploitable automated system instead of having quality standards like they always have. Flooding the store with spam games

Forced people to re-buy games they already own just cause it was ported, when their belief has always been " buy it once and you own it across the PS ecosystem"

Dragged on cross gen, stunting growth into the new generation, when 1st party has NEVER done cross gen before.

Increased game prices, GREATLY increased PS+

Initiated this GAAS focus, chasing trends and whales when that has never been PS style.

And most frustratingly, whatever the hell is causing half their studios to be 3+yrs from their last big release with no announcements of what's next.

Not to mention his hatred to Backwards Compatibility. There's some good sure like keeping storage upgrades out of the proprietary type, and the PS5 essentials which are now gone, but never have I ever been this unsure about the future of PS, and definitely never been this frustrated waiting for their 1st party stuff to deliver. We STILL haven't had that "Uncharted Moment" this gen with a game dropping that is clearly a big showcase of what next gen is, hopefully Spider-Man is that but we're already almost 2yrs late on that compared the every other generation.

I don't know if the next guy will be better, but I'm glad he's out.

ApocalypseShadow302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

It's just a ridiculous narrative. They all wanted Jim to be their friend like Shawn.... who was a suit....Or Jack... who was a suit... Lol. And so on.

Jim made PlayStation money. He didn't control inflation or launch COVID or all the nonsense they want to believe about him being all about GaaS games. They have no clue but want to bullshit and speculate with no facts. He must have been about Horizon, Ghost, Spider-Man, GT7, etc because he launched them too. But they ignore that and just make up shit.

The real facts is that Sony always changes leaders but continues to impress in sales, quality and innovation. Sony have never kept the same leader. Same with Nintendo. Always changed leaders. Keeps things fresh.

Notice how Sony won generations. Nintendo won generations while Microsoft, who has kept lying, misleading, misdirecting and monopolizing CEOs around and they have never won any generation. Even with more money and launching first or having the most powerful console in the world. Lol

I laugh at these individuals that place blame on Jim for keeping PlayStation on course, in the black financially and launching innovative hardware like PS5 PS VR 2.

Let them speculate when they have no facts and looking for a CEO friend that supposedly plays games like Phil. Which hasn't worked out at all. You want someone that can lead and Jim has. All these "gamers" asked for online games to go with Sony's excellent single player games. But now trash the very thing they asked for. Sonny's looking for online games that have longevity and make money to keep supporting it and fund single player games but these gamers think Sony shouldn't try to balance their portfolio.

__SteakDeck__303d ago

@SwissCheese PSVR was not his idea.

Obscure_Observer303d ago

That was fast.

I don´t think he´ll be missed by many, anyway.

Hopefully we can now have Playstation back at E3 and a more focused on single player games.

Outside_ofthe_Box303d ago

No more Lyin' Ryan, you should be thrilled! This is what you've been asking for!

Obscure_Observer303d ago

"No more Lyin' Ryan, you should be thrilled! This is what you've been asking for!"

True. Bring Jack and Adam back!

Redemption-64303d ago

That was fast?
You bots seriously live under a rock, the guy has been with PS for about 30 years and Sony has a history of changing CEOs almost each generation

Obscure_Observer303d ago

"You bots seriously live under a rock, the guy has been with PS for about 30 years and Sony has a history of changing CEOs almost each generation"

Dude couldn´t even make it to three years into PS5´s life cyrcle as president and CEO of Playstation. He was forced into retirement, otherwise, Hiroki Totoki wouldn´t be taking over next month.

Spin all you want. Those are the facts.

QSPR302d ago

For once in my life, I'm with you Obscure_Observer, I can't believe it! Thanks for the all mighty heaven he's out.

Asplundh302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Yeah it's really not unusual.

CEOs and Presidents
Ken Kutaragi: 1993 - 2007
Kez Hirai: 2007 - 2012
Andrew House: 2012 - 2017
John Kodera: 2017 - 2019
Jim Ryan: 2019 - 2024

SCE America
Jack Tretton: 2006 - 2014
Shawn Layden: 2014 - 2018

SCE Japan
Shawn Layden: 2007 - 2010

Redemption-64302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


Your ignorance and stupidity truly deserve an award. I am going to drop some fact that I know doesn't exist in whatever made-up world you live

Andrew House stepped down as CEO 4 years into the PS4's life cycle. By the time Jim Ryan steps down he would have been in the role 5 years and 4 years into the PS5's life cycle, exactly the same years as Andrew House. Now tell us us Mr bot. Where you making up these lies that Andrew House was forced out?

