
PS5 vs Xbox Series X|S Sales Comparison - June 2023

June 2023 is the 32nd month the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S has been available for. In the latest month, the gap grew in favor of the PlayStation 5 when compared to the aligned launch of the Xbox Series X|S by 0.92 million units.

In the last 12 months, the PlayStation 5 has outsold the Xbox Series X|S by 10.59 million units. The PlayStation 5 is currently ahead by 17.28 million units.

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Markdn351d ago

Is this news any more, I want to know the series x series s split? That's the numbers which would be interesting.

anast350d ago

I would say the S by a large margin, which why they came out and said they weren't going to make any games exclusively for the SX.

wiz7191350d ago

@anast Why would they do that though ? That would be a terrible business move and will alienate consumers ..

andy85350d ago

Series X by itself is likely under 10 million

Berenger350d ago

Most likely barely above that, for sure. Right around Redfall launch, Phil said the Series S was over half their base, so it's pretty reasonable to say Series X could potentially be 10 million (maybe even less)
Which is also why they revamped the S model. It's really the only one selling.

350d ago Replies(2)
phoenixwing350d ago (Edited 350d ago )

Either they're bots or alt accounts

Edit: just thought of a third possibility being they got hacked

darthv72350d ago

oh no you didn't! don't include me in this!

fr0sty350d ago

Lol.....sorry man, was too good to resist. Thought I would keep the wierdness going 😂

Charlieboy333350d ago (Edited 350d ago )

Either they're bots or alt accounts

Edit: just thought of a third possibility being they got hacked

badz149350d ago

oh no you didn't! don't include me in this!

Charlieboy333350d ago

Lol.....sorry man, was too good to resist. Thought I would keep the wierdness going 😂

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CobraKai7m ago

I love this game. It just keeps on giving


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andy856m ago(Edited 6m ago)

What bugs me (and don't get me wrong I appreciate free updates) but they say skipped a month to bring a decent update...but I'd done the new races and bought the new cars within 45 mins. Doesn't seem that substantial