
Valve allegedly rejects new boomer shooter from Steam due to "disgusting" scene

Valve has allegedly refused to permit a new boomer shooter a place on Steam owing to a disagreement over a scene that the dev says is purposefully “disgusting.”

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Petebloodyonion270d ago

Why do companies like Valve need to chaperone ppl into what they should see in a game?
The game has a warning at the start, on the page, etc...
You can opt out to skip the scene and still, Valve feels the need to restrict the view of the artist.

Eonjay269d ago (Edited 269d ago )

I think what goes missing here is that the platform owner has a right to express what they don't want on their platform and that in and of itself is a free expression of the platform. For example just because you own a private bookstore that sells books doesn't mean you HAVE to stock every book or even offer every book.

By the same token, you as a customer can use your free expression to complain that you don't like Valve's policy or decision as you have here.

By the same token, the developer is free to use their free expression to create a game containing an endless assortment of content (within legality of course).

So in a free society, each person/entity described above must be free to make the decisions they have.

Smok91268d ago

Is this not common sense?

SegaSaturn669269d ago

Is that right? I know a lot of adult games need(ed)? separate patches to be installed to allow the censored content. It's not ideal, but it might work here.

isarai270d ago

What's disgusting is the term "Boomer Shooter"🤮

But anyways, I dunno, films and especially books can do this all day and no one bats an eye, but games do this and it's suddenly banned. I do feel you don't necessarily need to show the act for it to be impactful, however who am I to tell the creators how to portray something. It is their marketplace tho so 🤷‍♂️

DefenderOfDoom2269d ago

Yeah I do not understand why Boomer Shooters became a term to describe 90s FPS games.

fr0sty268d ago

Or why boomer became the term to describe anyone over 30 by the tide pod chewers...

-Gespenst-270d ago

I think the developers here are doing the right thing by warning players of the scene in advance and giving them the option to skip it. Stuff like this can be very hard for actual victims to see. I also think it's good that they're, apparently, making sure that it is a disgusting and scary scene, rather than one that is titillating. The thing that bothers me, though, is the feeling I have that they're trying to have it both ways. So-called boomer shooters don't typically take themselves very seriously, and are mostly just outrageous and pulpy. It seems a bit questionable to put a serious, realistically disturbing scene of sa in a game like this. Either make a serious game, or don't and leave out / only imply the sa stuff. At the very least, I can't imagine it working tonally. It's just a weird thing to include in a game that is almost certainly fundamentally un-serious, like boomer shooters tend to be (and which a quick look at the game's Steam page pretty much confirms). I'd be interested to hear Valve's side of the argument, though.

shinoff2183269d ago

Valves to big to even put forth an argument. What they say goes end of story.

In all seriousness I'd be surprise to see if we ever hear valves argument.

garos82269d ago

f off valve. murdering thousands and thousands in other games is ok in your eyes. therefore valve is pro genocide with this dumb logic. its like the conservatives in the 90s getting outraged over all art.

gamerz269d ago

Valve allows nearly everything so really curious what this was.

Plague-Doctor27269d ago

Curious enough to read the article?

“We were disappointed by how many games depict sexual assault as being gratifying and arousing, so we chose to depict is [sic] as simply disgusting and revolting. The sequence involves an emaciated, wrinkled alien creature bobbing up and down while licking the camera. This, to us, is so disgusting that it required advance warning and an option to disable the content."

Vits269d ago

Valve so far has basically blocked two types of content. Sexual violence-focused games and sexualization of minors or "minor-looking characters". From the article it doesn't appear that this particular game falls into either category, yes, it has a sexual violence scene, but it doesn't appear to be the focus of it.

So it would be something new if it does indeed get blocked.

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