
TGS 2023: Talking, Trying Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai | Hardcore Gamer

Dragon Quest fans are getting two new games this year, the first of which being Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai. It's kind of a mouthful of a title, but the game itself is going to be good for those looking for a more casual Dragon Quest experience.

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Square Enix Relying on Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to Reach Annual Target as CEO Reveals His Strategy

Square Enix CEO Takashi Kiryu revealed that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth's sales will be crucial for the company's financial targets, discussed Final Fantasy XIV's performance, and outlined his plans to improve quality and profitability.

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gold_drake251d ago

they did that with remake too.

Cacabunga250d ago

Count me in SE. Just keep making great games

TwoPicklesGood251d ago

Rebirth will sell amazingly well

porkChop250d ago

Remake sold less than half as many units as the original, so it's not a guarantee. I do hope it's very successful though, then maybe we can get remakes of 6, 8, and 9.

Eonjay250d ago

Final Fantasy 7 Remake sold 7 million as of Sept 2023 (so just over 3 years)
The original has amassed 14 million (over 23 years)

FinalFantasyFanatic250d ago

Please, no more remakes, although this will probably sell well.

jznrpg249d ago (Edited 249d ago )

@FFFanatic I want a Vagrant Story remake. But they don’t all have to be remakes they could continue some of the older IP they have as well with a new game.

porkChop249d ago

Ok, so it's sold half as many now. Considering it had 20 years worth of hype, and was literally the most hyped game when it launched, you'd think it would have sold a lot more than that. Square Enix spent truckloads of money marketing that game. It got outsold by Persona 5 and barely beat Dragon Quest XI, two franchises that are traditionally far less popular than FF globally. FF7R wasn't a failure by any means but it wasn't the powerhouse (sales-wise) that some people seem to think it was.

I mean actual remakes, not the pseudo-sequel stuff they're doing with the FF7 Remake trilogy. The narratives in 6, 8, and 9 are stronger than 7's but most people haven't even played them. They deserve proper remakes.

There are a lot of older IP that should be brought back. Vagrant Story, Lunar, Grandia, Breath of Fire (it's been like 8 years now), Golden Sun, etc.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 249d ago
shinoff2183250d ago

O it'll sell. Pretty fking well to. This game is gonna do so good. It's alot of ours most anticipated game in awhile. As much as I prefer turn based I'm still looking forward to it. Even more then star ocean 2 remake(snubbed for awards as it was)

jjb1981250d ago (Edited 250d ago )

Have you tried the "classic" mode option in FFVII Remake? I haven't personally but I've read that it's a turn-based mode that relies on an ATB gauge.

Snookies12250d ago

Scheduled four days off work for this... Can't wait to dive in when it launches! I straight up bought a PS5 just for this game, lol. (Granted, there were other titles I wanted to play too. Just not as much as this one.)

solideagle250d ago

you think you will be able to finish it in 4 days? that's some dedication bro/sis

NotoriousWhiz250d ago

Who said anything about finishing?

Snookies12250d ago (Edited 250d ago )

Haha, I'm certainly not trying to finish it off in those four days. I just want to make some good progress in it! Besides, I don't want to go straight through it in a few days. Definitely wanting to take some time and savor it, as I go through.

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Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "Overall, I cannot recommend this game. Technically, it's a glorified mobile game with a Dragon Quest coat of paint that is shamelessly overpriced. Morally, it's not all that terrible save for a few minor points of concern and can be handled by any young teen and up. As a Dragon Quest title and even as a game, this is quite disappointing and I urge any fans of the anime to stick to that, it shows more love and effort."

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Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai Review | TheXboxHub

Infinity Strash: DRAGON QUEST The Adventure of Dai is one that you will enjoy a lot.

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