Now here are some more facts, Shawn Layden was also in the role for 4-5 years before stepping down. So again tell us Mr bot, was he forced out too? Am guessing these facts don't fit the lies you have cooked up in your head to make you sleep at night, but it's always laughable to such such stupidity on full display

You are telling us, the guy that has lead PS5 to record breaking sales after a huge pandemic is stepped down from his role exactly within the same time frame as the last 2 guys that had his role and you think he was forced out? Bots, truly a special breed

Obscure_Observer302d ago


Who said anything about Andrew House?

Jim Ryan won´t make it into three years in PS5´s life cyrcle, this is nothing but a fact!

Jim Ryan should continue as CEO until March 2024, yet, Totoki is taking over next month! Jim Ryan will not longer call the shots! Those are the facts! I don´t care what you think, so don´t bother and reply to me again.

That´s the very reason why he was forced out!

Redemption-64302d ago


Calling you stupid is actually an insult to stupid people. You are so desperate to make up lies just so you can feel better about having the memory of a sea sponge.

Andrew House was used as an example because it shows this is a strategy Sony does. Also, I noticed you have not answered the questions I asked and we all know why. The guy is staying on till next year, he has literally lead Playstation to record sales, and a bot like you think he was forced out? This is 343 Mr bot.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
neomahi302d ago

It's not the absence of E3, that was inevitable and not a bad move. PlayStation on PC was a big mistake. Swiss Cheese pointed out what happened to Naughty Dog. Naughty Dog adopted Social Engineering and it's killing them. Before Druckmann took the reigns are got all political, they didn't have problems and were focused. Once he got all caught up on The Last of Us and preaching his agenda and his ego inflated, that's what happened. Did you see that during Uncharted when there was no political agenda, when Naughty Dog were on the right and not the left? Nope. What happened when they went to the left? This. PlayStation PC was a mistake. It was PlayStation following Xbox, when Xbox are circling the drain. Nintendo STILL is not on PC and look them tear it up. When PlayStation IS on PC, the ports are garbage anyway. Focus on consoles when you have them, when consoles die, there won't be any problem moving to PC, but there's no reason to try and transition to PC, Nintendo hasn't been and again are doing just fine.

Jim Ryan thought it would be easy. He entered the PS5 thinking he could coast on the success of the PS4, he didn't know he'd actually have to work but sit on his leather chair and sip bourbon, but he sees he actually has to work, to be aggressive, and he's not.

HERMAN HULST IS NOT THE ANSWER! He was just fine as a studio head of Guerilla, but Jim Ryan wanting a fellow Euro was a bad idea. Hulst SHOULD NOT take Ryans place. PlayStation needs someone that's a mix of Kutaragis innovation, but Trettons stage presence. Off the shelf incremental upgrades to get you to buy a mid-gen refresh is nonsense! 8-10 year lifecycle, the PS3 was build for longevity. A $1000 console that lasts 10+ years is better than a $400 console thats only good for 3 years. The iPhone is $1200 and people buy one once or twice a year. A $1000 beast of a console with massive jumps in graphical capabilities is long term. The recent Ghostbusters Trailer done by Reitmans is where graphics should be and the money would be worth it, not this mid-gen bull crap. Jim Ryan had a lot of problems. It's time to bring PlayStation back to US shores

Redemption-64302d ago

Playstation on PC was actually from Shawn Layden the pervious CEO. He said it himself during an interview. Jim Ryan gets the blame for it before it took effect during his run, but it wasn't his idea, he just implemented a plan that was in play before he became the head


FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago

E3's pretty much dead, expecting Playstation to come back might be too much of an ask, I'm suprised any company is still attending.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 302d ago
Battlestar23303d ago ShowReplies(5)
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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro16m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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