
PS5 Shipped 41.7 Million Units as Sales Grow Significantly & Profits Drop Due to Acquisition Costs

Sony just released its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year, including an update on PS5 shipments and more.

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sparky77295d ago

Wow despite decent hardware sales Sony still isn't making much money, it's no wonder they are cutting consoles prices everywhere and going 95% GaaS.

What's interesting is that PS as a whole made $0.652bn profit this quarter while ABK made $1.38bn. If MS owned ABK, Xbox would comfortably be making more profit than Playstation.

shadowT295d ago

since the Activision transaction was valued $68.7 billion, it will take some decades to get this investment profitable.

sparky77295d ago

MS brought ABK not Xbox. And MS make around $20bl profit every quarter, they will make the money back by the end of the year :)

sparky77295d ago

Also to add to my above to point because it seems this narrative that MS needs to make this "investment profitable" keeps coming up. Phil actually responded to this exact point during the FTC trial and gave a good example. If you buy a $1ml house and buy it with cash, once you own it do you think to yourself "I need to make that $1ml back now that I brought this"? No you don't because you brought and now own that asset, that asset is now part of your net worth/value so everyday you live in that house you are getting your money worth. It's the same with ABK, they will make their money back by the end of the year but that doesn't even matter since the $70bl value is now part of MS's value.

Christopher295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

@sparky77: So it's good that MS has to prop up Xbox and bad that PS has to prop up Sony? Weird logic.

sparky77295d ago

If the way MS props up Xbox is by acquiring companies to make more games on Game Pass yeah that is good.

If the way Sony props up PS is by making more GaaS games instead of single-player yeah that's bad unless you like GaaS of course.

295d ago
Christopher295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

*** If the way MS props up Xbox is by acquiring companies to make more games on Game Pass yeah that is good. ***

The amount of risk involved in this purchase and reliance on Game Pass taking off as well as getting off hardware consoles and into subscription service completely ignored.

You go from an argument about profits to an argument that ignores all of that because you get more games on your subscription service. This isn't an argument, this is a deflection.

*** So, tell me again who is the one doing GAAS, and we all know Starfield is going to be GAAS'd up with MTX DLC and PAID MODS. ***

They've said otherwise, actually.

*** EDIT: And it's funny you call out ABK profits as a positive when all that money is made from GAAS selling MTX in COD. ***

This is pretty accurate, let alone the most profitable and performing games out of Xbox are also GaaS games. But, bad when Sony do it.

__SteakDeck__295d ago

@FoxQ It’s sparky, he’s a weirdo. He always comments negatively on PS. Lol

itsmebryan295d ago

That is not how investments work. I buy real estate. Say I buy a house for $50,000 and rent it for $1000 a month by your logic it takes me 50 months to recoup my money. That's the wrong way to think about it. Because if the value goes up or stays the same I can sell the property for what I paid for it or more in the future plus, I keep all the money I got paid for rent.
This is a long term investment . They bought this for cash. This investments will make them more yearly then the would make just sitting in the bank.

sparky77295d ago

I wouldn't bother trying to explain, it's quite clear from all the comments that next to no one on this site has much business knowledge lol

Christopher295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

***Because if the value goes up or stays the same I can sell the property for what I paid for it or more in the future plus, I keep all the money I got paid for rent. ***

Sure, kind of like what Elon can do with X.

And you don't keep all that rent money. You have to fix any issues in the house, you have to pay any property fees, you have to pay taxes, etc. Let alone you also have to find and get tenants or pay a company to do that for you. Heck, didn't even go into insurance for the house and as a rentee.

There's a lot involved in renting, even more in what Microsoft is doing that looking at just the cost to buy the company isn't even the cost at all and how much you'll have to continue to pay to keep it at that value let alone try to increase the value.

Mr_cheese295d ago

Bright sparks at it again.

Always ready to offer his enlightening take...

fr0sty295d ago

So, let's get this convoluted logic straight...

"PS as a whole made .62B, ABK made 1.38B"

OK, so the goal posts are PS' profits, but not Sony's, and ABK's Profits, but not MS...

"If MS owned ABK, Xbox (not MS) would be making more than PlayStation (Not Sony)"

And we're completely ignoring the 68 billion MS is on the hole for the purchase of ABK...

"MS bought ABK, not Xbox (which admits that it has, in their own words, lost the console wars). MS Makes 20b every quarter (and buying ABK erases almost a full year of the entire company's profits.)"

