
TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns | Hey Poor Player

HPP tackles TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns on Switch. Though it's a fun and colorful experience, some design issues unfortunately hold it back.

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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4 Review | Middle of Nowhere Gaming

The long dormant Ty The Tasmanian Tiger is back with the fourth game in the series. Is it any good? Check out our review.

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Review: TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4 (PC, Steam) - The Games Cabin

The Games Cabin's Chris: Back when I was still a wee nipper with homework piling up, three girlfriends and a bank account that only contained a fiver from my Granny as a six-month late birthday present, I was pretty much a hardcore action-adventure platform game fanatic.

Over a decade later and things are still pretty much the same, except now the old-school platformers have all but died out and those three girlfriends no longer acknowledge my existence.

It's refreshing, then, that TY still has a bit of life in him, despite having been dormant since TY 3 back in the days of the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube.

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TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4 Review | Good Game SP

It is quite cheap, so if you really are keen on Ty and his Bush Rescue gang you might get your money's worth. But this feels like a really big step back for the series, especially considering how often the game crashes.