
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon Review - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em - MonsterVine

MonsterVine: "Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon easily has some of the series’ best highs, and is a proper return to form for the franchise."

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Armored Core 6 Has Now Sold Over 3 Million Copies Worldwide

Almost a year after its initial release, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon has sold over 3 million copies around the globe.

anast58d ago

And they didn't $1b to advertise this game and it is sold at a reasonable price. Somehow From is beating inflation and making great games...


Bandai Namco Will Refocus Game Development on Quality Following Declining Financial Results

Bandai Namco announced its financial results for the third quarter of the fiscal year, related to the period between October and December 2023.

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TwoPicklesGood223d ago

So now they will focus on quality? lol

blackblades223d ago

To be fair, they the only ones. Square and other Japanese devs been lacking is quality for a long time and they made up for it in good games.

SilentZeroX223d ago

Capcom, Nintendo, and Atlus are far better than Bandai, and you can't really count FromSoftware as one of Bandai's studios.

blackblades223d ago

@silent yeah I know, i ment to put a few. Example square gives quality to FF, with SO and valkyrie nope. Koei quality been eh but there games are fun. Its not just Japanese though.

1Victor223d ago

Good let’s hope others follow them before the industry get too close to collapsing again.

-Foxtrot223d ago

Yeah…when they realised we’re not all massive suckers

Pepsi_Man3000223d ago

Absolutely insane that quality wasn't already a focus

H9223d ago

That's the most insane statement I have ever heard, it's basically saying "from now on we will try to make good games"

CrimsonWing69223d ago

I mean, why in the f*ck wasn’t this the priority from the get-go? Now that you see consumers aren’t going to swallow up your dribble for full price you have to make the announcement that you’re focused on making “quality” games now? What a joke.

jznrpg223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Quality should always be the focus and that will get you $$$$. Though I have to say Bandai Namco has made some great games but some of their anime stuff could be better quality

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Digital Foundry's Best Games of 2023: The John Linneman Collection

Digital Foundry : It's been another fantastic year for game quality and as is the Digital Foundry tradition, staff members step forward to deliver their own picks for their favourite titles of the year. For 2023, we're kicking off with John Linneman's personal selection and - spoilers! - you should expect to see a number of games here we didn't cover across the year.

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