So now we're no longer just talking about Xbox and PlayStation, the goal posts have moved to MS as a whole, because ol' sparky knows he can't keep the argument in the realm of Xbox anymore and is now grasping at straws in order to try to prove his weak point.

You're twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to justify a losing position.

glennhkboy294d ago

Not decades, maybe a couple of years. Theoretically MS can pay for the 68.7 billion cost with cash from a couple months of GamePass subscription fee.

Redemption-64294d ago


Not decades, maybe a couple of years. Theoretically MS can pay for the 68.7 billion cost with cash from a couple months of GamePass subscription fee

Where are you getting this made up logic from? Did you fail 1st grade math? Theoretically MS cannot pay for the 68.7 billion cost with cash from a couple months of GamePass subscription fee

S2Killinit294d ago

It took Sparky ten comments to say “Im not very logical and I love MS”

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 294d ago
Charlieboy333295d ago

@ Sparky ABK made $1.38bn as they are NOW. How sure are you that this trend will continue once Microsoft infects them and drags the quality and budgets down to their usual standard....everything to be viable as gamepass 'value' content with MT's out the ass.

Crows90295d ago

Not to mention they make that money based on being multiplatform games. Once they become exclusive and remove platforms then the money goes down even more

DOMination-295d ago

As they are NOW... ABK are hardly the shining light of the games industry.

Most of their games already have MTs and as for MS "usual standard" when it comes to budgets.. weren't you guys saying Halo Infinite cost $500m..? :D

As for losing revenue by making games exclusive.. well yes but what's your point? If Sony made their games for Xbox they'd make more money too. The whole point of exclusives is to create a USP for your platform and if they are good, it means more hardware sales, more software sales, more accessory sales and more subscription sales. In addition to this, they make ALL the money when selling a first party game on their own platform whereas they have to pay licensing to release on other consoles and Sony take a 30% cut.

Basically - The Exclusives vs. Multiplat debate is nowhere near as simple as you think it is. Nobody would ever suggest MS will recoup that overnight, but if they can start delivering on their promises of regular quality games (and yes, that's a very big if right now), then these purchases will start to pay off for their ecosystem.

Charlieboy333294d ago

@DOM I didn't just mention budget. I mentioned quality as well. Is Halo Infinite 'quality' to you? No, it is pathetic from Microsoft first party after 6+ years. The fact that they spent 500 mil on that fuck up makes it more pathetic.....not something to brag about

Eonjay295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

Please stop the spam.

295d ago
P_Bomb295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

Tis a lotta doom before breakfast, heh! Article is more positive than the comments would suggest tho.

295d ago
295d ago
IRetrouk295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

Xbox don't post their profits, only revenue lol
They had their quarter results last month...
Playstation has been beating them constantly, on console sales, game sales, network and services.... yet you think they will profit more than playstation, interesting take I suppose🤷🏻‍♂️ 🤣

Vengeance1138295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

You realize that Xbox would be making even less money right with much fewer game sales and next to zero hardware sales lol and a massive cost in acquisitions that will take them an eternity to get back.
Call of Duty should be quite the dead series shortly after MS gets its hands on it.

MS puts all their low budget slop on a lazy sub service hoping for people to forget to cancel... That's bad
Sony funds top tier engaging Gaas to be enjoyed and played for years... That's good!

Aloymetal295d ago

"If MS owned ABK, Xbox would comfortably be making more profit than Playstation."
All of you are so predictable with your posts and opinions, it's always who's making more money and who has more in the bank but never about who's making great games all the time. Keep counting how much $ MS will make and we on the blue side will be counting how many goty contender games we as GAMERS (and not STOCK holders) get to play.

Eonjay295d ago

He knows all this. He is being toxic. It's part of the brand.

ChasterMies295d ago

“If MS owned ABK, Xbox would comfortably be making more profit than Playstation.”

A $70B acquisition is a profit killer. Regardless, Xbox is but a mere business unit of Microsoft. Microsoft as a whole is profit monster, and it’s the profits from OS, Office, and cloud storage that lets Microsoft throw money at Xbox.

TheCaptainKuchiki295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

The worst take I've read today.
Do yourself a favor and stop thinking about things that are clearly beyond your understanding.

Redemption-64295d ago

That is a lot of salt and copium

crazyCoconuts295d ago

You're missing the bigger picture. Sony's profits dropped due to acquisition costs. Not because Bungie wasn't profitable. But because of the purchase price of the acquisition and the associated costs with bringing them into the fold.
What you should be realizing is that MS will have much bigger costs with ABK because it's a MUCH bigger purchase and a bigger entity.

anast295d ago

This is in the running for the dumbest take of the month.

