
Whether you like the RPG era or not, you should play Assassin’s Creed Mirage - The Loadout

Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Mirage is a wonderful balance between the series’ past and the series’ RPG-heavy present that Xbox and PS5 players just need to play.

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LostPotato318d ago

What Bull-crap the RPG Era versions are their highest selling games in the series. Old fans can go eat crow.

Good thing the next larger sequel will continue the RPG trend.


Playing through AC Odyssey right now (trying to get it out of the way before BG3 and Persona 3: Reload hit Xbox) and 127 hours in, it's my favorite in the series. I hope Ubisoft keeps building on the RPG trend.

shinoff2183318d ago

Eh, don't care much for any of the assassins creeds games so old school or so called rpg Era ones. Nah

Chocoburger318d ago (Edited 318d ago )

As a former fan of the franchise, nope, I won't play it.

- Worthless plots that go nowhere.

- Filler quests, with modern games having less mission variety than the older games.

- Laziest game design with boring skill trees that too many developers rely on these days.

- Ubisoft has been too greedy for too long intentionally releasing unpolished or downright unfinished games to make a quick buck for Black Friday sales. They keep increasing their prices for collectors editions as well even though they don't add anything of value year to year.

Ubisoft has burned a bridge with me, they will not get my money, and more importantly, my time.

phoenixwing317d ago (Edited 317d ago )

My main annoyance with them is the booster experience packs being needed to make the progress not feel slow. So instead of paying more I chose not to play and I'm not buying future games. Otherwise I would like the games but they don't respect my time

jambola317d ago

It's Ubisoft
Wait for a sale


Assassin’s Creeds' Cutscenes And Voicelines Have Digressed Over Time

Assassin’s Creed has always been a staple for good cutscenes that engage the audience. However, it's grown lacking of the latter now.

Chocoburger2d ago

The story was at its most interesting early in the series, but has eventually ended up spinning its wheels going nowhere. The games don't feel linked together anymore. This is to make it easier to constantly churn out endless sequels.

gold_drake12h ago

absolutely agree.

it was so interesting and then ..

montebristo9h ago

The smaller more intimate maps and historic references are lost. The setting used to be a character in AC. Now it’s just a massive empty shell of its former self.


Almost every Assassin's Creed game is $12 or less — get them cheap

There's never been a better time to get into Assassin's Creed thanks to these deals.

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CobraKai9d ago

Im so behind on AC. I gotta start up Brotherhood 😄

anast9d ago

I got Odyssey and Mirage to play still.

CobraKai9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

Ha. At least youre in the more current side of AC.

The_Hooligan8d ago

Last one i played was origin. I am also behind on AC games.

anast8d ago


The older ones are kind of a chore. I did enjoy Syndicate and Unity, though.


I had a good time with Origins for the most part.

anast9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

If they are all Gold versions, it's definitely worth it.

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

Waste of money, after the Desmond story arch, but even worse is that its a waste of time. The franchise is just spinning its wheels going nowhere. The further you progress through the series, the more 'corporate' it begins to feel, until its nothing but an empty husk, begging for you to spend money on its micro-trash-action store. There are loading screens in Origins informing you that if you spend money on "fun costumes" you'll feel better! Despicable.

Save your time for something better. Modern day Ubisoft is garbage.

MeatyUrologist8d ago

To each their own I guess? I really enjoyed them up until odyssey and valhalla was decent. I still really enjoy exploring the massive detailed worlds and the characters, stories, gear, and combat.

I have never once been swayed by a loading screen trying to get me to buy DLC as these games have 10x more content than you would ever see anyway. I do agree the series seems to be going the wrong direction at the moment, but would still highly recommend origins, odyssey, and to a lesser extent, valhalla if you enjoy adventure and exploration games.

gold_drake8d ago

not every AC game is worth playing tho ha.

i feel like it stopped being good after 3. and 3 was even a stretch.

1 and 2 tho? amazing.


Assassin's Creed Mirage - Launch Trailer for iOS | Ubisoft Forward

Play the beginning of the game now for free and discover Basim's journey on the go! For a limited time*, any player who wishes to pursue the adventure can buy the game at a 50% discount.