S2Killinit295d ago (Edited 295d ago )

What a weird comment. At least get your math right.
Sony already made a profit AFTER cost of acquisitions. MS has to pay of 68 BILLION to be where Sony is at right now.

DarXyde295d ago

I can hear your pants shrinking through the internet 🙄

1. I'm not too thrilled with Sony at the moment, but don't you think it's really premature to say they're going "95% GaaS"? I see that much of their new studios are like Haven and Bungie. Convenient, as you ignore Guerilla, Insomniac, Naughty Dog (who is making one such game but also one that is not), Sucker Punch, and others.

2. As you said, MS *bought ABK, not Xbox. So with ABK, Microsoft would "comfortably be making more money than PlayStation", not Xbox.

3. Don't be too quick to be proud of a corporation's profits. You probably don't care, but the vultures at Microsoft literally laid off more people after the FTC hearing. Gross, but at least you get Call of Duty on Game Pass.

shinoff2183295d ago

I've slammed Sony for the gaas shit but sparky 95 percent. Lol your reaching so damn hard

Sonic1881295d ago

Another negative troll comment from Sparky77. I'm not surprised

Chevalier294d ago

Sparky only shows a spark in the darkness, definitely not bright though. Literally the dumbest take possible. Bright as a dead light bulb

BehindTheRows295d ago

Folks, this is sparky…. Why is anyone even engaging him? Sony is killing it right now and this is the nonsense he comes up with. Don’t waste the energy!

OT: Of course, they continue to kill it!

WelkinCole295d ago

Seriously man. Dont go into business

ziggyzinfirion294d ago

@sparky77 That is probably the most dumbest take, seriously.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 294d ago
Aloymetal295d ago

VGchartz should update their "estimated" numbers for PS5, they're about 2 millions behind.

ChasterMies295d ago

There is a gap between shipped an sold. But then we all know that every PS5 shipped will sell.

DashMad294d ago

No need PS5 is 40 million sold through and 41,7 million shipped and Vgchartz number was July 1 number they're pretty accurate .

Hereandthere295d ago

There's no competition really, Xbox is awful, the controller is 3 gens old tech, series x is held back by series s, low budget 1st party games. So ps5 really is the ONLY next gen console and controller on the market. Sad to see how far xbox has fallen due to gamepass and teaching their players that its ok not to buy games.

DefenderOfDoom2295d ago

"PlayStation Network has 108 million active users" That seems pretty good .

PaleMoonDeath294d ago

Bought my PS5 today, from £480 to £400? you're damn right I am snatching it up! feels so slick, downloading games all day today also, that £400 mark is a sweeeet point, all my friends are latching on and their PC folks, gotta take advantage!

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Cheat Provider To Pay Call Of Duty Creator Activision Nearly $15M In Damages

Cheat software provider EngineOwning will pay Call of Duty creator Activision nearly $15 million in damages and legal fees.

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Jin_Sakai40m ago

Cheat providers for competitive games should be illegal.

Garethvk4h ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack1h ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

Relientk774h ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long4h ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk4h ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

RaidenBlack1h ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast11m ago(Edited 11m ago)

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius3h ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer19922h ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack1h ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist1h ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

Garethvk3h ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX3h ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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PlayStation Has Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Category for In-Development Project

While Sony hasn’t revealed what some of its first-party studios like Housemarque is cooking currently, the company has revealed what focus they’re aiming for at the very least.

senorfartcushion5h ago

If it's live service it's a "no" from me. I'll take a Days Gone sequel though...

Cacabunga5h ago

It’s confirmed Bend Studio next game is gaas… what a shame!

And why Returnal thumbnail?

Crows903h ago

That's what I was thinking....

outsider16242h ago

Well this sucks. I just completed Days Gone last week and going through new game plus...and my God..i just love this game.

Days gone 2 would have improved a lot of features over it. God damn it Sony!!!

Tacoboto1h ago


Because the real headline in the article is:

"PlayStation Lists Housemarque in “Single-Player, Narrative-Driven Focus”; Bend Studio in “Evolving, Multi-Genre” Categories for In-Development Projects"

Kind of an odd way to have posted the article here with that title and description.

cthulhucultist5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

According to this article


"In today's Business Segment Meeting 2024 for its Game & Network Services Segment, Sony confirmed the names of the seven studios focusing on single-player games with a narrative focus - Asobi, Insomniac Games, Santa Monica Studio, Sucker Punch, Naughty Dog, Firesprite and Housemarque, and the nine working on pure live service games or hybrid titles - Bungie, San Diego Studio, Firewalk, Haven and Neon Koi for pure live service games and Guerrilla Games, Polyphony, Media Molecule and Bend Studio. "


it seems that Bend was placed in the live service game category

Psychonaut855h ago

Glad Housemarque isn’t doing live service. And Guerrilla is doing a hybrid title? Wonder what that’s gunna look like. Makes me nervous

-Foxtrot5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Seven for single player but nine for GaaS

Come on Sony…sigh

You don’t need 9 GaaS titles. It’s over saturation and competing for players time with your own studios

cthulhucultist5h ago

I am also curious about that one. Guerrilla is a top tier developer, and I like their single player games.

I really hope they dont ruin this

RpgSama4h ago

Bend, Media Molecule, Polyphony and Guerrilla on "Hybrid" titles? I wonder what they call Hybrid, PvP? PvE? Single player AND multiplayer? Hopefully we will know soon.

The_Hooligan4h ago

@Psychonaut85 and cthulhucultist

I think the rumors said they were working on Horizon multiplayer game.

Cacabunga3h ago

I will boycott every single one of the gaas games.. i do not want that shit. If i want to replay them in a few years there is no way because the servers will be down. Forget it, even if it’s GT and Killzone

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3h ago
-Foxtrot5h ago

The funny thing is the cancelled sequel to Days Gone sounded like they were pitching this online co-op focused game which just didn’t sound appealing to me at all

I loved the first game despite its flaws but the sequel needed work yet they wanted to jump to online and co-op…that’s a massive red flag. Sort your main issues first before trying to do more complicated things.


If Helldivers 2 is anything to go by, and I think it is, then GaaS can clearly work if they aren’t designed to milk the community slowly with diminishing quality of follow up content.

S2Killinit4h ago

I’ll play anything they make that is a GOOD game. I play single player games mainly but I am not opposed to any genre as long as it is good.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1h ago
CrimsonWing695h ago

I’m not going to war with people who like GaaS. Lord knows everyone went apesh*t for Helldivers 2, but I will never buy a GaaS game and while PS5 is my system of choice I will not support Sony games that go in this direction.

I hate it, I don’t care how much Helldivers 2 was “GaaS done right,” and if the argument is these are the only way for the industry to make profit then all I have to say is something has gone terribly terribly wrong.

On the flip side I guess I’ll start saving more money if it’s mostly going to be GaaS games.

Crows903h ago

There's nothing inherently wrong with a multiplayer only game....but for fucks sake don't make me have to pay more. If they got those shitty mtx out then it would be fine. Release big dlcs every year or so...but instead these gaas oriented constipated individuals had to push monetization where it is easiest...online multiplayer games were the target.

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

MP only games are fine, GaaS is my issue.

You literally have to ask yourself why choose the GaaS model over a traditional game model, even if the game is MP only? There’s literally only one reason GaaS exists and the same reason it’s being chosen over traditionally made games.

MP only games are fine and in the past they existed without being GaaS. Again, my only issue is with the GaaS model and no matter how “good” it is, it still only exists to generate recurring revenue through battle passes, microtransactions, and hoping to string you along for an eventual “finished” product at some point before they shut the servers down and make it completely unplayable.

-Foxtrot3h ago

Yeah it's sad that one GaaS game comes out that isn't built as bad as the others and suddenly everyone is fine and dandy with them.

Helldivers 2 is still a GaaS game, there's no beating around the bush.

There's still a ton of people playing but from my friend circle and people at work, they've all went back to other games like Call of Duty, Rainbow Six Siege or Apex for example. The sparkle it had wore off pretty quickly.

Sony will bring all these GaaS titles out and all it will do is split the audience of their other released GaaS titles. Sooner or later they'll be competing against one another. It's insane thinking.

jznrpg4h ago

Bend has said they are making a multiplayer game for a while now. What that entails we have no idea yet

Demetrius4h ago

Online only title already been confirmed, sad to say but I'm not keeping in tune with this, idk why most devs hype up live service games after seeing the amount of failures past online titles caused for others smh DOA

ZwVw2h ago

Stop hosing Bend around and have them make a new Syphon Filter (or Days Gone 2) entry already.

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